Sakura's brain tended to work extremely quickly. In the matter of a second, she weighed the costs and benefits of allowing Shisui to know about inner Sakura, something she hadn't told anyone since her mother told her it was highly unusual. She preferred to keep the other half of her a secret, both to avoid bullying and to have a card up her sleeve, but this was technically her ANBU teammate, someone she should trust with not only her life, but the safety of the fire nation. If she were to tell anyone about inner Sakura, it should be Shisui. And Itachi. But mainly Shisui because as of right now Itachi didn't know and wasn't asking questions.

"No," Sakura said bluntly. So much for trusting her teammate.

"What in the- How- Who even- what the frick was that?" Shisui, for a Class A ninja, looked extremely disoriented. A shame. He should really work on adapting better to his environment.

"My alternate personality is a little more distinct than most other people's. What's for lunch?"

"Auntie Mikoto's made somen already. There should be some left over." Shisui ginned, and then suddenly stopped. "Hold up, exactly how distinct does a personality have to be before it can take over your body? How much do you control her?"

Sakura, however, had already prepped her chakra for an escape, and Shisui only managed to hit her with half of a question.

"Well," Shisui sighed, "I better tell Itachi about this. I bet he's eaten half the somen already."

And with a flicker he disappeared.

Itachi, for his part, had not eaten half of the somen. He had eaten all of it.

It had been consumed in an extremely discreet and elegant way, for of course would no one ever see Uchiha Itachi stuffing his face with noodles. But the fact of the matter was that all the somen was gone, and Itachi was to blame.

Which is what Shisui did, in fact. He blamed his hunger, his unhappiness, and the terrible state of the world all on Itachi's ability to keep Shisui from lunch, and Shisui's frustration with his cousin almost caused him to forget about Sakura's distinct alternate personality. Almost.

"So Sakura's got this other person in her head who she says is just an alter ego, but it's taking over her body and making her do things she wouldn't normally do, like seduce me, so I think maybe we should check that out."

Itachi's reaction was a little extreme, which meant that he lifted, not one, but two eyebrows.

"That seems like a problem, considering the strength it must have to force a girl to do the terrible mission of trying to seduce you."

And a snarky comment.

"Ouch, little cousin, except not, because I literally have to avoid girls trying to sleep with me."

It could be said that Shisui put very little effort into avoiding them.

Nonetheless, Itachi and Shisui definitely had a problem, one that could potentially lead to the loss of a team member or the gain of some super weapon. They were hoping for the latter, and not just because Sakura's sword skills were absolutely abysmal.

I'm sorry it's short, but I wanted to give you guys something before I went to sleep, so here it is. Please review for your own sake, or else I will forget to update.
