Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy, or any of the characters used in this fic. They all belong to Square Enix and their respective designers. I only own any of my original characters that I choose to include, as well as any of my own original plot ideas.


From behind, she hears Wakka swear, jumping back as the Aeon falls and bursts into a mass of pyreflies, suddenly laughing with relief. The spirit itself remains for a moment, then fades away, the back of the dark cavern staring back at her.

"Well, that was fun," Tidus groans sarcastically. "Where's the next one?"

She stands still, violet eyes transfixed. She cannot look away from that spot on the ground where her summoner had stood. For years, she must have been trapped there, lamenting the events that had transpired all that time before. And, after all this time, she had remained there, on the very bit of earth that had witnessed her demise.

The mage hears a gentle thud as a blade sinks into the dirt behind her.

"Get outside," the swordsman says sternly, ignoring the boy's comment, "and wait."

The youth scoffs again, quickly reprimanded by both Yuna and Rikku. The others say nothing, simply plodding off behind the children as muted protection.

Lulu waits until their voices die out before her legs finally give way, dirt clinging to the hem of her dress. Again, she had caused dear Lady Ginnem pain, failing to act in the same way as before. Before, she'd been much too young. This time, however, she had been far too afraid. Both, so far as she was concerned, were completely unforgivable.

She feels a hand on her bare shoulder, moving to her arm, an attempt to lift her off the ground.

"Leave me be," she says, shrugging away, exhausted. "I need to rest."

"Not here," Auron tells her. He lifts her this time, just as easily as though she were his blade. "Outside. Now."

It is not a question, and she has no room to refuse as he takes her by the arm, gently pulling her along behind him. Why in Spira did he care so much as to whether or not she quit, whether or not she lived or died? In the end, their young summoner would meet a fate similar to that of Lady Ginnem. The only difference would be that the hand of Sin would strike dear Yuna down.

"When... Lord Braska died," she speaks slowly, knowing that she treads on ground as tender as that upon which she stands, "did you ever consider giving up?"

Auron pauses, turning to glance at her with his good eye. "All the time."