…Actually, I didn't lose my mind in that grip of white light but I had been kept my mind, very, very clear. As the grip was loosened, I found myself was falling quickly, quicker than quickly, very, very quickly.

I looked behind me only by moving my eyes to the eye corners and did a back flip immediately,

"That was close…"and landed on the ground with a loud 'thud', and a hole under my feet which was caused by the gravity with dust floating around. And that flip was for my head that it normally would be flatten if that is a pose of ugly landing. Land on your head will hurts you so much, or even risked your life. One question in my head at that moment after I landed:

"But where the hell am I?"

A very good question when you suddenly traveled to a different time, a different dimension, a different world. I was standing on a floating 'island' with a size that could only stand a class of students and their teacher (Author: I don't know how big is it, but imagine a flatten place that can stand up to barely 40 people while the rest of it is at the bottom as a cone, and floating in the sky.). And there were islands floating in different heights, some were higher, some were lower in the sky. Higher to the highest, the sky; lower to the lowest of this world, the sea; It was blue, like a reflection of those barely white clouds in the light blue background above it, the sky. And it was very, very sunny and beautiful… It reminds me of your cheerful, bubbly smile and laugh...


…Not anymore beautiful as that voice rang up behind me.


I turned to face him with my arms crossed- I was in a bad mood. I could sense he just arrived and the white light, as thin as hair, it defused with its master and slowly and quietly disappeared. It looks pretty in movies as special effects but NOT with him. He ruined my mood of appreciating this place with him. Not this evil version of Super Sonic. Evil Super Sonic kept smiling:


"Just tell me, who the hell you are?"

I asked another question, which had been in my head as my bad mood went down more. He was like he couldn't help smiling but he raised his right hand to palm his fore head as he continued, in a mood which this guy already pisses me off this idea rang up in my head:

IMPATIENT AREN'T WE? Those words were like stabbing my self-control into bits- I really wanted to kill this guy right now. He paused as he uncovered his head as he was like luring me to the darkness, like I did to the doctor. He looked very proud as he started to introduce himself.

I AM THE UNCONTROLLABLE POWER WITHIN SONIC. I AM THE TOTAL CHAOS THAT RAGES IN THAT HERO'S BODY. I AM THE SUPER SONIC, although some call me Super [FLEET WAY]. That was a very interesting fact of that he is Super Sonic. But what I think he was a crazy, more psychical abusing version of Sonic as he said from himself, he was the uncontrollable energy of Sonic. I put this away as I quietly to consecrate on his speech. Because this is about the one who care me so much in a way that I just know it recently.

SONIC CAN ONLY SEES ME IN HIS UNCONSCIOUSNESS. HOWEVER, BECAUSE YOU'VE MASTER THE ART OF CHAOS SENSE, YOU ARE ABLE TO SEE ME BECAUSE MY BODY IS ONLY MADE OF CHAOS ENERGY. The last one stunned me. That's why Sonic didn't notice him… And that was the end of his introduction. He just closed his eyes nervously while he was chuckling:


…What was the last thing he said? I was almost going to let my guard down as he said Super Sonic, I could have beaten him if he became my rival. He smiled as he raised a finger to act like what he had said- STEP ONE, IS KILLING YOU. He then hid his smile into a murderous expression that a monster should have while a load of islands in the air was crashing towards me- CRAP!

I'LL USE YOUR BODY TO MAKE A SOLID FORM OF MYSELF- And then the next moment, he teleported to me, in front of me under a second. Wow, he's pretty fast… I thought as I was going to snap away from his grip of my right hand. And again, damn, he's pretty strong at the same time. Though I don't want to admit it, but…I don't think this guy's all talk…

As a result that I couldn't succeed at struggling, he drove another hand as a crawl to me to grip another hand of mine.

YANKING WON'T DO YOU ANY HELP-?! But this time I wouldn't be trapped! I moved my hand away at time when he almost gripped my left hand. I flipped his hand over and I grip his this time. It was quite a shock to him.

