Chapter Fifteen: Remembrance

"No! no no no no!" She muttered under her breath. This..This can't be happening!?

She continued to wipe and rub the side of her neck in hopes that what she pictured was only in her imagination. No matter how much she tempered with the scars they shown on her neck clear as day.

"He was right." She whispered.

There were two puncture wounds on her neck as if she'd been bitten by some vampire..or worse, a demon. Her hands dropped into her lap as her eyes began to water. She felt so vulnerable and confused; how was she able to conjure up all of those memories but not recall experiencing any of it? "This doesn't make any sense.." She whined placing her face in her hands.

After a few very subtle breathes she looked at herself in the mirror with determination in her eyes.

"I have to see him." She declared. "It's my only option, no one else knows about him other than when I used to..or still do. Or? hmmpfh!" She grunted annoyingly. "I can't go to anyone else who could help me, William would have a fit if I told him!"

Only her father could come to her aid now but alas, it is forbidden to leave the institution and she wasn't about to screw up her perfect record for the slight chance Sebastian was right.

A touch of fear arouse in her chest as she spoke his name, a picture of his handsome face appearing in her mind's eye. What if all of this is a trap? she thought. He was so determined to get to me, for whatever reason, maybe he's waiting for me there...he knew I'd come after all.

"Or what if I get caught!" She said out loud, covering her mouth for she feared she spoke so loud others could hear. I handed him over to Angela! I'd had to trespass her territory just to get to him! Oh no! That's just asking for expulsion!

She stood from her chair, and began to pace around her room. "I can't do it." She whispered. "It's too risky.."

She stopped pacing and glanced over her shoulder at her mirror once again. The person she saw back was not her completely, but a younger, more feminine Undertaker. She walked up to her vanity and pressed her hands into the desk lowering her head. "I came here for him" She muttered more of a reminder for herself. She did declare to Undertaker she would come to the dispatch society; even if it was against his better wishes.

"And if that demon was right, and all those memories I saw were true..." She thought hard on the memory, trying to bring it back.

"Something has been done to you" Sebastian spoke..

Belladonna lifted her head in shock at the memory of his voice inside her head, then suddenly another vision flashed before her.

"Farewell Belladonna" Angela spoke, followed swiftly by a wave of unbearable pain. Belladonna screamed as a powerful sensation ran up her body shooting pulses agonizing pain down her spine. She fumbled backward knocking her stool over then falling over it completely. As her tailbone hit the ground the vision stopped. "Angela!" She screamed. Her vision blurred in and out as she saw the glimpses of Angela restraining her. Belladonna's eyes locked onto the angels purple orbs, make her feel as if she was paralyzed. Belladonna's eyes were so watery tears began to drip down her face although she was not saddened by her discovery. Her whole body continued to quiver as a numbness seized her limbs. She fell back onto her elbows and rolled over onto her stomach and began to attempt to crawl towards the door. The pain she felt was unbearable and it overwhelmed her to the point where fighting it was obsolete. Her hands out in front of her shook so terribly she at times fell off balance as the room swayed. Her arms collapsed from beneath her as she fell paralyzed.

"Angela..." She whispered as she fell unconscious.

"Belladonna!" ..."Belladonna!"

As she opened her eyes she looked up to see a fountain of long red hair. "Grell..?" She croaked.

The shinigami grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her up into a sitting position.

"Oh! thank Goodness! The things your father would do to me if you wound up dead!" Grell squealed, lucky to have found an unconscious Belladonna lying on the ground instead of a deceased one.

As Belladonna laid a hand to her aching head she closed her eyes until her vision felt steady again. That's right! William wasn't the only one who knew who Sebastian was! "Grell! I need to talk to you!" She began. The shinigami furrowed his red eyebrows as he saw the fear in her green eyes.

"Belladonna you're alright!" She braced herself as a huge pair of arms wrapped themselves around her. "Albin?" She whispered, noticing his ash white hair brushing against her cheek.

"You weren't at Williams briefing today so I asked if Grell could go check on you but.." He pulled away his hands sliding down her arms to grasp her dainty hands. She looked down at his hands for a confusing moment then back up at him. "I needed to see if you were o.k for myself"

"Thanks" She replied, ripping her hands out of his grip a little too eagerly. She began fixing her hair as she noticed the hopeless look on his face. For whatever reason Albin was being a little too comfortable with her lately and Belladonna didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

"Yes, I'm fine now thank you" She added with a smile. Her head still felt light and her body weightless as she remembered what she had experienced the night before. It must have meant something, that vision felt so real she could feel every bit of the pain and how familiar it was to her was uncanny. She concluded that she needed to speak with that demon Sebastian, as urgently as possible.

Albin stood to his feet helping Belladonna up as he did so, "I wasn't sure if you were ill or not so I volunteered to take your reaping missions for today."Albin said.

"Thank you!" Belladonna beamed, perfect! That window of time was just enough for her to sneak through the institution for Sebastian. "Uhh. Do you think I could speak with Grell?..alone." She suggested.

