When I drove away, I drove Hotch's apartment instead of mine. I walked up to his door and stood outside. I took out my phone and texted him.

'Are you home?'

'Yeah, why?' he replied.

'No reason,' after that, I didn't reply to his messages.

I stood outside his door for about 10 minutes before I actually did something. I slid the sonogram under his door and walked down the hall, waiting at the end. After about five minutes I heard a door open.

"Emily!" Hotch called out walking outside his door.

I stood there in tears as he walked over to me.

"Em, this is you?" he asked staring at the sonogram.

My tears quickly subsided at his idiotic question.

"No Aaron, that's you. I found it in your sock drawer- yes that's me!"

Hotch wrapped his arms tightly around me, still holding the picture of our baby. He laughed through his tears and pulled me into his apartment. When he closed the door he wrapped his arms around me again.

"So you want this child? You're not mad?" I asked pulling away.

"Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, why would I not want your child?!" he said, almost in a yell he was so loud.

"Well you already have Jack and I guess-"

Hotch kissed me, not even letting me finish my sentence. He was squeezing me pretty tight; but when he let go he had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, a big smile showing off his dimples. He ran into his bedroom and came running back out.

"I wasn't going to do this until later on but…" Hotch said.

He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. Holy shit! Was this really happening?!

"Emily Prentiss, will you marry me?"