A/N: This is my new story. I really enjoy writing Twilight FanFiction and I just decided to put a Pretty Woman spin on it. That's why it's in the crossover section because I'm trying to follow the guidelines and make sure my readers know what they're getting into, so that if they don't want to read these more, adult-themed story they've been warned. This chapter is just an introduction to see how it's received. Thanks for reading.

''Ouch!'' I screamed in pain.

''Mmm, you like it rough huh baby?'' my client groaned from under me. I groaned non-committedly. In actual fact I had banged my head on the roof of his Micra. I really needed to get my own vehicle. Some sort of truck with a huge cab. That should be enough office space.

Like the majority of my clients this guy was a slimeball. As long as I was making money out of it, I didn't care if he was just a cock-shaped bag of creepiness.

He was a business man that much I had gathered. Or else he just found dressing up in a suit kinky.

He was spread eagled on the back seat, his chunky legs spread widely. I was more uncomfortably placed. One leg was thrown around his hip, dangling awkwardly off the seat as I sat astride him. My hot pink leather mini was hitched up around my waist, exposing my black lace crotch less heels were visible to passers-by as they were situated proudly on his dashboard , they're sky high heels sure to leave an imprint in the soft leather.

I tried to look anywhere but below me. With me being on top and sitting in such an awkward angle I had a juicy shot of his miniature cock slamming eagerly into my awaiting cooter.

I closed my eyes fantasizing. I might as well get an orgasm out of it , I reasoned.

''Ugh,'' he panted. ''I want you to come with me baby. What can I do to help you?''

Hmm this could turn out to be a better evening than I thought.

''How about we slow it down?'' I asked, gyrating my hips at a slower pace happily. ''You know, longer and harder strokes?''

We tried it out for a moment before I saw his over gelled hair shake. ''I wanna go fast'' he said eagerly.

And there goes my chances of an orgasm, I sighed. We had only been at it for about two minutes but it looked like he was already on the home run.

I ignored his quick movements and grunts and concentrated on tying up my curls. It was quite hot in this poky little car.

''Unnnnnnnngggggghhhhhhhh….MIKE!'' he shouted as he convulsed below me.

I raised my eyebrow, disgusted. What weirdo shouts out his own name at the point of orgasm?

I untangled myself from his sweaty, writhing body, reached for my heels and slipped out of the car as he gently started to snore.

Welcome to my life baby.

A/N This is me just taking a risk so please review and let me know if you'd like to continue reading. That was just a short introduction and the other chapters would be longer if I was to continue. Thank you.