"As if…because…"

I said as I continued to do my act: I put his hand on to another hand of his that grip my right, held them together with my back facing him.


I shouted as I put all my weight on to my knees which made a bit of me sunk into the ground because of the weight and, THREW HIM ON TO THE GROUND WITH A HEAVY STUN! It created a rough surface because of the power. But then he got quickly with his left leg and his hands to push himself up, as he was sitting up, with his hand covering another half of his face, but I was starting another attack while we were talking.


"I just stopped the freaking Ark from crashing…"

I jumped up and put up my hands as fists- and stomped them at him! And missed because he escaped at once, that made my stuck in the hole and the rocks I created and destroyed. But I was still yelling at him when I looked up:

"What makes you think I can't defeat someone like you?"

With my inhibitor rings off, I could erase anyone I wanted, in a limited time. But I wouldn't stop!

I pulled my left hand back and then pushed it frontwards as if I was throwing something- the spear!

"CHAOS SPEAR!" A number of lightning-like spears, which made of chaos energy, went to their targets from every corner around it. Super Sonic kept his smile as he back-flipped, kicked the spears away like a football player kicks the football, as a 'hook'.


Super Sonic whistled as he grabbed the other spears into his hands, formed them into a ball of energy, and kicked it away. He landed on an island separated but higher than mine, looked at me proudly as if he was the king, I was a jerk. WOW, he laughed, IS THAT SERIOUSLY IT? YOU TOTALLY MISSED… But another spear shot him at his head. That made him the jerk, I was the king. That is why you should concentrate on one thing; especially you are in a battle.

"Baka (Japanese: you idiot.), well at least he's probably dead now…"

I was pissed off but being too angry, it made me calmer. I crossed my hand proudly as I didn't lose on being strong as I talked. Then I was stunned again because I was being stupid again!


"What? I just shot you in the head!" He reformed his legs then from losing the left half, then the left half. The way of him reformed himself was like a deleted computer image reforms itself with loads of rectangles joining together. Because I forgot that he was made of pure Chaos energy!



He then licked his lips and said with a little disappointment, which I calmed myself down from rage. And I didn't want to lose on talking big too:

"Then let the games begin."


This place used to be a planet? I thought as we started to fight again, in the air this time. Really this place was a planet? Though I had been to Earth, I had seen the blue sky and the marine, with some white clouds as the decorations for the vacuum between them. But the islands, except the transferred Angel Island is floating in the air, others unlike this place, are on the ground. But this place, every parts of it were floating in the air as little pieces of the big islands. I kept observing the geo of this place as I was chasing Super Sonic. We landed on an island and jumped to another. My observation was so far what I had seen, I haven't seen any signs of life here… anywhere… and what he said about this- used- be- planet lead me to the question: what did he do to this place?

But before I got the answer, no matter what, at this moment I only thought I could not let him win! We stopped in the mid- air and raised our fists, and punched each other on it, which presented the strong wind we had made. And because of that, we were blasted off to two different sides. I found some difficult to land on an island- its edge! I looked at the two big and long marks by using my crawls to make to stop myself from non-stop blasting as I thought: I'm losing too much chaos energy. How long can I stay super?Without those inhibitor rings, you could imagine the speed of the flushing water running down the tap or the toilet, it could be that quick and powerful.


Super appeared from nowhere and teased as he was wiping away his sweat on his forehead with his left hand. I saw him standing on the other side of the island, also wounded but still talking in a tune which had really, really pissed me off, this time. This guy SERIOUSLY, needs to DIE…!

I threw some spears at him again but he laughed and… USED CHAOS CONTROL! I stopped surprising that I forgot that Sonic can Chaos Control, so that means he can do it too!

I couldn't stop blaming at my bad memories at the same time Super Sonic appeared behind me.


"CRAP-" I turned to find out it was too late to dodge his surprise attack. And of course, that attack could be strong, or stronger, or the strongest- I got blasted from the island I was and I felt my back got hit by something, and continued to went into that something, and I got nothing on my back but cold air (the friction from hitting something, and then going through it). That happened about twice or more I got hit hardly on something again. But I was too busy to notice what it was since I was all in pain, and started to fall down as I felt I was pulling down by nothing but gravity itself. I wished I could disappear from falling into nothing but I found myself landed with my back on to the ground.

