Hi everyone. I'm really new here at Fanfic.net, so go easy on me. Trying to be a budding writer so I REALLY need all the feedback I can get! Go ahead and flame me (just don't burn me to a crisp!). Positive feedback would be preferable. All you great fanfic writers out there, write me with suggestions please! E-mail's [email protected]. Oh, btw, I'm going away for the next three weeks, so I won't be able to check out all your reviews (hint hint, nudge nudge) until then. Please enjoy ^^

First Day Two silhouettes could be seen against the dawn sky in Domino City, both short and with large spiky hair. The taller of the two was carrying a suitcase and a backpack while the shorter one struggled with another piece of luggage. Grandson and grandpa walked in silence, taking in the coolness of the morning before the heat wave of summer washed over the city. The Motous were headed towards the Domino City Airport. They were an hour early for Sugoroku's flight to Egypt. It was five o'clock in the morning and Yuugi tried to stifle a huge yawn. His grandpa smiled as he watched the boy's violet eyes droop asleep then snap open.

"Yuugi, you didn't have to come see me off. I could've just taken a cab."

Yuugi smiled. "Of course I have to see you off, grandpa. You're going away for a week, after all. Now, take care of yourself. Remember the doctor said to take the red pills every night and to drink at least three cups of tea. Oh, better make that four cups, since you are going to be going to Egypt and it gets really hot there. Are you sure you have enough sunscreen?"

"Don't worry so much about your old man, Yuugi! I'm old enough to take care of myself." The old man grinned. That was his grandson, always the thoughtful one. "Besides, I'll be spending most of the time inside at the convention."

"I wish I could go with you," said Yuugi wistfully.

"So do I." Sugoroku reached over to ruffle the boy's hair. "But you can't miss those end-of-the-year exams." He laughed as Yuugi wrinkled his nose and pouted.

"I promise I'll bring back a souvenir." Yuugi's eyes danced with interest. The combination of Egypt and a Duel Monsters tournament was definitely going to yield some interesting surprises. However, he knew that nothing would be more surprising than the Millennium Puzzle his grandpa had given him. The puzzle had been challenging to put together, but the most challenging part of the present had been Yami. The younger boy still couldn't quite figure out the ancient spirit, although they had become fast friends after the adventure in the Duelist Kingdom.

Arriving at the airport, the two Motous checked in the two pieces of luggage and made their way to the terminal, where the plane was getting ready to take off. There was still ten minutes until take-off, so Sugoroku bought a coffee for himself and a bagel for Yuugi. They sat down on the gray plastic chairs.

"You'll be okay by yourself for a week, right?"

Yuugi swallowed the mouthful of bagel. "Don't worry about me, grandpa. I can take care of myself."

"Just making sure. You know where the emergency numbers are. Don't hesitate to call a friend over if you need to. Microwave dinners are in the fridge-"

"Grandpa, I can cook."

"Well, just in case you don't want mac and cheese every day. Just kidding, just kidding," the old man laughed when he saw the indignation on Yuugi's face. "I know you're a terrific cook. Just be careful when you use the stove. Oh, and no going out with friends before you finish your homework." The boy groaned good-humoredly.

"I guess that's it," Sugoroku said, draining the last bit of coffee and throwing the cup away. He brushed a crumb off Yuugi's face and hugged his grandson.

"Take care, Yuugi. I'll call everyday."

"Have fun, jiichan. You take care too."

Yuugi watched as his grandpa disappeared into the terminal. Exhaling a deep breath, he smiled and turned to exit the airport. It was seven and the traffic had just started to pick up. Politely refusing the taxis lined up outside the airport, Yuugi walked the two blocks back to the Turtle Game Shop to pick up his schoolbag, then walked another half block to the park where he usually met Anzu to walk to school. He was early. She had not arrived yet, so he leaned against a park bench to wait. Aside from some seniors engrossed in early-morning taichi nearby, there was no one else in the park. He absently fingered the solid gold puzzle around his neck. The puzzle glowed softly and with a flash, Yuugi felt his darker half emerge. Dressed in customary black leather buckle shirt and blue overcoat, Yami was draped lazily across the park bench. The former pharaoh tensed momentarily, stretching.

"Aibou, you wake up way too early."

Yuugi chuckled. "It's already 7:30."

"My point exactly."

"It's hardly early. You're just a sleepy-head." Yami looked at the younger boy in amusement, then sprung up from the park bench and put his aibou into a headlock.

"Hey, cut it out! It took a lot of gel to get the hair right this morning." Yami gave one last ruffle and let the smaller boy go. The two spike-haired youths sat down on the bench, Yuugi still trying to straighten out his untamable hair. A plane passed overhead.