Albin looked like a sad puppy when she uttered that, he nodded and turned away making Belladonna feel a stab of guilt. As he walked out of the door she followed him and gave him a small hug, "thank you" she said. He hugged her back and smiled, she knew that made him feel better and once she waved him goodbye she closed the door behind her.

"Grell" She called in an elongated, sheepish voice.

"Yes?" Grell moaned slightly annoyed by her stalling.

"I need take me to see Sebastian." Belladonna declared looking into Grell's cat-eyed green orbs looking for a answer of approval.

"What the Hell?!" Grell replied with a stamp of his high-heeled shoe.

Remembering that her next reaping mission was in 48 hours Belladonna needed to do this fast. Grell had his own troubles to deal with and left her with specific directions on how to get to Sebastian's cellar once she was at the top tier of the institution. Belladonna ignored Grell's threats on not to do anything 'frisky' with her beloved Sebby, just the thought of that made Belladonna's stomach turn.

It was around evening time in this realm when she finally reached the hall where his room was held. As she walked she felt as though her heart was going to stop beating. Her fingers glided along the white walls as she crept along in silence. She could hear all of Angela's minions scurrying about and wanted to hurry before someone caught her.

Her shaking hand grabbed onto the cold door handle that seemed to send shivers down her spine. She opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her. Before she turned to face him she held her forehead to the door and inhaled a deep jagged breath, then released the door and turned to him.

What she saw was a large white room with a man dressed in all black kneeling in the center. His arms where bound by chains connected to either wall beside him. As she exhaled once more, audibly showing her nervousness Sebastian lifted his head and smiled. Belladonna was immediately caught off guard by his wide fang-toothed grin and stepped away pushing her back against the door. Noticing her reluctance Sebastian instantly closed his mouth and cleared his throat. She was like a small animal trapped within a restrain with a wild beast who looked only to feast upon her. Sebastian understood if he was ever going to get through to her he needed to choose his words carefully, comfort her back to him.

"I was waiting for you." He spoke in a low voice.

Belladonna couldn't help but inwardly swoon at the alluring tone of his voice, she did not let her attraction show of course in fear of letting her guard down. "You were...waiting for me." She repeated, wishing her vocals was as powerful and steady as his. He could read it in her body language and voice she was afraid, mostly by the information he would tell her and not so much his predator nature.

Sebastian gave a soft laugh, "I'm glad you listened to me." "You knew I would come here." She replied.

"That I did," Sebastian confessed, "But I can assure you, the speech I give you is not planned" He looked into her eyes the best he could considering she was still clear across the room and as he did, she saw the sincerity in his red glowing orbs. His eyes were so welcoming to her, they made her think of going home, of being with her father back in London. Of having his eyes stare at her so closely, yearning for her embrace. Or when she would eat chocolate treats with Ciel and his servants.

She smiled at him as she remembered her birthday party and all the deserts Ciel's servants had made for her;that short kiss her and Sebastian shared. Sebastian began to think he had sparked something inside of Belladonna, but that thought quickly vanished as she gasped followed by a pained whine.

"Belladonna!" Sebastian yelled jumping to his feet and running towards her, forgetting the metal cuffs around his wrists that yanked him off of his feet and onto his back.

"AAhhhaa!" Belladonna screamed as she clutched onto her head with both hands. The pain she endured brought her to her knees and she shuttered uncontrollably. Those vial memories were the cause of such pain but there was no way to get rid of them!

This was the second time this was happening to her, but she didn't understand why that was! Sebastian pulled on the cuffs around his wrist infuriated by what he saw and the fact that he was unable to help her. "Angela has been manipulating you Belladonna! What you're feeling is her power trying to keep your memories at bay! She manipulated you into thinking that all you've done in the past wasn't real! She's using you! I can help you!"

"I don't trust you!" She replied looking at him through blurry eyes. "Belladonna, think of your father! Think of all that you've seen thus far, every memory is real."

She brought her face against her knees and wrapped her arms over her head. She stayed in that sheltered position as she calmed herself down, trying desperately to slow her breathing and focus her thoughts away from those distant memories. She stayed sitting on the floor with her body still quivering slightly and looked back at him from across the room. His red eyes searched her face cautiously as he knelt down to her eye level.

"What must I do?" She whispered knowing he could hear her. Belladonna's voice was so soft and light Sebastian felt a sense of relief that she was safe and that he had finally persuaded some sense into her.

"Come here" he whispered back to her. Her heart jumped at his order but she complied, shakily standing to her feet. She walked over to him then knelt down in front of him about an arms length apart.

He chuckled at her and she was taken back by how comfortable he seemed to be with her now. "You must get much closer than that Belladonna." He voiced, gliding his teeth across his bottom lip playfully. Belladonna replied with an awkward exaggerated breath followed by pinkish cheeks. Sebastian enjoyed this, it has truly been a very long time since he'd seen Belladonna and missed their playful banter.

