Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own any of the characters from the story; I only own the plot. They all belong to the wonderful and clever J.K. Rowling.

A/n: Well, this is my first fan fic. If it sucks, don't hate me. As you can guess from my nickname, I love Ron/Hermione stories so I thought I should finally write one myself. This story begins in the summer between fourth and fifth year. I switch from Hermione's POV to Ron's POV and back throughout the chapter. On with the story! Enjoy…

Chapter 1- A Surprising Arrival

Hermione's POV

Hermione Granger sat at her desk, staring blankly out her open window. For the past half-hour, she had been unable to concentrate on her schoolwork. Come on, Hermione, there's work to do, snap out of it! Honestly, what has gotten into me lately?! She groaned and dropped her head on her open book, The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 5).

She knew exactly why she was so distraught. How dare you invade my thoughts, Ron Weasley, you great prat! But really, she couldn't blame herself. After all, he had been invading her thoughts ever since they met. I thought he was so cute that day we met. He's grown to be even cuter, I wish I could run my hands through that flaming hair of his, gaze into those pools of crystal blue that are his eyes, plant a tender kiss on his lips… Honestly, this was becoming quite extreme! She knew that's what she always longed for but might never experience. Ron would never like me. He prefers girls like Fleur Delacour, so pretty and popular. He's an idiot, I swear!

She was becoming quite angry when a flurry of feathers flew, no, jumped into her bedroom. She was startled at first, but relaxed when she realized it was Pig, Ron's vivacious owl. She smiled as he hopped on her bed, trying to detach the letter clinging to his tiny foot. Hermione bent down and untied the letter. Intrigued, she ripped it open. It was, obviously, from Ron:

Dear Hermione,

Hey. Um, so, how are you spending your holiday? Right, I'll get right to the point. If you are interested, which I doubt, you are welcome to come to the Burrow anytime. Of course you might have some other more interesting things to do, specifically with that stuck-up prat Krum. So you probably aren't interested in coming. But still, just now that you're always welcome…

Your, er, Friend,


Hermione sighed, thinking about how remarkably stupid Ron could be. Couldn't he notice that she didn't like Viktor that way? Was he so thick he could not see what she felt for him? But he did say "friend". That's what he wanted them to always be…friends. Just friends.


Ron's POV

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Sounds of Ginny shrieking and the twins snickering could be heard in the backyard of the Burrow. Ron Weasley burst through the kitchen door, wearing his swimming trunks, ready for some water action. Molly Weasley had finally gaving in to their incessant begging and finally allowed them to fool around with Fred and George's new invention, Showering Beetles. They were tiny beetles that provided Bertie Botts Beans when requested while all the time drenching you in ice cold water.

Ginny and the twins had been playing while Ron had been writing a letter to Hermione. It's only been a week and I miss you so much. Dammit, it's been like this ever since we met! Shaking his head to drive his thoughts of his Hermione away, he headed toward his siblings.

Fred looked up, soaked to the skin, and said, "Has ickle Ronniekins come out to play?"

Ginny quit giggling and asked her older brother, "What took you so long anyway?"

Ron started twirling his fingers and muttered, "I was, erm, just writing a letter to Hermione."

George put a knowing look on and said, "Of course! You can't be disturbed when writing to her. It might affect your romantic essence of writing!"

Ron turned beet red but just scowled and said, "Come off it, she's my best friend." Ginny, Fred, and George looked at each other then said, at the same time, "Riiiiiight." However, their thoughts shifted over to splashing in the shower of freezing water delivered by the Showering Beetles.

After a few minutes of non-stop laughter and soaking each other, Molly Weasley called out "Ron! Someone here to see you!" Ron was a bit startled. Harry was coming tomorrow and he really didn't associate with anyone on the block. With his sopping bangs clinging to his forehead he made his way toward the living room. He stopped in his tracks, gaping, when he saw who was in there. Standing next to his mum was none other than his Hermione.


Hermione's POV

"Well, who cares if he's not interested in me, isn't that right, Pig?" Hermione felt quite foolish talking to Ron's hyperactive owl this way, but really, she couldn't do anything about the way Ron felt towards her. You know, I will march up there this very moment! "Yeah…" she said out loud.

