Author Notes:

~I do not intend to make this solely romance.

~This is a parallel universe from the original one piece story line. I don't intend to continue the way Oda does .

~Some characters may not be featured.


The Grand Line, A very well-known area with four main schools. These schools are known for having very troubling students. However, the school where our story takes place is East Blue High. A young delinquent known as Monkey D. Luffy, often causes problems there.

"Luffy… LUFFY! Pay attention!" yelled Hancock from the front of the classroom. Luffy slowly lifted his head and wiped away his drool. Hancock sighed and smiled at him.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." He chuckled as his teacher blushed at his innocent laugh. She tried to hide it with a short cough, however the other students realized that she favored Luffy.

Nami was in the same class as Luffy and Usopp. She was very intelligent, and very beautiful. She normally kept to herself, but when she wanted something she knew exactly how to get it. Usopp was more of the class clown than anything. He was very good at creating things and started his own club. He only had three other members: Ninjin, however everyone just called him Carrot. Tamanegi, his nickname was Onion. And there was one other named Piiman, who was nicknamed Pepper.

The teacher Ms. Hancock was starting to get in her 'I love Luffy, fangirl mode' so Nami rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Teacher, could you continue your lesson?! It's obvious Luffy would rather sleep than listen to you. So why not send him to the principal's office?!" She growled while glaring at Luffy. Hancock pouted and looked at her chalkboard. Nami slammed her hand on her desk. "TEACHER!" Hancock looked sternly at Nami.

"Fine, I understand your situation too." She looked at Luffy, who had been looking back and forth between the two. "Please report to the principal's office immediately… Sorry" She blushed and placed her hands on her cheeks to hide the redness.

Luffy stood up and smiled "It's okay Hancock." He started walking to the door and took a glance back at Nami. Nami glared as he walked out. He placed his hands behind his head and saw an older classmate sleeping on the ground behind the stairs. "What's this?" He made his way to see who it was. He recognized the hair right away and poked his cheek.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, straw hat." He growled as he opened one of his eyes. Luffy smiled and waved.

"Zoro, skipping class again?" He stared at Zoro's hair for a moment, then looked back at his face. Zoro sat up and rubbed his head. He sighed heavily and replied.

"That damned cook is too obnoxious. I just got fed up and walked out." He yawned and stood up. "What about you? You don't seem to be in class either." He smirked. Luffy rubbed the back of his head and groaned.

"I got caught sleeping in class so I was sent to see Principal Whitebeard." Luffy seemed to pout slightly as he mentioned Whitebeard.

"Are you jealous that Ace and him get along so well?" Zoro started laughing. Luffy rolled his eyes and put his hands behind his head. He looked towards the direction of Whitebeards office. "Dead on, huh?" he continued. Luffy shook his head.

"Nami got mad at me again." He looked down. Zoro tilted his head in confusion, He wondered why Luffy was so upset about it. Normally Luffy didn't pay attention to the girls who liked him. He knew that even Ms. Boa Hancock was in love with Luffy, she was the most beautiful women in the entire school, yet he paid her no mind.

"Why does that bother you?" He asked, Luffy shrugged and looked him in the eyes. Zoro was almost taken back when Luffy answered.

"I want her to be my friend." He seemed honest and persistent with his reply. Zoro couldn't help but laugh. He knew there was another motive to being a pretty girl's friend.

Luffy said his goodbyes to Zoro and headed for the principal's office.