She scooted closer to him to the point where their chests almost touched and her knees were sandwiched between his open thighs. "Now you must lie your head on my shoulder." he ordered. Without the use of his hands this task would be challenging and hopefully not as messy as he predicted. He lowered his head once she placed hers on his shoulder and smiled when she shuttered at his gentle touch. Nuzzling his lips along the side of her neck he paused for a brief moment.

"This is going to hurt Belladonna..." He whispered. Hugging his torso so that her hands could grip onto his shoulders she closed her eyes. He then opened his mouth and drove his fangs into the wounds already strategically placed for him. Belladonna gasped and clawed into his shoulder blades as she felt the sudden pricks of his teeth. She whimpered and Sebastian fought the urge to pull away, she needed the pain for a bit longer. His venom would course through her veins and cleanse any 'purification' Angela had embedded. Belladonna's arms fell limp to her side as Sebastian continued to drink from her, that warm feeling of nostalgia came over her once more and she adhered to it, finally feeling at peace. Sebastian pulled away with a bloody mouth and licked the stream of blood from her neck as she passed out.

He waited for her to recover and in a matter of minutes he felt her being to stir against his chest.

"Belladonna" he whispered.

"Hmmm" She replied, batting her long eyelashes.

She looked up with wide eyes as her vision fixated on a chained up demon gazing down at her with satisfied contentment.

"Sebastian!" She yelled. She sat up on her knees so that she could wrap her arms around his neck. He hissed at her powerful grip and she remembered she had driven one of her daggers into his shoulder.

"Sorry!" she said, pulling away with a pained look on her face. "I didn't realize they could go so deep when I made them." She said, lightly touching his wound. She suddenly realized she could recall everything, the fact that she could remember she instantly hugged him again.

"I'm so sorry Sebastian!" She sighed, sounding as if she was about to cry. She pulled away lightly cupping his face. "We must get you out of here."

Looking at the cuffs around his wrists he stopped her before she tried to break them. "They are made from the same metal as death scythes, they are indestructible."

Sebastian could tell Belladonna felt ignorant for letting Angela get the best of her like that. The down side to Sebastian's power was that she still remembered what a good puppy she was for that sadistic angel.

"Ciel sent me after you." Sebastian smiled deviously.

"He did?" She replied in disbelief.

Belladonna smiled at that and placed her hands on the sides of Sebastian's face, cradling his chiseled features she pressed her lips to his and he eagerly accepted her invitation enjoying their long awaited kiss. When she pulled away she felt her heart swell and her past allegations put to rest.

"So you did come after me." She breathed,

"You thought I would not?" He answered. "I had my doubts at first" She confessed. "You belong to Ciel, I understand that so I should not expect you to come save me, although I'm glad you're here"

"I have a plan of getting you out of here."

"What?" Belladonna replied.

"You wish to stay?" He replied equally confused.

"Well...yes" She shrugged, she had a plan of her own as well, she wasn't just going to throw it away. Especially since now she knows about Angela's tricks.

"It isn't safe here!" Sebastian reprimanded. "I know about Angela!" Belladonna sighed, "They don't even know I'm here with you, I can keep up this act as long as I need t-" "I'm not talking about her!" Sebastian interrupted. Belladonna sat back on her heels and looked at Sebastian curiously; She could sense the irritation in his voice.

"You mean Alabaster?" she voiced, judging by the face he now made she was correct. "What is he to you?"

"It doesn't matter" Sebastian replied bluntly,

"No?" she replied.

"No." He repeated. "I don't want you getting to know him,"

"What if he comes to me?" She added, instantly seeing how that would back fire. "Has he?" Sebastian asked.

"Umm" Belladonna looked away at the ground beneath her and Sebastian took that as a yes. "We have mutual views, that's all"

"He's not interested in any partnership Belladonna, he will turn on you for his own advantage." Sebastian warned.

"Well he is the only person whose close enough to Angela..I need him" She replied.

"In what way?" Sebastian asked making Belladonna scoff in reply. "Is that what this is really about? I didn't mean I needed him in 'that way' and yet you still asked to be sure."

Sebastian did not reply and it honestly surprised Belladonna Sebastian had a jealous side to him. "Was that kiss we shared a few moments ago not enough proof for you?" She asked lightly cupping his cheek with her hand.

"Alabaster goes after what he wants Belladonna. And he wants you." Sebastian replied.

"That doesn't mean the feeling is mutual" She reassured.

"How Romantic."

Belladonna froze as she heard a smooth, velvet voice speak from behind her. She heard his foot steps make their way to the center of the room where her and Sebastian sat. She looked at the demon in front of her for guidance on whether or not she should stay or try to fight her way out, but inevitably she had been caught.

His shinny black shoes stepped beside her and she looked up at him with fear in her big green eyes. He gazed at her sadistically welcoming her fear and by the expression on his pale face she had the right mind set to fear him.

"Hello Belladonna" Alabaster smiled deviously.

3.23.14: If it helps, I'd advise reading past chapters to jog your memory, this story has been revised and will continue.