Disclaimer: I don't own and of the Harry Potter characters or anything affiliated with them.

Author's Note: Hey people this is my first fanfic so it's probably gonna suck but hey I'll give it a shot since it's summer and I'm bored out of my mind haha. It's going to be a D/Hr fic but it's gonna take a few chapters to get to that part of the plot so be patient. This chapter isn't really about that part of he plot but don't worry there'll be PLENTY of that later on and fluff galore LoL but I don't wanna just throw them together you know? If you don't like D/Hr give it a shot anyway cuz I really used to be a R/Hr shipper but a lot of D/Hr fics are really good. I really don't wanna annoy you about reviewing but it's my first fic so I wanna know how bad I suck at writing LoL well as people say you are your worst critic! I hope you like it...


Chapter 1: Pranks, Tricks and Pixisticks

"Just what do you think you're doing"?! yelled Mcgonagoll as she spotted the Weasley twins climbing out from under the Slytherin table in the great hall.

"Oh...umm...well Fred and I were playing with this little ball see and it rolled under the table and well we were just trying to get it" said George trying not to look suspicious and displaying his best grin.

"And just where is this ball you were looking for?" snapped Mcgonagoll suspiciously.

"We couldn't find it...darn...oh well we'll just go back to our table and finish eating then professor," said Fred as him and George bolted muttering something amongst themselves.

Back at the Gryffindor table Hermione was watching trying to see these pixisticks the Weasley twins have been bragging about. Nobody knew what they did exactly but the twins assured them it was their best prank yet.

"Did they say anything at all about what they did Ron? Even just a little hint?" Hermione asked.

"Nope, not a word just that those Slytherins are going to be sorry for that prank they pulled last week!"

"Yah, and the week before that!" added Harry.

The Slytherins had been pretty harsh with the pranks ever since the Gryffindors won all 3 games in a 3 game Quidditch series against the Slytherins. The funny part is that it was all Snape's idea. They were in class one day and the Slytherins and Gryffindors got into yet another dreadful brawl and to settle it, Snape said that he remembered when he was in school that they had a Quidditch series and that it was a perfect way for the Slytherins...erm...both houses to prove they're the best. Plus he took off 50 points from Gyrffindor and 20 from Slytherin because he claimed Gryffindor started it. That was forgotten however as Harry really outdid himself those 3 games catching the snitch every time and Ron, now the keeper, consistently and swiftly blocked the Quaffle as it came. Snape never really recovered from this embarrassment and the Slytherins, although they won't show it as much, blame him for their humiliation. But instead of taking it out on Snape they were bent on getting even. Even out of nowhere in the halls and in the classrooms members of both houses got into horrible fights. Especially Ron, Harry, and Malfoy. All 3 of them got detention five times already and in only 3 weeks! Even though Malfoy and his cronies kept starting it with the usual insults and a few provoking words that sent Ron and Harry into a rampage every time.

"I hope that git Malfoy gets what's coming to him," Ron said with Harry nodding in agreement.

"Yah, I told the twins to put a little more of those pixisticks on Malfoy.although I haven't the bloodiest idea what they are but whatever they are I hope Malfoy gets humiliated the most" said Harry casting a dark glance in Malfoy's direction.

"I don't quite agree with you Harry," said Nearly Headless Nick as he stuck his head through the table, "I think this has gone far enough already and it wouldn't be right of you to stoop to their level."

"Aww you're just saying that 'cause you're afraid of what the Bloody Baron'll do to you when he finds out what we've done...whatever it is."

Nick looked flushed, "That's quite ridiculous, why I have nothing to lose but the rest of my neck!"

"Oh my gosh, LOOK! The Bloody Baron is right behind you!" Hermione shouted, feigning shock and pointing.

"WHAT?! Oh dear me I've got to get out of...." he didn't have to finish his sentence as he spotted the Baron across the room knocking some Hufflepuff's books over.

"Ha ha good one Hermione!" Harry said as he was cracking up.

"Yah I'm laughing my HEAD off!," Ron bellowed while Nearly Headless Nick, looking quite aggravated, disappeared from the table.

Over at the Slytherin table Draco Malfoy was wondering why a lot of the Gryffindors kept looking toward his table. Every time he'd look toward their table he'd see a handful of them just staring at the Slythins as if expecting them to blow up or something. They better not be up to anything he thought as he chuckled thinking of last week's prank. The Slytherins had spiked their drinks with Hiccup Syrup and the Gryffindor's were hiccuping non-stop for the next 2 days straight. They had completely gotten away with it too since the teachers blamed it on the house elves since they're the ones who make the drinks. Draco thought Dumbledore was a little suspicious of them though. He could see he couldn't quite bring himself to blame the house elves. He continued to watch the Gryffindor table and noticed Hermione glancing over to his table. That girl really made his blood boil sometimes. He still has nightmares about the Ferret incident.and occasionally tried to lick his hand. He shuddered at the thought, 'stupid moodblood.' Not only that, her teeth shrunk as he had observed from afar one day. Draco was never one to stare however but there was something about her that made him look twice at her sometimes. Not that anyone will ever, in his superior, privileged existence will find out.

