WOW It's been a while. I'm so sorry! Hope you guys are still sticking with me!

Chapter 21

*Ace's POV*

Fortunately, we make it safely back to the Lodging House without any Delancey run-ins. It's nice to walk the streets in late summer evening with Race. Our feet sync together so we're at the same pace, while our hands intertwine and fiddle with each other. Race's cigar finds its usual way to his mouth and I ask him about the day's headlines and how his selling went. It was race day at Sheepshead, so his papes went quickly.
"Have you ever been to one of those races?" I ask him.
Race shakes his head, "Nah, but if I ever get enough dough, that's what it's goin' towards." He smiles and glances at me, "And youse is my first guest."
"Honored," I laugh, "but I'll have you know I'm no expert in betting."
"Dollface, youse get a royal flush in every card game. Youse can't be all that bad," Race says with his cigar between his teeth. He waits a moment before asking, "Youse excited for yer solo?"
I clutch the sheet music in my hands, "Yeah. But also insanely nervous."
"Don't be. Youse'll kill it out there. We'll all be there, rootin' for youse." Race nods once as if to emphasize his point. His face suddenly lights up with an idea, "Youse wanna know what'll calm yer nerves?"
I give him a sideways look, "I'm scared to hear this."
He smirks, "Sleepin' on da roof."
"Why in the world would we sleeping on the roof?"
"So it's a 'yes'?"
"Ahh c'mon, Ace. I do it every year. Right before it gets too cold."
I raise an eyebrow, "When you say you do it every year..."
"Just me. None of the other guys."
"And we'll be up there alone?"
"Only if youse want to."

I bite my lip and think about it as we come upon the Lodging House. The usual buzz of excitement can be heard from outside and I look at Race. He's staring back, waiting for my answer. He does this thing where his eyes grow big, eyebrows go up, almost meeting in the middle, and his bottom lip juts out a bit. If I didn't like him so much, I'd hit him. I sigh and give in, "There's a first for everything."

*Race's POV*

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Ace asks me as I carry her mattress up the stairs to the roof. I've already dragged my mattress up there, leaving a bare bunk bed frame in the middle of the room. In her arms are two pillows and some blankets, but I know she still feels bad that not helping with the heavy part of the job.
"For the last time, dollface, I got this under control," I grunt, dragging the second mattress to the window and out the fire escape.
The other newsboys stand around and stare. Jack walks in the room and raises an eyebrow at the unusual stillness of the gang. "Someone die?" he asks before noticing what we're doing. "Oh God, this thing again? Ya know, Ace, youse don't hafta listen to him."
She sticks out her chin, "I want to. Sleeping on the roof sounds fun."
Jack chuckles a bit and shrugs, "Okay whatever youse says."

"Hey!" I call down from the roof, "I'm all set!"
"Night boys," Ace tells the group before ducking out the window and joining me. The two mattresses lay side-by-side on the ground and she drop the pillows and blankets down on them. The sun sets as we make camp and finally plop down on the makeshift beds, and before long it's dark. Time passes as we just sit and talk up there. She lays on her back, staring at the sky, while I'm on my side, facing her. Ace tells me stories of her brothers and the trouble they would get into.
"I never ratted them out though. We needed the entertainment in the house," Ace says. After a moment, she goes quiet, thinking about her brothers.
"Ya miss 'em?" I ask quietly.
"More and more everyday. I hope they turned out okay," she says more to herself than me. After a moment, she adds in, "I think that's why I like it here so much. I have a new batch of brothers to love."
"Would they like it here?"
She nods, "They'd love it. And you. I think you guys would get along well."
"Ya think?"
Ace glances at me and nods, "They'd approve of you in a heartbeat." Her eyes close and a slow exhale is released. Her blonde hair was unpinned and lay in mussed up waves around her head. The moon lit up the dash of freckles across her nose. Her breathing is slow, so I know she's fast asleep and won't catch me watching her. Her nightshift is thin, highlighting every curve and dip of her body, and even though I've noticed it before, I once again realize how beautiful she really is. I watch her laying there for a few minutes, and suddenly I find myself falling more and more for Ace.

*Ace's POV*

I hardly sleep a wink that night on the roof and the morning meets me just as rough. Sunlight shines in my face and the hard roof makes my back sore. Race stirs next to me and slowly blinks his eyes open, "'Morning, dollface."
I grunt and slowly sit up, trying to soothe the knot in my muscles, "Remind me to never sleep on the roof again."
Worry flicks across his face, "Ya really didn't like it?"
"It was fun, trust me. I just like my own bed," I reassure him.
"Hey lovebirds! Youse plannin' on stayin' up there all day?" Jack yells from the fire escape below us. Race stands up and helps me up. We head down the fire escape and I stop him before ducking in through the window.
"Thanks for letting me into your tradition. Maybe I'll let you drag me into it one more time," I wink.
"Anything for youse, dollface." Race steals a quick kiss out of the boys' notice and we both head inside, getting ready for yet another day of work.

HUGE apology for letting this lapse. I really don't mean to do this. Trust me. I'm just at a dull point in my inspiration for this story. But I'm not letting it end here! I still have plans for this, folks! And maybe since I just got my own laptop today, I'll be able to update more often!

Like always, don't forget to review. Maybe it'll help me update more frequently next time. ;)