It took her a few minutes to explain to her parents what was happening. Then she ran about her room, packing the things she would need. This wasn't very difficult considering she was such an organized person. Pig sat on her bed, his head cocked in curiosity.

"There!" she said when she was finished, a little out of breath. She picked up Pig, grabbed her trunk and the little pouch of Floo powder she had picked up after Mr. Arthur Weasley had so kindly connected their fireplace to the Floo Network permanently last summer and made her way downstairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger stood by the fireplace. They each said a short good-bye, wished their daughter good luck and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

Hermione threw the Floo Powder into the flames in her fireplace. When they turned green, she stepped into them and said clearly, "The Burrow!" Tucking in her elbows, she spun for a few seconds then came flying out of the Weasleys' fireplace.

After standing and dusting herself off, she looked up to see Mrs. Weasley. She rushed over and embraced the woman who had become a second mother to her. "Oh dear, why didn't you tell us you were coming? This is certainly a pleasant surprise, though!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed enthusiastically. "Well, that was the point, surprising you!" Hermione explained. "Ron!" Mrs. Weasley called. "Someone here to see you!" She winked at Hermione, who grinned. God, where are you, Ron? I can't wait to see you… Then her eyes widened. Ron had come into the living room…drenched from head to toe in water, wearing his swimming trunks. He certainly didn't look like a boy. His shoulders are broad and his arms are actually muscular… "Hey, Ron," the shocked Hermione managed to murmur. Ron was gaping at her, his mouth wide open.


Ron's POV

No way. She's here! She came to me instead of going off with that retard who can't even pronounce her name right. She's HERE!!! "Hey, Ron," Hermione mumbled, her eyes a bit wide. Ron's shock disappeared and was replaced with utter joy.

"Hermione!" He raced towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. He smelled her bushy brown hair and was so glad she was with him again. "Oh, Hermione!" How he loved her name. So unique, so special. "I didn't think you would come, that you would run off to Bulgaria with that bloody git and make me miserable for the rest of the summer…" He had run out of breath and was still holding her close.

"You can let go now, Ron," Hermione said, giggling a little. Reluctantly, he released her. Her cheeks were rosy with the beginnings of a blush. He imagined he must be pretty flushed himself.

"Come on, let's get you settled in," he said. Hermione waved to Mrs. Weasley and followed Ron up the stairs.


Hermione's POV

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around his slender neck and felt her blouse soak up some of the water on Ron's bare chest. He started rambling on about being worried she would go off to visit Viktor. She smiled and realized he sounded somewhat jealous! Or maybe I'm imagining things…When he ran out of breath she said, "You can let go now, Ron" and actually giggled a little, sort of like Lavender Brown! Who cares, I'm with Ron now! He released his grip on her and told her "Come on, let's get you settled in." After waving to Mrs. Weasley, Hermione ran up the stairs after Ron.

When she caught up with him he had laid her trunk at the foot of his bed and turned to look at her. Those blue eyes looked straight into hers and he whispered, "Thanks…I'm really glad you came." She could hardly believe he actually cared. She replied, "I would never pass the chance to be with you." His eyes widened. "…and Harry!" she added hastily. When she said this she noticed a change in his eyes - was it disappointment she detected?- but then Ron looked away. She turned and went down the stairs. She heard Ron sigh, as if deep in thought.


Ron's POV

Had she really said that? She wouldn't pass the chance to be with him? Ron didn't know if he had ever felt this pleased! Apparently, Hermione noticed his reaction because she quickly added "…and Harry!" Rapidly, he looked away. Then she turned and walked down the stairs. Ron sighed. This is gonna be an interesting summer. Then he walked down the stairs after her.


Ta-dah! Well, this chapter was supposed to be completely different but look what came out! Sorry if it's a bit long. The next chapter I will do all on Ron's POV. Please review, but be gentle, not too harsh. Remember, this is my first fic. I had fun writing this, I hope u have fun reading it.

Until the next chapter, R/Hr Fan J