Chapter 3

Jim was shown to a luxurious cabin and then left there alone. Spock had gone to the bridge to make sure that everything was running smoothly. Jim wasn't fool enough to believe that the outside of the door was unguarded, however. A prison cell was a prison cell no matter how pretty.

Suddenly, a panel moved open along one of the walls. It looked like a window staring out into space, but Kirk knew better, the picture was too good; it had to be the feed from a camera mounted on the outside. He wondered why it had opened, then, as he watched, the stars slowly began to shift…they were moving!

Faster and faster they went until the stars were no more than a blur on the screen. He was reluctantly entranced. He had always told himself that he never wanted to go out into space, but some part of him had always known that was a lie. Seeing the jump into warp satisfied some craving he hadn't wanted to admit to having.

He was still staring at the screen when the door slid open behind him. His captor walked in and the door shut behind him. "Nice of you to knock." Jim spat.

"Whoever knocks when entering their own room?" Spock said as he started to take off the blazer he had worn to give the press conference. He pushed it down what had to be a laundry chute.

"If this is your room, why am I here? I was told that this is where I would be staying."

Spock gave him a look that almost chided his naïveté; it then changed to a smirk as realization dawned on Kirk's face. "You wouldn't!" He gasped.

"I wouldn't what?" Spock asked as he stalked closer.

"Well, it is just that I had never pegged you as a rapist." Jim said with as much bravado as he could muster.

Spock walked close and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "Why not? You seemed to have no problem accusing me of much worse, if I recall. But put your mind at ease, when you come to my bed it will be of your own free will." Then without warning he kissed Kirk for all he was worth. He didn't even have time to put up a fight before he got lost in Spock's kiss.

He shuddered and his knees almost went out from under him and Spock wrapped his arms around him to keep him from falling. He had never felt anything like this. When the kiss finally broke, it was Spock who ended it. Kirk blushed as it took him a few seconds to get his feet under him again. "Why?" Kirk finally asked as he pulled away from the smug Vulcan.

"You know why, if your pursuit of me carried anymore sexual overtones you would have been accused of writing erotica instead of articles." Spock walked up to him and drew him close again, "And I am no better." He said softly. "I don't know why, but we sparked like fire from the moment we met and I am growing tired of the chase."

Kirk tried to search his mind for excuses, but he was having trouble. "But I hate you, you are corrupt and ruthless."

"Not really, I am…practical, I guess you could say."

"But what about all of those people you've killed, your competitors?" Kirk asked.

"Oh, they aren't dead, just very well paid off. You see, it isn't a monopoly if no one else chooses to compete with you." Spock explained as his hands began to stroke up and down Kirk's back.

Jim couldn't have made himself move if he tried and that was something he wasn't quite ready to do just yet. After a minute he gave a soft laugh, "A modern day Machiavelli, I should have guessed."

"When I was young, my mother encouraged me to read Earth's classical literature. 'The Prince' was always one of my favorites. When I decided to make my own way instead of going to the Vulcan Science Academy I remembered many of its lessons."

Jim's objections were melting and there was little he could do to stop them. Oh, he still knew that the Vulcan was ruthless, but what successful businessperson wasn't? If he hadn't killed the woman who tried to kill him, it was highly unlikely that he would kill mere business rivals.

He was also right about the sparks that flew between them. Kirk wavered for a few more minutes, weighing his options, then he raised his head and kissed Spock with everything he had.

Spock wasted no time; he wasn't about to let Jim change his mind. All too soon, Jim found himself losing his shirt; the Vulcan's hands seemed to be everywhere. Jim was so lost he could barely think straight and soon he was backing up towards the bed and falling over it when the edge hit the back of his knees. He felt hands rubbing his ass through his jeans and he wanted nothing more than for the pants to be off. He returned the favor, running his hands down the Vulcan's taut butt, cupping and squeezing as he went.

It'd been a long time since he done anything with a man—not since college. He'd always thought that it had been an experimental phase, but with Spock it felt different.

All of his previous sexual experiences seemed to pale the more he touched his alien lover. He could almost feel flames igniting between them. Soon the Vulcan was lacking his top as well and Jim was running his hands over Spock's lightly furred chest, pausing to pinch green tinted nipples. Spock gasped and arched his back, then he growled and leaned down and began to suck Jim's neck passionately. His hands reached between them and began to unbutton their pants-one pair than the other, and then he reached in to Jim's boxers to find him hard and leaking.

Jim mewled as he felt his arch-nemesis firmly begin to stroke his cock. He wanted to do more, to return the pleasure, but each second drove him farther and farther out of his mind. He was helpless to do anything more than to hang on to Spock tightly. It took only minutes for him to come like an inexperienced teenager.

He laid back and gasped raggedly, he knew that he would be completely embarrassed later but at this point he simply didn't care. Who knew that such a simple thing as a hand job could blow his mind more than any sexual experience he'd had in the past 10 years. "You are," *gasp* "completely," *pant* "outstandingly," *groan* "perfectly good at that. How did you do that? I don't think I have ever felt this way."

Spock smirked, "I am a touch telepath, I will always know just what buttons to push and how hard to push them."

Jim sighed contentedly, "Well, feel free to push them any time you want. Give me a moment to catch my breath and I'll return the favor."

Spock brought his hand up to his mouth and began to lick Jim's come off slowly, "No hurry, we have all the time in the world."

Jim gulped as he saw the feral look in Spock's eyes, No, being with this Vulcan definitely wouldn't be boring...if he survived.

The End!

A/N- So, there is a story behind this fic. There is a song by Powerman 5000 called 'Super Villain'. Every time I hear the song I can't help but picture Lex Luthor. Then one day, while reading a Star Trek fic, it struck me that Spock would make a crazy good villain.

That led me back to the song and how the song reminded me of Lex Luthor…and so you can see where the chain of logic went. Anyway, thanks for all of the reviews. They made me very happy.