My body felt so numb at the moment… but I opened my eyes as the pain started to rush back, I guessed it was a good sign of I was alive from that! I climbed to my knees with my hand supporting, and opened my eyes but it was blinded some first seconds. I started cursing that I didn't think Super Sonic was that strong. The version was clear but I couldn't help yet letting them got blinded again- it was a good moment for your enemies to attack you again. I raised my right arm to block the bright light in front of me- Where am I? "This light is hurting my eyes."

But I could still see that where this light was from- a giant door. It was to open by pushing two sides in. It has golden frame and patterns over that door, which made it looks like the windows of those catholic churches. The door has three pair of angel wings on the golden frame's top, the middle and the lower part. The one on the top was the smallest as the size of the middle one was medium and the lower one was the biggest. Other than the golden frame and golden lines and golden wings patterns on this door, the color of its primary layer reminds me of you… yes it was blue. Sonic …I was thinking… where are you? Never mind, I need to think about to defeat that SUPER freak first.

As I tightened my fists of thinking about what I should planned to defeat him, I suddenly remembered the Chaos Emerald you gave it to me. That was too late to use it on Eggman's ship. And his little fox friend made it to consume the ship's Chaos energy, so with the emerald… I would win! But it may risk- if it really works on that CHAOS ENERGY FREAK. I started searching it with my left hand into my hair. Do I still have that fake emerald? (Author: Anime characters always do that to bring something big out from nowhere when they actually don't have enough space to store it… right? *smiled*) and I found it! I put it into my palm and started thinking the plan. The plan was all perfect but the only question was how to make it work?

Suddenly I felt that strong and fierce feeling behind me. I looked back from my eye corner to see Super Sonic appeared in his wind. He rubbed his hands in happiness as he said in that disgusting tone:


I hid the emerald because he was here. Step one, made him spoke out what was wrong this place- he said that this was a used- to- be- planet.

"You are a terrible host. Shouldn't you let your visitor know a little more about this place?

"Why don't you start telling me more about this door here or how this place even exists?"

OH MY! I'M SORRY~ HOW RUDE OF ME~ Super Sonic covered his mouth in shocked, nervous a little. That, could let me had some rest for my wounded body, but as well as his. Never mind anyway, I just wanted to get rid of him and got the hell of here, as quickly as possible!

Super Sonic removed his hand slowly which I saw him smiled very, very evilly when he started to explain.

This was a planet called Zero. Super Sonic heard that they had one of the seven warp holes in the universe. Like the echidna has seven Chaos Emeralds and I had to get them for the world's destruction, not now anymore but. The door behind me was called a 'WARP HOLE' – a door that you can easily let you past throughout any ends of time and space. Super Sonic asked them nicely to the citizens to give the warp hole to him. But since it was their fault for refusing, and so simply, he just killed them all. All now I could imagine those people lying on the ground, bleeding to death but stared at their killer with regret and hate for couldn't stop him.

How would you give something very strong to conquer or more, to destroy the world to someone you know is bad? But this time is you have no choice to do so or being killed by him?


This FUCKING bastard… to think I was just like him a few hours ago… I started to get my rage up again more than pain. And now it was the time for step two, I needed to provoke him first before the last step came… and to think of those innocent lives here died in pain… I would avenge for them! And more, I wanted to go back and see you

"What power? All your power comes from the real Sonic!"

"Without him you're nothing!"

I started to remember the way you smiled, you acted, even the way you ate you your chili dog. Super Sonic stopped smiling for a moment, but the next moment he smiled again, with his left eye closed and left index finger waving as rejection.


"Well that's strange… isn't more like…

"You CAN'T control Sonic?"

This time, Super Sonic really stopped smiling. His expression changed over a hundred eighty degrees. He wasn't that bubbly or teasing now but a psycho.