"Well, jiichan's gone for a week to Egypt," Yuugi said, with a hint of sadness.

"So you're going to be home alone?"

"I'm not going to be by myself. I have you." They both smiled. "Since jiichan won't be around, you can come out as often as you like." Sugoroku still had not met his grandson's other half; there just had never been the proper occasion to introduce the two and with his grandpa still recovering from his hospital ordeal, Yuugi thought it would be better to wait until at least after the convention. Yami had respected his decision, although he felt that his hikari's jiichan had already deduced his existence. After all, Sugoroku had found the puzzle.

"Besides, I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"Yuugi!" The smaller boy leapt up to greet Anzu, then promptly tripped on a rock and fell. Right away, Yami was by his side helping him up.

"Yuugi, are you all right?" Anzu asked.

//Are you sure you can take care of yourself?// Yami questioned.

Yuugi frowned. Why did everyone treat him like a little kid? "I'm fine," he said curtly as he got to his feet. "Thanks," he added, feeling he was being rude. They started to walk towards Domino High, Yami following long enough to greet Anzu then returning back to the puzzle. The two teens were soon joined by Jonouchi and Honda. The four chatted about homework and Duel Monsters all the way to school.

"Hey, look what I got yesterday, Yuug." Jou dug into his pocket and pulled out a card.

"Wow! That's a Tri-Horned Dragon!" Everyone crowded around to take a look. The blue dragon had lustrous yellow claws and the unmistakable three horns protruding from its head. The elusive tri-horned dragon was a legendary duel monster. Everyone knew of its existence, but no one had ever found one before. That was, until now. Jou cradled the card lovingly.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe my luck! I was walking home yesterday from the arcade and bumped into this guy. He said he was selling Duel Monster cards real cheap and told me to take a look. Well, I was leafing through his collection when I came across this! I guess he didn't know what he had; he sold it to me for a couple hundred yen!"

"Wow, what a steal," intoned a soft British accent. Ryou Bakura had wandered over to see what the commotion was about and his brown eyes were as wide as saucers as he stared at the card.

//I hope he doesn't mean that literally,// said Yami sarcastically. //Grave robbers aren't the most trustworthy of people.//

/Yami, it's just a figure of speech. Besides, Ryou is too polite to steal anything./

//Yami Bakura isn't. Jou's Tri-Horned Dragon is an exceptional find.//

/Yeah, I guess it'll be a lot harder to be Jou now./

//Still, it doesn't seem quite right that he got it so easily.//

/Maybe he caught a lucky break./

"Hey Yuug, snap out of it. It's so freaky when you talk to Yami, you look all spaced out." Yuugi blinked as Jou waved a hand over his face.

"Sorry about that." Bakura and Jou continued to discuss the virtues and weaknesses of the new card while Yuugi pondered his darker half's suspicions. Yami's intuition was usually exceptionally keen so it was always wise to heed his warnings.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, more peacefully than usual since Kaiba was absent. The teenage millionaire was often away on business so it was not unusual that he was missing that day. Since it was almost end-of- term exams, the teachers were letting their classes study during the entire duration of the block. Since Jou was spending more time admiring his new card than studying, he got a half-hour detention, to be served after school.

"Man, this stinks," griped Jou as he slammed his locker door shut. "It's inhuman to punish someone for wanting to look at their new card. For Christ sake, how can anyone not feast their eyes on the Tri-Horned Dragon?!"

Honda rolled his eyes. "The card's not going to help you write a 1000-word essay, baka."

"The Tri-Horned Dragon is an omen. I can feel it, I'm gonna ace the finals no problem." Jou flashed his trademark grin.

"Not if you write like how you duel."


"Jou, Honda just wants to make sure you do okay on the finals," Anzu reasoned, closing her own locker and hefting her backpack.

"Tell you what, Jou. You can come over to my house after detention and I can help you study. At least this way, you can scrape by with a pass," Honda offered.

"Wait a minute! You're the one who needs help with physics, not me."

"Well, at least I'm not relying on some three-horned lizard to help me solve equations."

"I resent that. You'd better apologize to my card now." The two taller boys walked down the hall, still bickering. Yuugi and Anzu smiled.

"They both need help if you ask me. mental help," Anzu joked as they walked out of the school. They both laughed.

"Jou's really into his new card though. Is it really that rare?" wondered Anzu aloud.

"Definitely! It's one of the rarest cards in Duel Monsters. I've never seen one in anyone's deck. In fact, the only time I saw one was at Kaibaland and that card was under glass display and heavily guarded. Although," Yuugi frowned, "I thought the display said that there was only one card known to exist."

