C is for Clarity

Clarity: the state or quality of being clear.

Written in Mai's view point. Based on the song 'Clarity by Zedd and Foxes.

Hi everybody! I know it's been, like, forever… but hopefully it hasn't been too long to still enjoy some short drabbles…? ^^

My love for you was broken when it started. It was always meant to be a tragedy – we were never supposed to be. But why are you still the only thing that sates my sickness called love? My only remedy that makes me think clearer? Although in the end, you're more of a drug.

Insanity is the only word to describe our relationship - insane conversations, insane job, and insane dreams. I should have known to begin with.

When I still look at you, you are the only thing that makes sense to me, and I have to wonder why.