That Teasing Game

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize does not belong to me. But it would be totally awesome if it did

It had started at the beginning of the Christmas Holiday.

James was patrolling the Hogwarts Express one last time with Lily to make sure everyone had gotten off of the train safely. Noting that no one else was on board, James pulled Lily into an empty compartment. He smiled slightly as his girlfriend, caught off guard by his sudden tug, tripped into him. James, however, didn't budge from the spot; instead he pulled her in tenderly for a kiss. He adored kissing Lily, and he never missed an opportunity to snog her senseless.

When he released her, she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him, her slender fingers lightly scratching at his back. He rested his head on top of hers. "I'm going to miss you during the next few weeks." He sighed into her hair. Oh, how he loved her hair.

"It's not that long, James." She pulled half way out of his embrace, met his eyes and smiled, "Besides, you're coming over for dinner in a few days."

"Yes, and as much as I'm looking forward to meeting your family, I'm afraid I'm going to die."

"Oh come on!" She said, exasperated. "You're not still letting that get to you, are you?"

"Lily! It's not easy to forget something like that!" said James, his eyes going wide with fear.

"You know Sirius was exaggerating, my Dad is not that big and scary!"

James thought on this for a moment. Sirius did love to make James uncomfortable. But on the other hand he was his best mate, and seemed rather sincere when he described the mass that was Lily's father. Was Sirius just trying to make him fret over nothing? Or was it a genuine warning?

James was pulled out of his thinking trance by the sound of Lily lightly giggling at him. "James." She said taking his head into her hands, "My Dad is a nice guy."

"Well, obviously he's nice to you, Lily! What if he sees me touching you and his instincts kick in and he kills me?"

"Well yeah, we can't just start snoggning in the middle of the kitchen" Lily rolled her eyes, "but it's not like my Dad is going to throttle you if you hold my hand."

"Don't say things like that, you're going to scare me away!" James said, panicked. "Is he someone capable of throttling me?!" James felt his voice getting higher and made a mental note to try and tone it down.

"What, you're not afraid to take on a bunch of Death Eater Slytherins for calling me some pointless name, but you're afraid of my Dad?" she apparently still thought this was funny because she giggled.

"That's because I can use this little thing called magic to defend my girlfriend's honor. I'm pretty sure imperiusing your dad in to liking me would only work out temporarily."

"You know what I think?" Lily asked.

"What do you think, Miss Evans?" He replied, wrapping his arms around her again, both hands placed firmly on her lower back.

"I think you're looking forward to it. I think you want to come."

James knew she meant absolutely nothing dirty by this, but he just couldn't let the opportunity pass him by. "Lily dearest, I always want to do that when I'm with you." For good measure he added a wink and a smirk.

"That is not what I meant!" She thumped him playfully on the chest.

James laughed, deciding to be even more obnoxious he started swinging his arms around her from side to side and pulling her this way and that so she lost her balance. Putting on his most desperate voice he wailed, "How will I ever do it without you!"

James looked down at Lily with a huge grin as he laughed at his own actions. She looked at him with an amused smile on her lips. "You're goofy."

Then, with one of the most seductive voices he had ever heard her use, Lily added, "But really…I think you can manage without me until then…" and she slid her hands purposefully over the front of his trousers.

James twitched. Merlin she was going to be the death of him. "Now, Lily" he started in a mock serious tone, "that kind of behavior is not acceptable from the Head Girl."

"Which kind of behavior?" She asked innocently as she repeated the action, this time lingering with a bit more friction. At this, James definitely felt himself beginning to harden. They didn't have enough time still left on the train for this to lead anywhere he wanted it to go. "Lily…" he trailed off warningly.

"Oh!" She gasped in mock innocence, "this kind of behavior?" And this time James could not stop his hips from bucking forward slightly against her hands.

"Yes, you bloody tease, now let's go before someone comes to check on us." However he did not pull away from her hands. The pressure and the warmth of the contact felt amazing against his member.

"But James," she started, now keeping a constant rhythm with her hand against the front of his trousers, "I just want to give you something to remember."

James groaned, Merlin how he wanted to take her right then and there. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned in, and ghosted her lips against his, James closed his eyes. She kissed him slowly and deliberately, never giving in to his need for more. In his horny state he felt her arms leave his neck and anticipated them again going to his trousers. However, when this contact never came, and her lips never returned to his, he opened his eyes to see his girlfriend standing at the entrance of the compartment with the door open. She reached forward and tugged at his arm and before James knew what was happening she was leading him onto the platform in his hot and bothered state.

Under the pretense of giving her a hug, he whispered into her ear, "You're a little minx. Did you know that?"

"No idea what you're talking about." But Lily's face gave her away, cracking into a huge grin.

"See you in a few days for dinner, James. Don't be late!" And with that she apparated off of the platform, leaving James on his own to deal with his situation.

A/N: What do you guys think? Should I keep writing new chapters?