Disclaimer- I do not own Detective Conan or Magic Kaitou

Chapter 4 Bonding

It was finally the weekend and Aoko couldn't be happier. The heist left Aoko drained and wounded. With the appearance of Wolf, Cheetah and Snake, she knew things would become very difficult from here on out. Aoko rubbed the crossbow bolt wound lightly and blushed when she remember Kaito treating her. He was so gentle, so caring, so soothing. She had only seen that side of Kaito a few times. One time was when they first met. It was the first time they met. 'Hi! I'm Kaito Kuroba. nice to meet you!' That was the first time Aoko and Kaito met, with a rose in his hand. The two of them became inseparable, always hanging out together, playing together, and fought together.

Flashback- Eight years ago

"K-kaito..." Aoko looked at her best friend. The two of them were in Kaito's room. "It's... It's okay to crying, I won't think any less of you."The eight year old Kaito said nothing. "Please say something... I want my best friend back. I know what it's like to-"

"You know nothing!" Kaito snapped. "My tou-chan wasn't just my tou-chan, he was my hero! I looked up to him! I wanted to be like him! The best magician in the world! You don't know what it's like to lose someone!" Kaito yelled angrily at Aoko, then his eyes soften. "I'm sorry..." He muttered.

"I never knew my okaa-chan..." That shocked Kaito. "Every time I ask about her, otou-san becomes so sad... I can remember her just barely .. My otou-san said that she was a very strong woman and loving... I hope someday I can become as strong as her!" Aoko cheered then fell silent. Just then, Kaito hugged Aoko tightly.

"Let's just be ourselves..." Kaito mumbled. The two held each other for a few minutes before letting go of each other. "I will become the best magician in the world!" Kaito exclaimed.

"For your tou-san?" Aoko asked.

"For me!" Kaito pointed his thumb at himself. "I'm going to make tou-chan proud..." Kaito smiled.

End of flashback

Aoko's flashback ended when there was a knocking at the door. The high school student walked over to the door and opened the door. She sees her neighbor of three years, her name was Miyako Masuyo. The young woman was in her twenties and holding her baby. "Aoko-chan I need a huge favor!" The woman said quickly.

"What's wrong?" Aoko asked.

"My husband was hurt at work and rushed to the hospital, can you watch Yukari." Miyako requested.

"Your baby...?" Aoko looked at the one year old in pink footy pjs and dark brown hair down to her neck. The baby stared at Aoko with wonder. "Sure, I can help you Miyako-san!" The older woman leads Aoko to Miyako's house. The Masuyo household looked perfectly clean. "Do you know what to do?" Miyako asked. Aoko nodded.

"Yeah. Me and Kaito did one of those projects on taking care of a child, of course it was fake." Aoko explained.

"Okay, I need to see my husband. I'll be back in two hours!" Miyako hands Aoko the baby and runs out the door. When Miyako left, Aoko played with Yukari. The young high school student enjoyed the little baby's company. Aoko wondered what it would be like to give birth to a child and become a mother. 'It must be difficult... Maybe I should ask obaa-san.' Aoko thought as she played with the little baby. "What do you think, can Aoko be a great kaa-chan." Yukari flailed her arms up and down. "I wish I knew what that means. Is it nap time?" Aoko picked up Yukari and carried her to the baby's room and laid her down.

"Looks like I was right." Aoko whispered as she laid Yukari down in her crib, the baby closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Aoko lightly closed the door and sat on the couch. She grabbed a book and started to read. After ten minutes of reading, Aoko heard the sound of clanking metal. The sound was light and soft. She looked up and heard the noise coming from the door. She looked through the peep hole and saw someone trying to break into the house. The man was wearing a thick heavy coat, a medical mask, sunglasses, and a baseball cap. The man was picking the lock.

'I got to get Yukari-chan out of here!' Aoko quickly and quietly ran to the baby's room and grabbed Yukari gently. Aoko then heard the door open. The young woman grabbed a small leather bag, opened the window and slipped out of the house then closed the window. 'I got to get somewhere safe!' She looked at Yukari. Who could she go to for safety.

Elsewhere (1:20PM)

Saguru typed on the computer keyboard in his grandfathers lab. The detective got a hold of the blood of the phantom lady and he was trying to find out who is she. "Maybe I can talk to the phantom lady and get her to stop this life of crime." Saguru words betrayed him. "All you three care about is prestige... You three are... Blind... Not looking at the bigger picture." He remembered the words of the phantom lady. Those words made him wonder. This bigger picture must be the assassins that have tried to kill him and Kid. If he recalls correctly, the man that has tried to kill Kid was someone named Snake.

"Match found!" The computer pinged.

"Perfect!" Saguru opened the result page and froze. "No... It's got to be a fluke, a fluke in the system... It can't be her!" He tried again but got the same results.

Aoko Nakamouri.

Saguru stared at the screen blankly, he couldn't believe his eyes. The one and only girl that hates Kaitou Kid is helping him. "I can't confront her, she'll just deny everything..." Saguru begins to think of a way to approach Aoko. Just then, the lab phone rings. Saguru goes over to the phone and answers it.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Bocchama, a girl is here to see you." Saguru's caretaker said.

"A girl?" Saguru got up and made his way upstairs and into the study. He's shocked to see Aoko, sitting on the couch, trying to calm down a baby.

"Shhh... It's okay, it's okay... The bad man isn't going to hurt us, shhh..." She rocked the baby back and forth. "Hakabu-kun, I need your help."

"What's wrong Aoko-kun?" He asked. As Aoko was about to answer that question, her phone rang.


