It's a very cold and dark night. The fog blurring out the view as he stepped into the dirt path, not knowing where to go. Only a flashlight in his grasp, and a bag of snack in his other hand. His violet eyes stared at the trees around him before he finally decided to walk forward.

Moving his flashlight up and down, then left to right, he walked to an unknown destination. Trees, grass, rocks, and mud, is the only thing he could see in the darkness. He jolted a little after he heard a rustling sound behind him. He moved his flashlight to look what's behind him, but he found nothing, other than a tall, red building (or tree?) with a small note attached to it.

He approached the building, and snatched the small paper away to get a better look on what's written on it. "No eyes." With a circle and X inside of it. His ears perked up as he heard some static sound, but he decided to ignore it, and continue his journey in this deserted place.

"I just want to go home." He muttered as he opened a bag of his snack. Doesn't feel any danger coming toward him, he calmly ate the snacks, while he keep walking. Somehow, he's more worried with the strange and creepy song that played over and over in his head.

Another rustling sound was heard, but this time, along with something heavy falling down with a loud thud to the dry ground. The lavender haired man moved his head to the source of the noises and he found piles of huge rock, with some of the pebbles rolling on the ground. The small shaped rocks seems to be crushed under the bigger one's weight.

As if his legs were having their own mind, it moved to walk closer to the rock. He gave up and let himself be hypnotized to approach the place. Strange enough, he found another note, but this time, it was a drawing of trees, and a tall man with many hands.

He felt someone was standing behind him. As he turned around, a tall man, with black suit, and no face moved closer to him. He knew he's in danger, and he immediately run away, gripping his flashlight a bit too tight that the glass is cracked. "Not now." He said as he keep running and running, so that man would not catch him.

He never know why he was in here at the first place. He doesn't even know what is this place. He doesn't even remember. But, all he could think right now is running away. Find an exit. There's no point in hiding, because he know that man was not a human. He will be caught soon enough when he's find a place to hide.

But what made him more worried is..


He immediately stopped on his track. He look around to find a certain small redhead, but he saw nothing. "I was here with Aka-chin. Does he..get caught?" he whispered to himself, then he shook his head to get rid of the bad thoughts. No, there's no way the redhead get caught, or..could he?

A panic immediately settled in his mind, and he dropped his snack bag. "Wait for me, Aka-chin." He said, and then he run off to the other place. "Maybe Aka-chin is hiding somewhere. But, he would get caught. That man likes kid, right? But Aka-chin doesn't look like a kid other than his height." He mumbled out, not so loudly because, the chance of him getting captured by the faceless man is high in this dark forest.

All he could remember is when both of them went out to walk, buying something from the store, until the sky slowly turning dark and his vision blurred. He felt his body moved, but it feels like his eyes being shut tight by an unknown force, and then, he ended up here.

Somehow, he felt that this road is endless, feels like he only walking in a circle. Soon, he grew tired and decided to follow the dirt path. But, nothing could give him a time to rest, when his flashlight started to flickered, running out of the batteries. "Oh, no." He gasped and turned off the light, that way, he could save some energy to find the redhead.

The loud, static sound in his head going louder and louder. It made his head spin, and it hurt his ears so much that he could fainted. He walked to the dead tree on the open area of the road, the only area which was illuminated by the moonlight. It's not that bright, but enough to make him can see what's on the tree bark.

The third note.

It says "Follows". And he knew perfectly what it means. Just as he reached out to take the note-



Murasakibara woke up from his dream, or it should be called as a nightmare, when a small hand pinched him right on his cheek. He groaned and threw his arms around the smaller boy's body to pull him into an embrace. "Aka-chin, I thought you was captured by that pedo-man." He mumbled out sleepily. Ignoring the redhead who was squirming uncomfortably in his arms.

"Non-sense. Anyway, I have finished playing the game which Tetsuya gave to me. Did I disturb you in your sleep? Because you doesn't seem to be comfortable." Akashi run his hand through the lavender colored lock, then he leaned into the hug.

"Mhh.. I got a nightmare because of the ambience. And I dropped my favorite snack when I'm in my dream too. Such a waste." They cuddled up inside the blanket to get their body more warmth. Murasakibara loved the fact that his Akashi's eyes will sparkled when the moonlight shone upon it. "But, I'm glad you're not being taken by him." He whispered the last words, loud enough for the two of them to hear it.

"It's just a game, Atsushi. You're taking it too seriously." The redhead chuckled and closed his eyes. Slowly drifting into sleep.

But, unknown to them, shadow of a man looming over the window, staring at their sleeping figure.

Greetings. I'm very sorry for the very, very, very late updates. Happy (late) Christmas and soon to be New Year. I hope you guys had a very great holidays.