(-Sonic… where ever you are… if you meet this guy, just run…) I heard something in my head. Did he message me without speaking to me but through mind… or something makes more sense, the link between two people who control Chaos Energy?



He knelt on the ground with his hands covering his face, like if he was weeping. I couldn't hear what he said because he covered his mouth with his hands:



Suddenly, there were images which it was like I could see that Sonic was running happily and Super Sonic was being left behind in the dark.


The image went on which the claws of darkness ran to catch Sonic, who was running to the light, which was also the weakness of darkness. You knelt down, holding a little blue bird in your hands tenderly as you gazed at him kindly as well: "You okay there little guy? Don't worry! I got your back!" Super Sonic kept on screaming: AND YET HE HAS THE GUTS TO STOP FOR THESE WEAKLINGS! I DON'T GET IT! SAVING THEM IS JUST WASTING TIME! Excuse me… I felt a little bit offended at here because if we wasted our time on saving the planet Earth, why in the first place it becomes everyone's lovely homeland and Maria's dreamland?

TOGETHER WE CAN BECOME INVINCIBLE! WE CAN FINALLY BECOME ONE AND RULE EVERYTHING TOGETHER, JUST THE OF US! Oh that would be a good point to team up with Sonic ever since he defeated me, the ultimate life form, and became the strongest being on Earth. But then, why you called me here? And then two waterfalls of rectangle-tears hit the floor…tears?

"Come on! Fly!" The little bird flew off with a few feathers dropped and flowed in the air- a beautiful and happy sight for a recovered bird. You covered forehead to hide away from the strong sunlight with one hand while the other did a thumb up. "You did it! You looking good, birdie!" I felt happy about the birdie could fly again too actually.

And yes, it was tears. Super Sonic was crying melancholy. Didn't know why but his tears were mixed along with his drooling. WHY IS HE ALWAYS DOING THIS TO ME?! HE'S MIND! HE'S MINE DAMN IT! HE ONLY BELONGS TO ME FOREVER! WHY? WHY? …WHY? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS PUTTING THEM FIRST BEFORE YOURSELF? BEFORE ME? FOR WHAT? FOR WHAT? I-I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY! I CAN GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT! I'LL KILL ANYONE WHO DARES TO GO AGAINST YOUR ORDERS! SO WHY? WHY? …WHY? I didn't understand why, but it seemed to be a good affection to care about others than you own and your ambitions in the very first place.

D-DAMN IT SONIC WHY WON'T YOU BE WITH ME? WE CAN CONQUER ANYTHING TOGETHER! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HAVE YOU?! That was…over possessive. Suddenly he stopped screaming, and started to laugh. Mixing with the previous crazily over possessive melancholy cry, Super Sonic started to pull a smile, which made me shivered. The only thing I knew at this moment was: This guy… he really is a crazy psychopath. Super Sonic continued to laugh, as he said:

OH WAIT~ IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU AND HIS FRIENDS… HE HAS NO REASON TO WANT ANYTHING MORE IF YOU GUYS ARE OKAY. It was paused as he slowly stood on his feet. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY POOR SONIC IF WE WEREN'T ABLE TO SEE HIS FRIENDS AGAIN? And then he continued to laugh. Well, I admitted that I was now one of his…friends after he did his confession to me, he would be like really sad if he couldn't see them again, just like he said to me.

HE'LL SURELY COME TO ME FOR COMFORT, NO? NOW I REALLY DO HAVE A REASON TO KILL YOU ALL…Tears continued to drop but less as Super Sonic was no longer stuck in sadness, but madness on his face, his smile of cruelty. I got into my position again as he teleported continuously around me. I didn't know what to do now but kept looking for a way out. And I was kind a lot of losing energy, so I thought that I could do one more Chaos Control. But even though I was over one hundred percent concentrated on his movements, I still got loads of cut wounds. AFTER I KILL YOU ALL, HE WILL SURELY COME TO ME. He slowed down a little bit to show his creepy smile before he added sharp cuts all over me. It was painful, but I had to think when, to Chaos Control. Choose wisely, you only have one chance at this. THEN FINALLY! HE'LL BE MINE! MINE!I told myself as I saw he curled up into a ball and homing-attacked to my left, but it just damaged me a little as I quickly dodged it. And then the ball flew into the mid-air, and in a blink, six claws formed around it. NICE DODGE, YOU WANNA SEE ANOTHER MAGIC TRICK? TADA~ CHAOS DIVISION. Oh really? Are those hands around him? I was shocked for a moment before the hands clutched into fists and hit heavily on the ground. CHAOS SMASH!

