Chapter One: In the Darkness

In the darkness of the Shadow Realm, a thought pierced the silence and chaos. /Revenge will be much sweeter after five millennia./ The consciousness brooded in the vast nothingness. Only will had sustained it; unable to take physical form, it had persisted as a malevolent spirit, grasping the minds of unwary monsters and preying on their energy. Little by little, it had regained a pitiful fraction of its former strength, but even this triumph was bitter.

/Ironic, how I am a prisoner of my own creation./ For the Shadow Realm had been its brainchild, nurtured by his dark power until it was an infinite labyrinth of games and traps.

/Trapped within myself, like a pitiful yami./ The shadow's thoughts glowed with anger in the gloom of the Shadow Realm.

/No! I am the ultimate darkness. All shadows belong to me./ The shadow twisted its thoughts into a ghost of a smile, more out of habit than real need. /Soon, the dark soul of the reincarnated Amenhotep will be mine./ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Duel Monsters battlefield was alight with holographic monsters. Yugi couldn't see his opponent in the dark of the forest, but he could hear his menacing voice and the silent aura of taunting he projected. Surrounded by shadows, Yugi felt small and alone. Slightly afraid, he reached a trembling hand to draw a card. Black Magician, his most trusted monster. Yugi smiled confidently, knowing that the Black Magician would win him his battle.

"I play the Black Magician in attack mode." The card activated and the blue-eyed monster materialized on the battle field. Regal in purple, he awaited Yugi's command. "Black Magician, attack Flame Swordsman!" The magician raised a hand holding a ball of concentrated black energy and aimed. His opponent's monster was obliterated from the field in a shock of energy, taking a chunk out of the duelist's life points. "Not so fast, Yugi," came a soft malevolent voice. "I activate the change of heart card I laid down two turns ago and use it to take over your Black Magician." Yugi stared helplessly as his most loyal card traded masters. He could feel his heart sinking as he stared into the Black Magician's suddenly icy eyes. "Black Magician, attack Yugi," the voice said lazily. "What?!" Yuugi's violet eyes widened in horror as the Black Magician advanced on him, staff ready to emit a powerful dark magic attack. Monsters can't attack duelists! "But this is no ordinary game," his opponent leered, as if reading his mind. "In the Shadow Realm, the stakes are always much higher." Yugi involuntarily let out a whimper and raised both hands to shield himself from the onslaught. "NO!" Yuugi shouted, clenching his blankets into a sweaty ball. Thankfully, his scream was muffled into his pillow and didn't wake up his grandpa. /Are you alright, aibou? What happened?/ The frightened boy slowly unlocked his tense body and sat up, staring into the red concerned eyes of his yami. "The same dream again," Yugi explained, eyes slowly spilling tears. "I was dueling someone I couldn't see in a dark place, and he commanded my Black Magician to attack me." Yami placed his arms protectively around the smaller boy and held him against his own chest. "It's alright," he soothed, "it was just a dream. I'm here, you have nothing to worry about." Gradually, Yuugi stopped sobbing and drew a shaky breath. "Thanks, Yami." He gave his aibou a weak smile that Yami reflected. "Go to sleep now. I'm right here." With that, Yugi let himself drift back to sleep while his dark sat on the edge of his bed, looking at the sleeping form and deep in thought. Dreams are omens we sometimes cannot choose to ignore. With that thought, Yami continued his vigil over his light side deep into the night.