First Year

It was the last week of summer vacation. This year would be Natsu Dragneel's first year of high school. Of course he wasn't entirely excited, but at least he'll still be with his friends. He was spending his last week at the beach with some of his childhood friends, Erza, Gray Loke and Lisanna. At first they were just standing in front of the waves getting wet as the waves splashed them. Lisanna was excited for the new year to start as did Erza. Gray wasn't too thrilled. All he wanted was for the day to get cooler, it was too hot for him.

" Well this is the last week we can truly enjoy ourselves." Erza said.

" Yeah but we still have another week to get ready." Lisanna said as she stepped out of the water. They left the beach each going to their homes.

Natsu was greeted by a girl with long blue hair.

" Hey Natsu-san welcome back!" She said dancing around.

" Hey Wendy," Natsu replied as he started walking to the kitchen.

" Oh Natsu," His mother, Grandine, greeted him " Your dad has something for you."

" Really?" Natsu looked up surprised. Grandine nodded and pointed to the stair case. Natsu left the kitchen to see what his dad had for him. He was in his room standing by the closet holding a white scarf with scale like lines.

" Oh Natsu, I though you might like this, it's going to get cold soon you know with autumn and winter coming up." He said holding out the scarf to Natsu to see. " It was mine when I was a kid, though I don't wear it anymore." Natsu held it in his hands studying it. It was old but looked brand new.

" Thanks dad." Natsu put on around his neck, studying himself in a mirror by one of the cabinets. His father smiled at him, as left going to his room.
The week seemed to pass as fast as it began, It was almost time for school to begin.

Natsu arrived at his school, he was in his car with his father staring out the window. He was excited to see his other friends, but wasn't so excited about the school work he would have to do.

" Bye Natsu," His father waved to him as he got out of the car.

" See ya," Natsu waved back. He watched his father leave, then headed to the front of the school. The first thing he had to do was get his dorm room key, and classes. He started down the hallway when he bumped into a familiar black haired boy. He was standing in the middle of the hall way talking to a girl with dark blue eyes, blue hair that was tightly curled at the base. Gray turned around to see Natsu.

" Oh hey Natsu," Gray said waving.

" Hey, who's that?" Natsu asked pointing at the girl behind him.

" I-I'm Juvia. Juvia Lockser." She answered.

" Oh well nice to meet you." She smiled at them.

" Where are you headed?" Gray asked.

" Well, I was going to get the keys to my dorm room."

" Then I'll go with you, I need to get mine too."

After saying good-bye to Juvia they headed to down to a room. There was a small line of kids waiting to get their keys and classes. Natsu and Gray stood at the back of the line waiting. It wasn't long before it was their turn. A tall elderly woman with pink hair, tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face stood their.

" I'm Porlyusica, I see your here for you dorm keys and class schedules?" They nodded. " Whats your names?"

" Gray Fullbuster."

" Natsu Dragneel."

She handed them their keys, and a piece of paper which told them which class they had.

" Well look at this, we have the same room." Gray said grinning. Natsu sighed. As they headed to the door they saw that the hall was full of guys and girls. The guys were all in a giant circle surrounding one person. The girls were doing the same thing on the other side of the hall.

" Whats going on?" Natsu asked as he shoved his way through the crowd of students. As he came to the front he noticed a girl standing in the middle. She had blonde hair tied into two ponytails, she had brown eyes. All the guys around her were either flirting or blushing. The other group made up of girls were surrounding a boy. Natsu couldn't see him that well because of all the girls. He stared at the blonde girl, his face slightly flushed. She looked at him and smiled. Gray grabbed Natsu and left the crowd of people, and headed to the dorm rooms.

" No wonder there's a bunch of people around her, she's kinda cute." Gray commented.

Natsu said nothing. They found their dorm room, the inside was huge, they had a couch in front of a flat screen t.v. Natsu sat down and stared at the t.v. in front of him. Gray unpacked his stuff and sat on his bed. It was quite for a while until Gray broke the silence.

" So... whats your first two classes?"

" Uh, English and Math." Natsu sighed. " Why math! I'm gonna fail..." Gray laughed.

" Maybe you should pay attention?"

" ..."

" Anyway tomorrow's just a regular day, classes don't start for the next couple days. We'll have lunch with our friends."

Natsu smiled at the idea. He hasn't seen most of them since last year before summer break.

" Yeah. Can't wait."

It was afternoon when Natsu and Gray decided to go for lunch. They were to meet their friends in the cafeteria. The cafeteria wasn't full of students since school hasn't started. Natsu saw his friends all sitting at one table. Gray and Natsu took a seat with them. Lisanna, Elfman, and Mira were all there, along with Juvia, Erza, and Loke.

" Hey Natsu!" Lisanna said. Natsu waved at them.

" Whats up everyone?" Gray asked.

" Nothing we're just hanging out like always, right Erza?" Loke said leaning on the red haired girl who glared at him.

" Yeah, though we're missing a few friends." Erza said as Loke sat up straight again.

" It seems Levy, Jet, Droy and Gajeel arn't here yet." Mira said thoughtfully.

" They haven't checked in yet... I guess there at home." Lisanna said.

" I'm going to get something to eat." Natsu said as he stood up.

" I'll come too." Lisanna got up from where she sat.

" Okay."

They left the group. On the way to get their lunch Natsu glanced at Lisanna and saw her smiling at him. They got their food and was heading back to their table when the cafeteria doors opened. The blonde girl came in alone. She saw that only a few students were in here so she went up to the table where Natsu and the others were.

" Hello," She smiled.

" Who are you?" Loke asked.

" I'm Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia."

~End of Chapter~

Hope you like my first chapter!

Please review.