An autumn breeze is making its way through the town of Port Charles, soon Autumn will be upon them. Normally this would be her favorite season, the colors of the leaves change, making the town into a beautiful painting, something she could appreciate.
This season, however, Elizabeth cannot stop to appreciate anything. The people in her life are going through a chaotic time, so many things were starting to come to light, so many secrets being revealed. Anthony's killer, the killer of the young father and his child, Sam's baby being many secrets. None of them hers.
One in particular had to do with her though...Robin's. After all this time, all the grieving, they find that her friend is still alive. There was no sign of where she was taken, but it was definite...she's alive. Anna has been bouncing off the walls, using every last resource she has to track down her daughter. Luke having to admit the truth to Robert, that Ethan wasn't his son, so that he could come back and search for Robin with Anna.
More than anything, Elizabeth wants to help the people she loves. Do something, anything, to ease their burdens and help them along, but no one needs her. No one needs the help of a nurse with two children. There wasn't much she knew how to do anyway and she'd just be in the way.
With a sigh, she walks into the diner, having agreed to meet Ewen for some breakfast before her shift. He seemed to be the only permanent structure in her life - aside from her kids - and Elizabeth enjoyed seeing him. She was slowly getting back her friendship with Jason. Its causing some strain on her relationship with Ewen, but he didn't seem to mind Jason's presence in her life.
Of course, it didn't help that Jason didn't trust him. The more time Jason has spent in Ewen's presence, the more he's convinced that Ewen can't be trusted. She doesn't outright wave off his concern, overly cautious when it comes to her sons, so she just doesn't bring Ewen around them.
"Elizabeth." Ewen stands to greet her, hugging her and kissing her softly. "I'm so glad you could join me."
"Me, too." she replies, allowing him to pull out her chair for her, smiling at how kind he was to her. Wondering if Jason was just wrong about the whole untrustworthy thing. Of course, she wouldn't question his instincts now, seeing as hers weren't any good the night she lost her son.
"How're the boys doing?" Ewen inquires, handing her a menu once he's seated. "Is Cameron enjoying the DVD you got him of the Avengers?"
"Yeah...he loves it." Elizabeth admits, smiling at the thought of her sons. "He couldn't wait to watch it."
Elizabeth thinks back to that, smiling at the memory of giving her son the DVD. He had insisted she called Spinelli, an odd request, but she did it none the less. Of course, not having Spinelli's number, she had to call Jason to ask for it. That was funny all its own.
Jason couldn't believe that she was asking him for Spinelli's number. After she assured him that it wasn't for her, that nothing was wrong, and that Cameron just wanted to spend time with Spinelli, Jason gave her the number. The next call she made was even stranger.
Spinelli was more than surprised to get her call, assuring her that, "the Jackal is more than happy to spend some time with the Maternal One's progeny"...his words. It turned out to be a good idea because Cameron had a blast. He and Spinelli connect on a friend level and she appreciated the time he has put in since then.
"Greetings, Maternal One." Spinelli pops into the diner, eliciting a smile from Elizabeth - since she was just thinking about him. Something she finds he and Jason had in common. "I'm glad you're here."
"Yeah?" Elizabeth stands up, not wanting to have to look up at him. "Why is that?"
"There's this mini-comic-con coming into town and I was hoping you'd allow me to take young Cameron to it." Spinelli explains. "I'd love to show him the different comics available to him."
"Um...that does sound tempting." she admits, knowing her son would love it.
"I've spoken to Stone Cold and he's agreed to lend a few guards if that'll make you feel safer." Spinelli says almost pleadingly.
"Okay...sure." Elizabeth smiles, seeing that Spinelli was equally excited about it. "I don't see why not...let me know when, okay?"
"Will do." Spinelli says without hesitation. "Great thanks, Maternal One."
She watches Spinelli leave the diner, thinking of how her son will react once she tells him that she's given him permission to go to a comic event with Spinelli. Admittedly, she only agreed after he told her that they'd have protection, still nervous when it comes to her boys. Not that she didn't trust Spinelli, but anything can happen and she just appreciates that he thought of asking for guards.
"I don't mean to question your choices, but are you sure its a good idea to leave your son in his care?" Ewen questions, taking a sip of his coffee.
"I've known Spinelli for many years." Elizabeth assures, glancing down at the menu. "I trust him to take care of my son."
"Well, as long as you're sure."
"I am." Elizabeth looks up at him. "I understand your concern, but Spinelli's a great guy and I trust him more than a lot of people in this town."
Small talk ensues after that, simply talking to talk as they enjoy breakfast. As the meal comes to an end, Elizabeth can't see what Jason means, Ewen seems nice enough. Of course, they didn't know each other, having only been on a few dates, but he doesn't seem that bad. Just as thoughts of Jason comes to mind, the man himself comes walking through the door. Yup. Just like Spinelli.
"Hey." Jason greets her, leaning down to kiss her cheek in greeting, before turning to her date. "Dr. Keenan."
"Mr. Morgan." he greets in reply. Something neither of them fail to notice is that Jason will always refer to him as Dr. Keenan. In spite of them encouraging him to call him Ewen, he still uses the title.
"You almost done here?" Jason questions, returning his focus to Elizabeth. "I could use an ear."
"Sure." Elizabeth smiles slightly, rising to her feet. "I'm just finishing up, but I'll meet you outside, okay?"