I dodged them quickly, shuffled from one place to another as the fists followed my movement. "Crap!" How did he form so many hands? I cursed as I nearly got hit by one.

YOU LOOK A LITTLE CURIOUS. ON HOW I DID THIS… he rose his right hand up as the hands on the ground also slowly rose up, and I was surrounded! THIS IS ANOTHER FORM OF CHAOS SPEAR HOWEVER, WITH HIGHLY CONDENSED PRESSURE YOU CAN FORM CHAOS ENERGY LIKE CLAY. BECAUSE THEY'RE MADE OF CHAOS, I CAN CONTROL THE MOVEMENTS EASILY AND EFFICIENTLY. And the hands continue to attack me. I moved my hands and my head slightly little. Two hands got hit in the middle as they missed their target and went on moving. UNLIKE CHAOS SPEARS, THEY CAN CHANGE IN MULTIPLE DIRECTIONS. Damn, would it still be spears if they could move in different directions and scratch, and punch?

Super Sonic continued to laugh as he stared down at me in the mid-air, stared at me who again barely escaped from one hand which was going to chop my head off by bending my head backwards. And I got another sharp slice on my left cheek by the nails of one of the hands. DANCE, HEDGEHOG, DANCE WITH MY HANDS. SOONER OR LATER YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DODGE THEM FOREVER. LET'S MAKE THIS QUICK. His laugh became more and more insane as I kept dodging.

But suddenly I couldn't move my legs as I looked down- I got caught by two of the hands! SEE? IT LOOKS LIKE I'VE CAUGHT YOU. Another hand pulled my left hand backwards and made it snapped. And he curled up again into my face! But luckily with my right hand and some of my remaining strength, I stopped him really crashing into my face by crossing my hands in front of my head. But I could feel that pain started to flow out and burn from my forehead. And the warmth of blood slowly went down from my forehead to my face. Because of all legs were stuck on the ground by the two grabbing hands and the force of Super Sonic's homing-attack, I left two huge long marks on the ground. Super Sonic laughed even harder: YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOU'LL WIN? WHY YOU CONTINUE TO RESIST? He suddenly stopped spinning, used his left hand pulled my right hand away from my forehead so that I could see him licking his lips with a smirk. I thought it would be better if he kept on spin-dashing so I that I didn't have to hear those words as he just used his right knee kicked into my stomach, and blasted me off. AFTER ALL, IN THE END HE'LL BE MINE. He laughed as he said 'Weak'. MINE FOREVER!

He laughed as I slowly got up from the heavy stun on my ass, and this time, more pain than those from crushing into islands. I slowly turned to look at my left arm, from that snap, FUCK! He broke my arm… And then a disgusting feeling on my chest- he was stroking my chest fur with fake pity in his eyes.AW- DOES IT HURT A LOT? He laughed as he moved his hand upwards to my face, but I grabbed him with my unbroken right hand and gave him a death glare even I was heavily injured: "Don't touch me you fucking pervert." He used his other hand to scratch his head as if he was running out of idea for what to do. DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF MY DEAR; I'M ONLY HELPING YOU UP… I suddenly felt that I was lift up as he pushed his hand forward a little bit to grab my neck. I used my right hand to grab his, trying to get it away but I was choking really hard and started to feel that it was difficult to breath. And this pain forced me to shut my eyes. I wanted to scream but only dry noises coming out from my throat.SEE?

