Inspired by Pewdiepie's video of slender man. I'm a bro, so what? Don't Like Don't Read. Pewdie's hater? GTFO. I don't want to make any fight here, and I warned you to do your other business than just flaming around.

I own nothing than the plot itself.

I have bad grammar and this isn't beta-ed. So please be nice to me. My beta is busy lately.


Chilly night in the middle of winter, where most of the couple went out to have some warm dinner in fancy restaurant or cuddling in front of the fire place. But, not with this couple. They have their own way to spend time together.

"Kagami-kun." A boy with light blue hair and pale skin approached another boy with red hair who was laying on the bed. The paler boy placed down his laptop in front of the boy called Kagami. "Let's play a game." he said as he clicked the left side of the mouse twice on the man with suit icon.

"Kuroko? What game?" Kagami asked, pulling his pillow so he laid on his stomach, beside his lover and facing the fourteen inch screen. He raised his double eyebrows as he saw the title.

"Slender? You never told me that you're a horror game fan." the redhead said as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist, pulling him down so he laid on his stomach too. Unfortunate for him, the black and white husky that resemble his beloved Kuroko much was joining them.

The small husky lay comfortably on Kagami's back. The dog wags his tail excitedly after he saw the title of the game.

"Well, I'm not a fan of horror movie but, this game seems interesting." his blue eyes stared at the screen that showed a view about dark forest. He guessed that the character is lost or maybe trapped. He's not sure. "It's dark."

"Here, I'll adjust the brightness first." the redhead turned the screen to him, but making sure that Kuroko could see it from other angle as well.

The bluenette rested his cheek on his palm, "Kagami-kun should play it first." he said as he clicked on the arrow button. "You just need to pick eight papers which was scattered around this place." he explained, giving the mouse to the redhead.

"Just eight papers? Then we're done, right? Alright, let's beat this game so I could sleep." he clenched his fist, eyes sparkled with amusement. "How I play this thing?" he pulled the bluenette closer, so now their hip was touched. It's a cold night after all, and Kagami is too lazy to pick the blanket from his closet.

"Arrow to move, and mouse to look around." he stared at the screen, obviously, Kagami tried all the buttons on his keyboard for god know what. "Please hurry and play this, Kagami-kun." Kuroko turned to glance at the taller man who was grinning like an idiot. Wait, he is idiot. Bakagami. "And please stop grinning like that. It scares me for some reason." he muttered as he turned to take a look at the screen.

"Hey this guy can run! Wait, did I'm playing a girl?" the redhead's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He clicked the mouse to turned off the flashlight, then back to on. Over and over. Kuroko pinched the redhead's hand not so softly, making the other male grunted in pain. "Alright, alright. I'll play it properly." he huffed and focused back to play the game.

He walked to the ground path which was guiding him to a dead tree. "I saw the note." he clicked run and approached the dead tree before picking up the note. "No eyes. What the heck does that mean?" he turned his head to ask the smaller man.

"Isn't that obvious? He doesn't have face. Maybe no eyes means he couldn't see." Kuroko randomly clicked the arrow, making the girl in the game walked to the red truck with a small house behind it. "Try there, Kagami-kun." he pointed at the small house.

"Know what, I'm going to check the car first." he snuggled on the light blue locks first before moving the character to the car. But he found nothing. Then he decided to check on the house.

"Wait, I'm going to take the earphones first." Kuroko quickly ran to his back and rummaging it to find his earphones. After he found it, he joined the redhead back and laid in his previous position. He plugged one of the earphone to Kagami's ear, and the other at his own ear. "The sound is so loud." he stated obviously. Kagami couldn't help but grimaced at the creepy music and sound effect.

In other hand, Nigou whimpered because he couldn't hear the sound. He barked as he jump in front of Kuroko before moving around to find a comfortable position then flopped down.

"Hey I got the second note. It says 'no no no', it's weird, what's with this static sound? It's made my ear hurt."

"Kagami-kun, please pay attention to the ga-"


"Arf! Arf!"

The slenderman managed to catch Kagami on his first two notes. Surprised, the redhead almost jumped from his bed after he screamed. Nigou barked at the scary face of the slenderman, and Kuroko hid his face on the pillow. Shoulders shaking.

"What the hell!?" the redhead managed to climbed back to his bed only to glared at the screen that now completely black. "Oi, Kuroko, are you scared?" he nudged the smaller male's shoulder.

"I'm not." the bluenette raised his head. "I'm just surprised. That's all."


"I'm not."

"You're scared."

"Said the one who screamed like a girl and jumped from the bed."

"Why you-!?"

"Let's play this again tomorrow."

Kuro_Tetsu : [Kise-kun, here's the link where you could download the game.]

Kise_Ryou : [Thanks Kurokocchi!]

Kuro_Tetsu : [Please don't scare Aomine-kun too much.]

Kise_Ryou : [Ah, Okay then. Thanks!]

Kuro_Tetsu has logged out.

"Well.. Let's play this, Aominecchi~!"

Seriously. After watched pewdiepie and played this game, I screamed because of the jumpscares. Try it. With headphones and turned up the volume to full. You'll understand why I'm so freaked out.

Should I continue this, or not?