Wow. The Last Chapter. Saying that sends thrills down my spine and makes me grin.

Big hugs and 'thank you's to everyone who reviewed: kisshuismylife, candykiss228, MewBlueberryLuvsKisshu, starfirewinx, animerockzgurl, the real pudding, KUKAIxAMU, Pirate Lass to Jack Sparrow, MewMewCherry, cherriesxxx, spiceypepper, Julie Emerson, cherry, Laurland, Modelgirl97 and Guests to . Your reviews always brighten up my day! Guys, this one is for you!

Note for in the story: Xīn'ài de nǚ'ér means Beloved Daughter in Chinese.

Chapter Seven:

When she and I settle down you can bet that he's going to have to settle for less. He's someone I'd hate to be. I got the girl and he's left with just the memory.

He's the guy you should feel sorry for. He had the world and thought that he wanted more. I owe it all to the mistake he made back. I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend.

The silence in the room was suffocating.

Pudding was silently crying, just so happy to see Tart. Yuebin looked like he was about to wring Tart's neck. Tart's companions stood a few paces behind him, waiting to see what would happen and ready to jump to protect both Tart and Pudding on a second's notice. And Tart and Mr. Fong simply stared at each other.

"I see," Mr. Fong said at last. "But I am afraid I will need more reasons to halt this union."

"I see," Tart said evenly. "Then I regrettably have the responsibility to inform you of the mistreatment of your daughter at the hands of this man."

Mr. Fong looked shocked at Tart's statement. He looked over his shoulder.

"Pudding?" He whispered. Pudding just sobbed, and buried her face in her hands.

Tart walked up to her placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be alright," He whispered.

"You came," Pudding whispered. "But you were badly injured…"

"Practically nothing," Tart reassured her, smiling softly. He felt bad for lying to her, but he was not the object of concern at the moment. "Can you please take off the veil and gloves? I need to show your father the bruises."

Pudding nodded shakily and did what Tart asked of her. Mr. Fong took a tentative step forward and drew back in shock when he saw the discolorations around Pudding's wrists.

"Pudding, my precious daughter, what happened?" Mr. Fong whispered, tears coming to his own eyes.

"Yuebin-" Tart started.

"He lies!" Yuebin declared, getting between Tart and Mr. Fong. "He made those marks on Pudding's wrists, trying to force her to run away with him. We decided-"

Tart chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint.

"Oh, Mr. Yuebin, you have set yourself up for failure with that lie," Tart said. He carefully wrapped his own hand around Pudding's wrist. The bruises went beyond where his fingers were, his long fingers too thin to match the thick welts. "My hands are too small to have made these bruises."

Mr. Fong turned to glare at Yuebin.

"Did you hurt my daughter?" Mr. Fong demanded.

"No!" Yuebin yelled, his face reddening with anger.

"Um, Mr. Fong, sir?"

Everyone turned to see Lettuce poke her head out from behind Pie, where she had decided to take refuge from any harsh word or glare that could be thrown at her for what she was about to say.

"Um, we," She said, nodding her head towards her coworkers. "have been working with Pudding for a long time now, and this is not the first time Pudding's had bruises like this. And they only came when Yuebin did. Pudding hadn't seen Tart in five years when he arrived two days ago."

Mr. Fong stood in shock for a moment, trying to comprehend what he was being told.

"Mr. Fong."

The older man turned to look at Tart again.

"Sir, let us pretend for a moment that these bruises don't exist. Do you know if Pudding actually loves Yuebin?" Tart asked.

Mr. Fong turned back to Pudding, who was silently sobbing into her hands, a million emotions running through her body. Mr. Fong went over and put his hands on his daughter's shoulders and gently moved her hands so he could look directly into her eyes.

"Pudding, my Xīn'ài de nǚ'ér, do you love Ron Yuebin?" He asked.

Pudding tried to speak and ended up sobbing again.

"Pudding doesn't love him. But Pudding must. Pudding must to be a dutiful daughter to Papa. Because Pudding promised Mama she would." Pudding said through her tears.

Mr. Fong wrapped his daughter in his arms, his own tears running down his face.

"Oh, Pudding," He whispered. "You have been a wonderful, beautiful, helpful daughter to me. But I would never ask you to marry someone you didn't love out of duty to me. And I am sorry that you have lived your life up till now thinking this way because I was never around to see this and put a stop to it.

"I will admit, I have made many mistakes regarding you and your brothers and sister since your mother died. I've been so lost in my grief for my wife, I couldn't see that my children had lost their mother and that I was selfishly taking away the father they needed. I hope that you can forgive me for this mistake I have made, though I cannot think of any way to express how sorry I am for this mess. I want you to marry whoever you want, whoever you truly love."