"AOKO! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" It was her father.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Aoko asked.

"The Masuyo house was ransacked! How did you get out of the house!?"

"The window in the baby's room. Will me and Yukari be alright?" She asked worried.

"Just stay there for a while alright!" Nakamouri commanded.

"Okay..." She hangs up.

'Maybe Aoko-kun found out about Kuroba being Kid and decided to help him. It's true that Aoko-kun does have feelings for Kuroba' Saguru thought sadly. "What was that about Aoko-kun?" He asked.

"I was babysitting Yukari-chan. I laid down Yukari-chan for a nap, then I heard someone trying to break into the house. I was scared so I picked up Yukari-chan and ran away." Aoko explained. "Someone was trying to break into the house. I figured that you could help me." Aoko explained. "I was scared that the man would hurt Yukari-chan." She cradled the baby.

"Don't worry Aoko-kun, no one will hurt you and Yukari-chan." Saguru said defensively. The baby looked at Saguru and had a fearful look on her face. 'Oh no...' Tears welled up in Yukari's eyes and she began to cry and flailed her arms and legs around.

"Oh no! Shh... It's okay." Aoko rocked her back and forth again but this time singed a lullaby. Yukari still was tense. "What's wrong? Are you hungry?" She grabbed a bottle of milk and fed Yukari.

"You're a natural kaa-san." Saguru commented.

"I learned from a class back in middle school. It wasn't that hard for me and Kaito... But..." Aoko looked at the baby in her arms. "I don't think I could go through all of that pain..." Aoko trailed off. The detective understood what she was talking about.

"But isn't it worth it in the end?" He asked. Aoko looked down at the baby drinking from the bottle.

"Yes... It is..." Aoko smiled as she held Yukari close. Saguru left Aoko alone with Yukari. It didn't feel right confronting her like this, it just felt wrong. The doorbell rang five times very quickly. "Who could that be?" He made his way to his door and opened it and saw Kaito. "Kuroba, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Where's Aoko." He demanded hastily.

"Inside, come in..." Kaito moves pass Saguru and meets with Aoko. The teenage detective watches as Kaito sat down and played with Yukari. The baby giggled as Kaito played with her. Hours later, after the baby fell asleep, the man was caught by the police. It seems that the man was going to kidnap Yukari then hold her for ransom.

In the dead of night, the Kaitou Kid stood atop a tall building. The thief has been worried all day about the phantom lady. All day he was looking for her but he could find his ally. When he heard that Aoko was in trouble he dropped what he was doing and looked for Aoko. Just then, a voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry I disappeared." Kaitou turned and saw the phantom lady.

"How are you?" He asked in a caring tone.

"Much better... Thanks to you." The lady walked up to the fellow phantom. She got close enough to see his young face, but Kaitou steps away. "Don't..." The phantom lady's hand reaches up to his left side of his face. "Why couldn't we live a normal life. Not thieves, but as simple teenagers..." Her voice cracked.

"You hate doing this don't you?" The Kaitou grasped her hand that was on his face.

"I do, It tears me apart every time It hurts me so much on the inside." She places her left hand on her heart. "But... I have to do this! I have to bring those criminals to justice." The phantom lady said, determined.

"What did Snake do to you?" Kaitou asked.

"He killed my kaa-san..." This shocked Kaitou greatly.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know." Kaitou grasped her smooth face. He looked at the woman that was close to him. He could sense her anguish and pain. "It will be okay. To be honest, I was getting tired of being alone. The fans back me up but they can't really help me, The fangirls want to rip me apart." Kaitou shuddered. "The police and the detectives want to put me in prison and throw away the key and Snake and his group wants me dead... It was hard to stand alone." Kaitou explained.

"Your not alone anymore..." The phantom lady smiled. "You have me."

"I'm glad I do." Kaitou smirked and pulled her into a warm hug. However, there moment was ruined when a spotlight shined down on them. They saw that it was a heilcopter. "Great... Just what we need..." Kaitou complained.

"You don't mind flying me to a safe place do you?" The phantom lady asked.

"No problem, I shall take you to safety ojou-san." Kaitou actives his glider and the two make their escape. The pilot in the heilcopter was ready to pursue when the passenger stopped him.

"Don't worry about them. I got the perfect shot!" The man grinned.

The next day (6:30AM)

Aoko glared at the first page of the newspaper in rage. The article, in bold words reads 'phantom romance!? Do the two thevies share feelings for each other?' Aoko threw the paper in the trash in anger. 'Those stupid paparazzi! They ruined my time with Kaito and there making money off it!' Aoko thought furiously. After she was done fuming, Aoko made her way to school. When she arrived, she saw many of the fangirls crying. 'I guess everyone heard about the phantom lady and Kaitou kid... I guess things won't be so bad!' Aoko smiled and made her way to class. When she sat down, she saw Keiko depressed.

"Keiko, what's wrong?" Aoko asked.

"It's not fair... I always dream of being with Kaitou kid, but then the phantom lady returns and ruins my dreams..." Keiko sighed sadly. Aoko looked over at Akako and saw her glaring menacingly at her. Then over to Saguru, who had a hard look in his eyes, and then to Kaito who looked deep in thought.

'What's up with everyone?' She thought as she took her seat. Little did she know, Akako and Saguru knew who she was while Kaito was trying to unravel the mystery of the phantom lady.

A/N- Will Kaito find out about Aoko? Will Akako make a move? Will Saguru hatch a plan to catch the phantom duo? How will this end and why am I asking so much questions!? Until next time!