Song-(R-rated (Grell's Nighttime Booty Call))



Well my Music is Inspiration fan fiction was reported and taken down but I want to share the stories. The only way to do that is take of the lyrics and leave the song that inspired me to write it. So here you go.

This was Beta-read by Lunakatsuma! Thank you! So thank this person for being awsome!

Everyone knew that Yamamoto Takeshi was a very naïve person. And everyone knew that Chrome Dokuro was too shy for her own good. But what people didn't know was how they are when they are alone... in a room together... on a queen-sized bed.


As soon as Chrome entered the room, Yamamoto grabbed her with his strong arms. He gave her neck a playful kiss and Chrome let a moan escape her pink lips.

"T-Takeshi..." Chrome suddenly gasped as she was lightly pushed onto the soft bed. She then heard the door being locked and footsteps coming closer to her. The bed dipped slightly as he hovered over her body.

"Finally, we can be alone," the black-haired man said with the good-natured grin he always had; however, his eyes were filled with lust and want. His mouth claimed hers and they began to kiss slowly. The small kiss soon turned into a hot, passionate one that left them both breathless.

"Takeshi, p-please... take me now," Chrome moaned as she felt her lower half begin to yearn for the katana wielder.

"So impatient," he chided. "But that makes you cuter." He started to undress her, taking his sweet time. He unclothed her so sensually and teasingly so he could take in the view of her beautiful body fully.

"M-me impatient? Look at you..." Chrome's hand shyly went to his crotch and she began to rubbed his erection in an unhurried manner through his pants. Yamamoto grunted in pleasure.

"Chrome," he growled and finally she was naked in front of him. "If you tease me, I'll tease you."

He took his shirt off and let his skin touch hers. She immediately felt pleasure as her nipples made contact with his smooth, toned skin. She wrapped her arms around his figure and rubbed herself on his erection.

"Ugh... C-Chrome..." Yamamoto felt his clothed manhood twitch as he felt her wetness.

"T-take them off now," Chrome demanded, stopping and looking up at him fiercely.

"Sure," he grinned, his hand going down to his pants. He started unzipping them and slowly taking them off. Not once did he take his eyes off Chrome, who was on the bottom of him. "Now that that's over..." The swordsman took the illusionist's mouth in his again and let his hand wander down to her slick wetness to take a little dip. Her moan was muffled by his mouth.

Chrome pulled away and pouted. "Ngh... T-Takeshi, please... I want it now..."

"So cute," he mumbled as he positioned himself in front of her entrance. "You want it that badly?"

Chrome nodded yes. Yamamoto entered her slowly making her grow even more impatient. "Start now," she ordered, digging her nails into his back until it made a small wound. "Or- or I'll-"

Before she could finish her threat, he pulled out quickly and then thrusted into her again, making her moan loudly. "Ahhh!" Chrome screamed as he continued his movements. The tall man kept hitting her sweet spot over and over again.

Chrome felt close, even though he had barely begun; it was already taking her away. She felt herself get tighter, and she was dimly aware of Takeshi's hot breath on her already hot body.

"Chrome, you're so tight," he groaned in pleasure.

"J-just don't stop-" Chrome gasped out. She begun to squeeze her legs tightly around his waist so that he couldn't get away from her.

They spent the next hour together, not being able to have enough of each other.


And Once again thank you! Lunakatsuma!^-^!
