Chapter 16
September 30
It took me a few days to process exactly what happened...oh well, I'm still not completely sure. Even Thanos and Loki were at an absolute loss as to this unexpected trespass into unknown territory. They have accepted me as one of their own now...out of necessity.
What had happened to me, to Loki and I, didn't need to be explained to me in so many words because of its very nature, but I will record the details here for posterity. What I had found was the energy trace of a powerful item known as the Mind Stone.
There are more stones like this, with their own set of special powers, but they are hidden across universe. The Mind Stone is unique... it can, well, control minds! We also found out today that it can connect them. By simultaneously breathing in the stone's residue, Loki and I have become telepathically linked...
Was it awkward that this unexpected and insane level of intimacy was forced upon him, and it was entirely my fault? Of course...but although he displayed anger at the realization of it, seething even, for the first time since meeting the mysterious trickster, I finally knew the truth. He was terrified!
The bond formed almost instantly, with me inhaling most of the dust, I gained a greater ability to read and communicate with Loki than he did toward me, but he could still send his thoughts just the same. It felt as if an invisible speakerphone was broadcasting each other's minds at all times...and I gained the ability to sense the general direction of where he is located.
The past few days have been a challenge for the both of us, not to mention the unbelievable headaches, but despite the inconvenience of having all our innermost thoughts made bare before the other person, I finally feel like I can trust the information I gain from him. It is unbelievable (or perhaps perfectly believable) how much he lies...on a daily basis!
Although it was a shock at first, when I heard that tiny, almost ethereal voice in my head accompany everything Loki said out loud. However, as strange as it might seem, I have grown to understand his lying habit, as more of a quirk really. He was not trying to mislead people purely to gain from their misfortune, it was more that he had a very specific and important plan running through his mind constantly...and one was either a part of it or not. He wasn't going to let anyone stand in the way of his plan, because in the end, the proper execution of the plan would make everything right in the end...or at least it would for Loki. I can respect that.
Sorry, I must admit that I feel a little unhinged as I record the events of these days. Sharing a mind has some strange effects. 'You are now an integral part of the plan' he would say to me, and what in Odin's name can I possibly do now, he would think. It is enough to make my head spin. I can understand him... I know the plan... He knows about my journal... should he?
October 2
It has been a couple more days now, and my head is no longer reeling from the shock of the connection. I am getting used to feeling Loki's thoughts, and he is acclimated to the situation as a lesser extent.
The plot to invade Earth will unfortunately move forward, with me as an unavoidable component now. Loki will take Thanos's army of alien creatures to overtake my unsuspecting home planet in the most destructive and public way possible. He thinks this approach will make him a king on Earth! The ridiculousness of that thought echoed too strongly in my head...
Silence mortal! I controlled you will little effort, did I not?!
His intruding voice still jolted my inner thoughts.
You can't just become king of the planet! Earth doesn't even have a planet-wide government...I thought furiously. The messages seemed to be delivered more efficiently if they were attached to a strong emotion. Maybe that's why it seemed like he could hear every little brainwave...the stress of it all was just killing me!
Do not instruct me on what I can and cannot do. You have yet to see the army which we are raising...
Well, it was statements like that which tended to keep me quiet, vocally or otherwise. The entire situation felt absolutely hopeless now. If only there was a way to warn someone on Earth, but I wouldn't dare pursue this idea further...there would be no disguising intentions now. It would be best to keep moving forward and look for an opportunity as it presents itself. I am not naive enough to think my captors are unaware of this is only obvious that they are not threatened by it.
"Well, what exactly do you need me to do for your flawless plan to take over the world?" I spoke aloud. All the telepathy was giving me a headache after a while. Loki must have felt the same way, because he too switched to normal speech.
"I do not need you for any of it wench! But, circumstances being as they are, you may as well be made useful. I will be requiring your services in navigating Earth."
"Of course," I thought aloud, "but I can't help but exactly do you plan to do this?"
"Have I taught you nothing Midguardian? Nothing?!" He snapped.
"Well, considering that most of your lessons were just pranks..."
"Your strategy with the cave rats, still the least disappointing, showed some ingenuity. Smoke and mirrors, you see," he laid back against the wall with a smug, self-satisfied grin, "I had those simple creatures kept squarely under my control with nothing but an illusion, and you became a hero among them with a mere parlor trick. How much easier will it be to control humans? Those who pass the stories of my great deeds through the generations will no doubt tremble at the sight of me!" he finished his egotistical speech with a determined glare, daring me to challenge him.
"I see what you're getting at, but Loki, you're not exactly worshiped as much on Earth. Times have changed and..."
He only snickered, "Times have changed you say? Am I not the most powerful being you had ever met until Thanos? Do I not have an army at my command now? Well, whether times have changed or not, Midguardian, you cannot deny that I now have you and your kind trapped among the intricacies of my plan, and like a well-played game of chess, there will be no escape..."
I couldn't contain my anger anymore, "You are an arrogant, misguided tyrant, and your forced rule won't last! You may have tricked me into thinking that I always fell short, that everything was my fault, but that is precisely the reason you will never be my leader…or my god. A strong leader inspires people, and brings out the good in them. As a dictator, you'll have a hard time keeping Earth under your control; in the end, humans prefer to choose their own god."
The ensuing silence rang in our ears. I felt for a moment that Loki was genuinely taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure.
My patience with this stillness ran thin, "Why are you so interested in Earth anyway?" I couldn't help but ask, "I thought it was Aesguard you were after."
"Despite your objections, I am still confident that the destruction of Midguard will be a simple task, ensuring that my rule, complete with a kingdom and status, will prove to those insolent Aesir that I must be respected."
He paused.
And your place as my queen still stands, he whispered in my head.
May 2012
It's May on Earth…or, it was May all along. Time moves differently in each realm, making me wonder if Loki is as old as he always claimed to be. Nothing is going the way I expected—he killed over eighty people shortly after arriving! He said he would need my assistance later, but the telepathic connection cut out shortly after…
I can't say I miss it though, my thoughts were getting so muddied together with his that I was having trouble teasing them apart. There was this one resonating idea in particular which bothered me, and I'm still not sure if it was mine or his:
Silly little girl, you thought you could trust me…
[End of Transcript]