Note: "I can tell you one thing your my fave poet on! All your poems are really great!" It's reviews like this that make me love you guys. *sniffle* group hug! Erm... anyway, I haven't been able to log on in like 20,000 years, which is why I haven't been writing at all. Yeah, that's it... erm, anyway... enough excuses, here's the peom!
Unlikely Friendship
A deadly bludgeon
Who's trained to slay
A harmless child
Who wants to play
He'd never have guessed
That his carnage is bad
He's just having fun
It's really quite sad
He just wants a friend
To show him some fun
But no one will play
They all scream and run
He's just like a child
Neglected and hurt
It's not all his fault
He's treated like dirt
On cities and towns
He takes out his pain
But the heartache returns
His ruin was in vain
But finally a hero
Emerges without dread
He makes friends with this monster
And doesn't come out dead
At first it was a mission
To sneak up on this beast
To kill him when he's sleeping
When he'd expect it least
But something different happened
That nobody would guess
The two grew on each other
Becoming friends, no less
This hero gets a buddy
The killer has a pal
The planet is now salvaged
Its people don't know how
This friendship goes to show
That anyone can change
It only takes a partner
To show a man the way
Unlikely Friendship
A deadly bludgeon
Who's trained to slay
A harmless child
Who wants to play
He'd never have guessed
That his carnage is bad
He's just having fun
It's really quite sad
He just wants a friend
To show him some fun
But no one will play
They all scream and run
He's just like a child
Neglected and hurt
It's not all his fault
He's treated like dirt
On cities and towns
He takes out his pain
But the heartache returns
His ruin was in vain
But finally a hero
Emerges without dread
He makes friends with this monster
And doesn't come out dead
At first it was a mission
To sneak up on this beast
To kill him when he's sleeping
When he'd expect it least
But something different happened
That nobody would guess
The two grew on each other
Becoming friends, no less
This hero gets a buddy
The killer has a pal
The planet is now salvaged
Its people don't know how
This friendship goes to show
That anyone can change
It only takes a partner
To show a man the way