AN: This will be the last chapter to the story, but I have an explanation. This story is a sort of prologue to a series that I will do about Michael and Kinzie. There is going to be at the very least one more story about them as a couple. If there is any interest, I will do another story. Okay, now the finish to this story.
Chapter Three: Mending a Heart
Kinzie stared at her computer screen, looking as if she was in complete shock with a deadpan look on her face. She did not believe what she was seeing and reading, but as she sat there, and repeadedly checked the information that she saw, there it was, right in front of her, in black and white, and as plain as day. This is what the leader of the Saints had as his skeleton in his closet.
Michael Harris, was married.
Kinzie felt guilty as she knew this information, and it was obvious that no one else in the Saints knew that Michael was married. Kinzie wondered why this information was not shared with everyone else. Kinzie thought that this was something that was going to be made known to the Saints once Michael got ready to tell everyone else about this. Michael WAS married, emphasis on the word was.
As Kinzie dug deeper into the information about Michael's former wife, she noticed that she was deceased. Kinzie jumped as she saw the reason that she was deceased.
Kinzie made a note that Michael was a suspect in her homicide, but it was all too obvious that he did not do it. Well, it was not too obvious that he did not do it, but Kenzie felt that Michael did not do it. She sighed, and just stared at the picture of his wife. She was absolutely beautiful. She and Kinzie were roughly the same size, give or take a few inches. She was a brunette while Kinzie had semi orange hair.
Maybe Michael will be interested in me after all. Kinzie thought, but blushed and stopped herself when she thought about it any further.
She did not want to dig any further, because she already dug into his past far too much already. She wondered what she should say to Michael once she finally gets the nerve to.
Michael and Kinzie were all alone in the Saints hideout one day, and Kinzie felt as though she should say something to Michael at least. So she figured that she should say something about his former wife.
Kinzie saw Michael sitting in his room, reading of all things. That did not surprise her, but she still talked to him.
"Michael?" Kinzie said softly. "What are you doing?"
"Reading, and looking through some old photos." Michael said. Kinzie nodded, and stood there in solid silence for a few moments, and then she broke the silence.
"So Michael, was there ever a woman in your life?" Kinzie asked, carefully watching Michael's reaction.
"No." Michael obvious lied, not making eye contact with her.
"What about April?" Kinzie said softly. Michael slowly dropped his book, and looked at her. Michael slowly got off of his bed, and went to his nearby dresser. He then pulled out a picture of him and April, which Kinzie could see from where she was standing that it was on their wedding day. Michael smiled at the picture.
"We were only married a few years." Michael began. "We were madly in love. I was so shy around her when I first met her. My sister basically blackmailed me into going out with her, which was the best decision that she do to me. I was so nervous that I was going to screw up with her. She kissed me on the cheek, and told me that she would help me get over my shyness. Then she told me that I should do something that I want to do. So I kissed her on the lips, and basically ran all the way home."
Michael was laughing, and Kinzie could not help but laugh as well.
"What did she do?" Kinzie asked.
"She came over to my home later, and kissed me in return." Michael answered. "We then made love that night. She was the first and the only woman that I slept with to this day."
"That's sweet." Kinzie asked. "But what happened to her?"
"I came home one day, and saw that my home was broken into." Michael said. "It looked as though there was a fight there. I went into our bedroom, and saw her lying on the ground, beaten and bloody. I called 911, and held her in my arms as I literally felt her fading in my arms. She mentioned someone named Eddie that did this to her. She then told me that she loved me, and died in my arms."
Kinzie crossed the room, and hugged the Saints leader. Michael smiled, and returned the hug.
Kinzie was in Michael's bathroom, getting ready for bed. She only wore one of Michael's shirts, which fit her petite form a lot better, but it was still a little big on her, admittitly. She had her hair down, and looked at herself. She was not bad looking, but she still was not someone Michael could be with, or would want to be with. Hell, his wife was hotter than she was, so why would he waste time with someone like her?
Out of nowhere, Michael wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging her to his bare chest. Kinzie felt the breath go right out of her once he did that.
"Michael, what are you doing?" Kinzie asked him, trying to keep her composure.
"I like you, Kinzie." Michael said suddenly. Kinzie felt her breath go right out of her at that moment. "I had a thing for you since me, Pierce, and Shaundi saved you from the Deckers."
Michael began to slowly kiss her neck as he pulled her towards the bedroom. Within seconds, their clothes were stripped, and she was on top of Michael, staring down at him.
She felt him enter inside of her, and she rode him for what seem like ages. She started off slowly, but gradually went faster and faster until they came at the exact same time.
Kinzie sat there, staring at him for a few moments, before cautiously laying her head on his bare chest.
"I love you, Michael." Kinzie said before drifting off to sleep.
Michael could only lay in his bed as he held a naked Kinzie to his own bare body. For some strange reason, this felt right. He has not felt this way since he lost April, and now that feeling came back to him. He knew that feeling all too well.
It was love. He was in love with Kinzie Kinzington...
AN: Just a sweet ending to set up what possibly could be a sequel that is in the works. Depends if I feel like writing it or not. Anyways, thanks to those who read this story and I appreciate all the reviews I got and get. Thanks again!