Okay, so it's been a while, (for some of the these stories, a LONG while), since I've been here. General update so far is, Life is keeping me in overtime for some stuff, and there are times where I'm able to write, and then there are times where I'm literally trying to make sure that I don't lose the house that I'm living in. I've also run into the issue of the program that I had all of my writing saved in keeps malfunctioning, so I've been very slowly trying to get all of it over to somewhere else. I like to work with programs that use the cloud, and so I'm trying to move my stuff to Google Docs (for the time being). Because my old service malfunctions (literally within one minute of signing in), the process is slow, but I am still working on it.
What this means is that as soon as I finish my current story, Proof of Concept, (which 1-2 chapters form being done), I will be updating all my other incompletes! Yay! And for some stories/series, I am working on a sort of family tree, (as requested), so expect to see that too. (This applies to the Curve series, and the On Top series).
So, in order of updates that I will be working on, these stories will all get a chapter within the next month to two months!
Move On Top
More Questions Than Answers
Secrets In Ice
Proving His Worth
Done Pretending
His TARDIS, His Passenger
Finding Time
Familiar Curve
It's Gonna Get Weird has been abandoned due to conflicts with the co-author.
So, if all of you lovely people could just hang on for a little bit longer, there will be updates! Once I update one chapter to each story, I'm going to focus on finishing them all one at a time. These stories will be completed, I promise! Honestly, some of them I did lose a little bit of steam, and it's really hard to force something out when you know it will just be bad writing, and I don't want to put anyone through that, cause I wouldn't even want to read it. You've all been super patient, and I appreciate it!
Much love!