"Then Pudding wants to marry Taru-Taru," Pudding said with a smile, her tears easing up. "He is Pudding's best friend, and Pudding loves him with all her heart." She stood on her toes and kissed her father's cheek. "And Pudding forgives Papa. Not because it is her duty, but because she loves him."

Mr. Fong embraced his daughter again.

"Thank you," He whispered to her. "And I love you, too, my Xīn'ài de nǚ'ér."


They all turned to see Yuebin glaring at Mr. Fong.

"You said she was to be mine," He said. "I beat her. I won her. She is mine."

"The engagement is called off. I see now that it should have never been arranged. Get out of my sight, you worthless piece of dirt," Mr. Fong growled. "And never come near my daughter again."

Yuebin let loose a howl of rage and lunged at Tart, preparing to punch him.

But to his shock, Tart caught his wrist before the blow could land.

"You ruined it for yourself," Tart whispered. "And I should pity you. Five years ago, my brothers and I came to find that you humans had all but destroyed your beautiful planet while we lived in a barren wasteland. That is what you did with Pudding. She is everything beautiful, everything wonderful, and it is all natural. She is my world. I was sickened to see that she was so easily polluted and abused by someone as thoughtless and unworthy as you. I should feel sorry for you, but I don't. You had the world, but wanted more. Your greed and your anger is your destruction. I'd hate to be you. I've got the most wonderful girl in the universe. You're left with just the memories."

And with that, Tart turned Yuebin's wrist sharply, snapping the bone. Yuebin howled in pain. He snarled at Tart, but then marched away, cradling his wrist.

Tart watched him go with a contented sigh. He staggered slightly as he felt Pudding jump onto his back. His not-healed injuries screamed in protest, but Tart didn't care.

"I love you, my monkey," Tart said, laying his hand on Pudding's, smiling at her.

"Pudding loves you too, Taru-Taru," Pudding said, kissing his cheek.

"Then I believe there is only one thing left to do," Mint said with a smirk as Pudding climbed off Tart's back.

"What's that, na no da?" Pudding asked.

The bird Mew instructed Pudding and Tart to face each other and hold hands. When they did so, Pie cleared his throat and laid his hand on his youngest brother's shoulder.

"Taruto Ikisatashi, do you promise to love, hold, cherish, protect and one day marry Pudding Fong?" Pie asked in his monotone, but Tart saw his lips curl up slightly as he spoke

"I do," Tart said, smiling at Pudding.

"Pudding Fong, do you promise to love, hold, cherish, protect and one day marry Taruto Ikisatashi?" Ichigo asked, laying her hand on Pudding's shoulder.

"I do," Pudding said, smiling at Tart.

"Then by the power vested in Kishu Ikisatashi and Pie Ikisatashi, older brothers," Pie said, Kish's arm slung around Pie's shoulders.

"And by the power vested in Mint Aizawa, Zakuro Fujiwara, Lettuce Midrowaka, and Ichigo Momomiya, honorary older sisters," Ichigo said, the other Mews standing around her, grinning.

"We now pronounce you DATING!" They said in unison.

"Taruto, kiss your girlfriend!" Kish said with a smirk.

Tart gently leaned in to kiss Pudding, who attacked him with a kiss so passionate, they both ended up on the floor of the temple, Pudding laying on top of Tart. They stayed there for a long time, just kissing, hugging each other and laughing. Keiichiro coyly pulled out a camera and snapped a picture and high-fived Ryou, who grinned as he watched the two teenagers.

The next evening, everyone was back in Tokyo. Even Mr. Fong had come. He had said that he had stayed away too long in his grief for his late wife. He needed to become a father to his children again, and the Fong brood were delighted to welcome him back into the role.

The Mews had called for a celebration of Pudding and Tart's love, and threw together a party with help from Pie, Kish, Ryou, Keiichiro and the younger Fong children.

Pudding lay her head on Tart's chest, smiling as they swayed slowly to the music. Tart kissed the top of her head.

"I love you Pudding," Tart whispered for the hundredth time that day.

"I love you too, Tart," Pudding whispered back.

And they carefully leaned together to share a kiss, both overjoyed.

Each had found their one, true love.

They were both finally truly happy.

If it wasn't for him, I would still be searching. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know my best friend. If it wasn't for him you'd be able to see that if it wasn't for him, he'd be as happy as me.

It's been a blast everyone! I hope you've enjoyed reading Pudding's Ex-Boyfriend! Pudding and Tart forever!

Soccer-Geek :D