YOU'RE THE FIRST TO GET ME THIS ANNOYED. BUT THIS GAME WAS FUN THOUGH. THOUGH I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY YO KEPT FIGHTING AGAINST ME.I must not let him won; I couldn't imagine what the world Maria loved would become if he joined up with Sonic! But now, I felt so numb and I couldn't do anything! Damn it… DAMN IT… DAMN IT! All this just a flash as Super Sonic made his right hand into a crawl. I opened my eyes slowly; first I gazed at the door, and then him, with your reflection, Sonic… YOU THOUGHT SONIC NEEDS YOU? PATHETIC! YOU WANTED TO DIE AND LEAVE HIM BEHIND ANYWAYS. I was wondering right now at this moment, would it be okay if it was you to finish me off. But by all means, Super Sonic was right about one thing: I did want to just die. And now I continued to see images of Sonic caring about his birdie, saying 'I got your back, don't worry'. IT'S A PRETTY HARSH WORLD OUT THERE, AH? But in the background, Super Sonic's voice broke the peace. I'LL SHOW A LITTLE MORE ABOUT MYSELF. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND SHADOW? NO NE NEEDS YOU. WELL… NOT ANYMORE. The pain got worse, but this time, psychologically. Suddenly I felt something went through me, it was like your chest suddenly got hollowed, I snapped my eyes open to see a shocking image. His hand was going through me! I'LL MAKE YOU FEEL HOW I FEEL… I'VE LEARNED IN LIFE THAT IF YOU WANT SOMETHING… The image continued as Super Sonic held your chin tenderly with one hand and the other hand was approaching the birdie. You were shocked as he asked you to look at him. …THE DEVASTATION OF HAVING A HEART BLACK AS HELL…JUST TAKE THE DAMN THING His hand gently held my heart, as I saw him adding a little pressure on the birdie in your hand. The birdie lowly moaned as you were finally laying your gaze on him in surprise. … NEVER LET IT ESCAPE YOU… FOR USELESS THINGS LIKE THESE… HOLD IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT… WE CAN HAVE ANYTHING WE DESIRE…IT'S EASY…JUST TAKE IT… His gaze at me suddenly hardened as he gripped my heart like he was going to rip it! AND RIP IT OUT. I screamed at the top of my lungs as the birdie, also screamed with blood coming out from his mouth…REMEMBER YOU ARE A MONSTER JUST LIKE ME. WE NEED EACH OTHER. YOU NEED ONLY ME….no, Sonic, no…please don't listen to him…

My heart was burning and it was hurt. My vision was being blurry again. I barely saw Super Sonic's dark claws coming over me. He kept licking his lips with that smirk.WHY ARE YOU STILL STRUGGLING? YOU SAID IT TO YOURSELF BEFORE: 'I'M LIKE THAT THING WE KILLED. LOOK AT ME, I'M A MONSTER.' My heart was slowing down as it took that much damage from that single grip, but at least…I wanted to die and it was true…but I wanted to fight…'IT DOESN'T MATTER, I'M DOING TO DIE ANYWAYS' Super Sonic kept repeating what I said to you earlier as I slowly covered up by the darkness, only one eye left to be uncovered. But the pain…and the image of you picking up the heavily injured birdie as you cried…SURRENDER SHADOW… YOU 'TIME HAS COME'. I could give up easily, but when I saw you confessed, and you cried… I remembered your words:"It doesn't matter If anyone needs you… because" actually…I followed my heart for what was right… because… because… because…because!


Maria needed me to protect the planet Earth, also now linked as the world where you live, where you need, and that made so many senses that I am in needed! You're my world, even though I meant to live forever, you are the first one that cares about me! And I am that birdie in all those images! To be flying again, to thank you for saving me from my nightmares, I will SURVIVE! I break through from the darkness as tears rapidly welled up and dropped down from my eyes. I was alive! And I couldn't die just yet! Not when…I gave him a death glare again but this time, it was filled with power as I slowly gave him the words I wanted to say after such a long and foolish hesitation through my teeth.

"The only person Sonic needs is… ME!"