"That's odd. Then how could Jou get a hold of one?"

"I don't know, but Yami said it didn't feel quite right to him either. It's something to look into." The two split ways at the park. Anzu headed towards Burger World while Yuugi had to return straight to the Turtle Game Shop to look after the store. Unlocking the door, he stepped inside the small room wall-papered with stacks of Duel Monster cards and layered with various other games. The boy flipped the open sign to announce business, then dropped his bag by the counter and sunk onto the stool behind it. Yami materialized with a soft glow and leaned across the counter.

"Hey Yuugi, how was school?"

"Really tiring and I still have a ton of homework. Thank goodness the shipment of new cards is arriving tomorrow. I'm not up to unpacking today." Yuugi laid his forehead on the glass counter and closed his eyes. Studying really sapped a lot of energy, especially since he had forgotten to eat lunch. Yami disappeared into the back of the store and re-emerged with a plate of rice-balls.

"Thanks Yami." Yuugi's stomach growled, making the smaller boy blush. "I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was." He dug into the snack hungrily. "Do you want some?" he asked between bites.

"No thanks, aibou, I don't eat."

"Try some, they're delicious. It's lotus seed filling, my favorite." Yuugi handed his darker half a rice ball, which Yami hesitantly bit into. Yuugi grinned as Yami finished his and reached for another one. After the two boys had finished, Yuugi spread his homework out on the counter while Yami turned on the television. The former pharaoh was still intrigued by the wonders of modern technology, especially how television managed to fit so many people into such a small box. The luxury of being able to command when he wanted to watch reminded him of the privileges he had enjoyed as a pharaoh. Entertainment was always a wish away. Every so often, he would help Yuugi with a math problem; though they first had to sort out the confusion of whether to use Arabic numerals or hieroglyphics. In the end, they compromised on using hieroglyphic numbers and Arabic functions. Yuugi just hoped that Fuji-sama would not check his work- he didn't feel like explaining to his teacher how he had arrived at the correct answer using sticks and dots. After three hours of solid studying, Yuugi pushed aside the work and leaned back on the stool. So this was what frazzled nerves felt like.

Yuugi's stomach noisily announced its need to be fed, causing Yami to raise an eyebrow. "I guess it's time for dinner, ne," Yuugi said, his cheeks burning. "Why don't you close up shop and I'll whip up something for us to eat." The younger boy went to the back and rummaged through the kitchen. Half an hour later, the game shop was closed and Yami walked into the small living room, where Yuugi had set two places at the table and was currently stirring a pot at the stove.

"What are you making, aibou?"

"My specialty, spaghetti!" He poured the sauce over the pasta and sat down at the table. "Come on, dig in." To his astonishment, Yami felt hungry for the first time in five millennia. As a physical manifestation, he guessed that he needed to feed his body. Shrugging, he grabbed some noodles onto his plate.

"Here Yami, you use this. It's called a fork. You wrap the spaghetti around it like this." Yuugi demonstrated with his own portion then ladled sauce on both plates. Seeing Yami eat spaghetti was hilarious. The noodles kept slipping off his fork and the intense concentration on the game king's face made the situation more hilarious. After finally finishing the meal and washing up the dishes, the two boys sat down on the couch to watch the news.

".another break-in has occurred, this time on the outskirts of Domino City, in the amusement park known as Kaibaland." Two sets of ears perked up in interest. "Several rare and valuable Duel Monster cards were stolen. Strangely enough, security cameras did not detect any intruders. A reward of a million yen is offered by owner Seto Kaiba for information leading to the arrest of the culprit and return of the stolen cards. And now, we break for the weather."

Yami's eyes narrowed. "Aibou, I don't think it's a coincidence that Jou happened get the Tri-Horned Dragon after the break-in."

"Jou would never steal!" Yuugi adamantly defended his friend.

"No, but he obviously bought the card from the black market, knowingly or unknowingly. That could get him into trouble."

"I'd better call to tell him!" Ten phone calls later, a very irritated and drunken voice told Yuugi to stop calling. He winced and hung up. "I can't get a hold of Jou."

"It's alright, aibou. You'll see him at school tomorrow."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"No," Yami smirked. "I.need to check up on something. Now, I think it's time for you to go to bed." Yuugi groaned, then knew better than to argue with his yami. He went to change, then emerged in a pair of light blue pajamas with chibi Dark Magicians.

"Good night, Yami. Don't stay up too late." Yuugi gave the game king a quick hug then went to his bedroom, leaving Yami sitting on the couch criticizing how historically inaccurate The Mummy with Brendan Fraser was.