"Okay." Jason grants Ewen a nod before walking out of the diner.
"I'm sorry about this..." Elizabeth says, gathering up her things. "He's just in a really tough spot these days and..."
"Its fine." Ewen assures her. "He's your friend and he needs to talk to you...its fine, really."
"You're too kind." Elizabeth comments, hugging him and accepting the kiss. "We'll do this again, soon, okay?"
"I'll look forward to it."
With a slight smile, she tosses her money onto the table to pay for her breakfast before walking out of the diner to meet up with Jason. As soon as they start walking towards the hospital, talk of Sam's baby ensues. Apparently they've worked out the baby switch and she has her baby back, but she doesn't want Jason around.
They've agreed to a divorce, he had been thankful that she didn't want an annulment. It would broken him completely if she had wanted it to be as if their marriage had never happened. In spite of all that has happened, there were good times and he didn't want to pretend that they had never gotten married.
Elizabeth listens as he talks, trying to help as best she can, telling him that it wasn't his fault and that sometimes forever doesn't last as long as it should have. She tries to convince him that Sam was just angry that he didn't believe her and that it took that long to find her son. She told him that it was Todd's fault and not his.
She also tells him that if Todd didn't switch the babies, any number of things could have happened to the baby. They talk about Sam turning to McBain and that the cop was now being divorced by his wife. Jason felt like it was a bittersweet feeling that John was losing his family the way Jason has lost his.
They talk about Franco being the father and that - even if Sam did forgive him - it would still be hard. Sure, he knows he loves the baby, but it would still be hard. Knowing that he was the baby's uncle and not the father, that his brother was a deranged psychopath that put a lot of people through hell, people that Jason loves.
And she understands that. She understands why he believes that it was good and bad that he and Sam are over. That she has now turned to McBain and they were living together. She tries to tell him that Sam is going through a lot, with Alexis and her son, but he doesn't accept it.
Talk turns to Jocelyn. How scared they had both been when they thought the little girl was going to die. If not for Ewen, Alexis and Jocelyn both would have died, something she put in favor of him, but Jason found suspicious. He didn't understand how Ewen was the only to figure it out.
He knows there's more to this sudden epiphany of the doctor's than simple luck. Too many factors didn't add up and Jason was going to find out whatever secret Ewen is keeping. She and Jason, however, have agreed to disagree in regard to Ewen. Of course, she promises him to be careful, regardless of what she thinks or feels.
"Spinelli told me you offered to lend him a few guards when he takes Cameron to the comic event." Elizabeth comments, getting onto the elevator before him.
"You said yes?"
"Yeah." Elizabeth laughs softly. "Did you think I wouldn't after you offered protection?"
"No..I just..." Jason shakes his head, pressing the button for her floor. "I wasn't exactly sure you'd let Cameron go with Spinelli alone...even with the guards."
"I know I've been overprotective with my boys." she admits. "But if I can allow Matt to take him to the movie, I think I can allow Spinelli to take him to a comic event."
"Okay...well, do you have any preference in who you want with them?" Jason questions, turning to lean against the wall of the elevator.
"I'd like it if Ritchie went with them." she concedes, truly thinking about it. "And Max."
"Okay." Jason smiles slightly. "I'll let Sonny know and I'll have both of them take the detail along with Milo."
"Thanks." Elizabeth says as the doors open and they walk off the elevator. "Really, Jason...thanks for offering them and for walking me to work."
"I'd say we're even." Jason smiles slightly. "You know, since you listened to me think."
"Okay." she knows that he notices Sam with John across the room, but she doesn't comment and he doesn't act like he notices. "See you later?"
"Yeah." he hits the down button on the elevator, wrapping her in a warm embrace for a moment before letting go. "And, I know you want to trust Dr. Keenan, but be careful okay. There's just something off about him."
"I will." she promises. "Don't worry about me so much."
"Impossible." he nods once before walking onto the elevator. "See you soon."
"See you soon." she replies before watching the elevator doors close and letting out a deep breath.
Turning around to clock in, Elizabeth notices Sam's expression and feels bad for her. Even though she was trying not to care, Elizabeth could tell that Sam was clearly affected by her and Jason spending time together. It wasn't that she wanted to hurt Sam, but she also wasn't going to stop being Jason's friend. Especially since he needs one now more than ever.
She watches as Sam cradles her son in her arms before turning away with John and walking down the hall. Elizabeth would never say it aloud, but she would have given anything to be able to do that. If she'd get the chance that Sam has, Elizabeth would hold onto her son for dear life and never let go.
More than anything, Elizabeth hopes Sam understands the miracle she was just granted. In that same thought, Elizabeth feels bad for the woman that had to lose her child for Sam to gain hers. It must have been so heart wrenching, losing a child like that, just when you think the crisis is over and then suddenly you're thrust into a worse reality than before.
With a sigh, she walks over to the nurses' station, clocking in on the computer there before getting to work. Her son is gone, as hard as it was to accept, she's slowly letting go of the hope that its all just a bad dream and that her son would return to her. She's not getting that miracle and she just ad to accept it.
A/N: GH is so crazy right now that I wanted to write something for me. There are no spoilers in this, at least I don't think so. I don't read spoilers and I'm not really keeping up with the show, other than Liason scenes, so this is just something I dreamt up. Hope you like it.
Let me know. More to come soon.