(Author: FUCK YES SHADOW! GO! KICK HIS BUTT!*fangirl squealing and held up a logo: SONADOW RULES!*)

And then I gave Super Sonic a sudden head butt, which blasted him many miles away. He lay on the ground with a hand over his forehead; rectangles were repairing and bleeding away from the wound. He looked very surprised. WHAT? HOW DID YOU ESCAPE MY GRASP? You wanted me to be a heroic hedgehog, right? Like Maria had wished? I curled into a ball and rapidly approach him, stopped in front of him and started a roll of continuous punching.

"That was for killing all of those people who lived here!" Because of your affection, because of Maria's wish, I would avenge for those who dwell here in death! Super Sonic seemed scared as he dodged my attacks. WHERE DID THIS POWER SURGE COME FROM?

He stopped my punch with his fists and did a swipe kick at me, but I just jumped up and kicked him in his stomach. "This IS FOR FUCKING TOUCHING ME!" Thanked you for kicking me in my tummy earlier, it was FREAKING PAINFUL! And now you understand how painful it was.

"And lastly this…" He didn't respond from such attack, well earlier he was like acting nothing but now, FOOL! I took this chance as I did a furious punch in his face, "IS FOR SONIC!" The force caused him flew away and hit on the middle wing on the left side of the door. He was shocked. It seemed to be impossible to stop him from getting everything he wanted… but he just hit on to that wing of the 'precious' gateway he wanted, and it was broken down. The wing created a huge amount of wind and dust. I hid my face from it so that I wouldn't get disturb by the dust- which was good for enemies to surprise. I screamed into the wind furiously and without fear. Told you not to mess with the ultimate life form! "Hurry up and come at me you PSYCHO! I'M ENDING THIS GAME!"

NO! I'LL NOT HAVE THIS! I WILL NOT LOSE! Super Sonic also got into his nerves… well… already… he floated into the mid-air again with his claws ready. He gazed at me coldly. I WILL HAVE SONIC! His claws balled up again as he said CHAOS SMASH, I jumped towards him as I continued to jump from one hand to another, and destroyed it by my own Chaos Spear before it could damage me again after a hesitation of being stepped on. DAMN IT! Super Sonic cursed as he saw his claws were destroyed one by one. His claws of darkness showed up again as he was exhausted. WHY WON'T YOU JUST GIVE UP AND…DIE? The claws fused into two massive big claws, and they got their prey by putting together. The prey was struggling in there and Super Sonic was laughing at his effort on crushing his prey. YES, JUST DIE IN MY HANDS… but actually the prey was behind him!

"As if…" I looked at him with the deepest anger and the direst cruelty for a bad guy. Luckily I did escape before he crushed me! As I have the same speed as you! But my time for finishing this was now! Let's hope this works… "YOUR TIME IS UP!" I pulled out the fake emerald and pushed it violently into Super Sonic's chest when he was shocked. The claws were disappearing because of the light. I continued to scream at here till I pushed him onto the ground. He was struggling in this turn. "Because… IT'S GAME OVER!" The emerald started to absorb his energy away, creating strong wind along with the broken earth and rocks. Super Sonic was screaming in pain because of he was made of PURE chaos energy, of course he got absorbed very quickly into the emerald. But unfortunately, mine as well! Crap! It's absorbing my energy too! I can't hold on any longer! Before I went blank, I saw the birdie flew away, freely again.

(Author: now it's my turn to unleash to finish it! Original here by Specter1997)

"Maria?" I walked into the light to find my dearest friend. "I've fulfilled your wish, and I finally find out my true love." I blushed a little bit when I said this. I was quite nervous to say that, and especially quite a scandal of falling for a male.

Maria turned and smiled as she got it. Oh I suddenly felt tired, and I closed my eyes.

So at here, except the part above, Timeless was discontinued. But at least, this made a good story of telling that actually Shadow cares so much about Sonic. And I hope that you enjoy it, and feel like the characters do. And… you can see that there is some black humor at here! Anyway please do tell me how you feel. And if Timeless continued, I'll upload its epilogue!