All of a sudden Draco's attention was brought to Pansy Parkinson who had gotten up and fell flat on her face right across from him. He laughed and so did some of the others but as he and her friends got up to help her they fell as well and as more people got up, before they were able to take a few steps they'd fall flat on their faces too! This caught the attention of all the other tables and soon the Great Hall was mad with laughter as everyone in Slytherin kept falling over and over again. Draco was a bit brighter than them though, so after falling a couple of times he had the sense to go sit down again and he just sat there watching the mayhem happening around him and hoping no one had noticed his meeting with the floor tiles. The teachers had come to help them but as they fell they just grabbed onto the teachers and brought them right down with them. Draco was becoming red with anger as he saw some of the Slytherins had resorted to crawling seeing as how they couldn't take two steps without falling down. They were crawling back toward the Slytherin table though and those who reached it sat down and didn't move again. The Slytherins were bumped and bruised from falling so many times in a row and the rest of the Hall was still howling with laughter.

"Stupid Malfoy why'd he have to sit back down?!" said Ron with tears still in his eyes from laughing so hard "I wanted to see him smash his face onto the floor again, that was priceless!" as he started to laugh even harder.

"Yah, leave it to him to ruin our fun but seeing him and the floor getting acquainted was enough satisfaction to last me a year!" said Harry between laughs, "I've got to hand it to your brothers though Ron that was genius!"

Soon everyone at the Gryffindor table was secretly congratulating Fred and George trying not to make it too obvious so as not to reveal the culprits. They soon started filing out of the Great Hall as it was time to leave and the Gryffindors couldn't help jeering at the Slytherins who were stuck just sitting there in their humiliation.

"Hey Malfoy I saw you sucking face with the floor before...did you ask it for another date?" Ron asked mockingly as everyone laughed.

"Shutup Weasel at least I don't suck face with a mudblood," Draco retorted glancing darkly at Hermion, satisfied by Ron's redding face. Hermione however, to his displeasure, rolled her eyes and continued on her way out as the Slytherins laughed uproariously as she left.

Soon enough everyone had left and they were stranded sitting there for hours with no one having the guts to get up and see if the spell had worn off yet. The teachers were stumped since the pixisticks were an original invention of the Weasley twins and they weren't exactly a spell...

Meanwhile, Dumbledore had retired to his quarters, perfectly calm about the whole situation. He nodded cordially at the portraits of the old headmasers as he entered and made his way to his simply cluttered room. More portraits and gadgets were scattered about the area, the pictures now snoring peacefully. He changed into his blue star speckled nightgown and a nightcap on to match with a stuffed star at the end and turned on his soothing "sounds of sleeping dragons" tape.

"Clever boys those Weasley twins are. Clever boys..." he mumbled to himself as he climbed into his star speckled bed. As he was falling into a deep slumber, downstairs the teachers were getting frustrated with this dilemma with the Slytherins however so they sent Mcgonagoll up to ask him about it.

Dumbledore heard a knock on his door. His half asleep eyes shot open as he sighed and got up. He grasped the nearest candleholder and opened the door. To his surprise a simply frazzled Professor Mcgonagoll rushed in past his heavy-eyed figure and asked him what they were going to do about the Slytherins as if it was the dilemma of the century.

"Oh don't get so worked up Minerva. It's quite simple actually let them figure it out" he said with a twinkle in his eye and a yawn on his lips.

"Figure it out? None of teachers can figure it out how on earth should they?" she replied looking quite perturbed and twisting a handkerchief nervously in her hands.

"Don't worry, don't worry tell everyone to just go to bed," as he guided her to the door, yawning again, "They'll figure it out before midnight even I promise you." As she turned around to protest he gave her a I-know-what- I'm-doing look, wished her a good night and returned to his interrupted slumber.

She went downstairs and reported this to the rest of the teachers. After some protesting she assured them that he gave her his word that they'd figure it out. She also said she'd personally check on them every once so she instructed them to just go to bed and not to worry about it.

Back at the Great Hall the Slytherins were growing restless. They had been sitting there for still more hours. Each of them was trying to find a comfortable position for them to sit or sleep in since it was getting so late. They all knew the teachers had given up and they were getting so angry at the Gryffindors everyone was turning red in the face.

"When I get out of this mess the Gryffindors are as well as dead" Draco said menacingly with the Slytherins nodding in agreement.

"Well if you ask me I'd rather think about that when I'm well rested I don't think I can take much more of this" said Crabbe as he raised his feet on the table in a reclinable position. As soon as he did this though as the Slytherins were about to protest about him exposing them to that horrid smell when they noticed something extremely strange at the bottom of his feet.

"Crabbe what on EARTH are those things at the bottom of your shoe?" asked Pansy, puzzled, pointing to his sole.

"What are you talking about?" he asked as he looked at the sole of his shoe. When he looked he saw that he had these flat colorful sticks at the bottom of his shoe. The Slytherins just stared at him waiting for an explanation.

"I didn't put these here" he said as he peeled them off.

They all gave him doubtful look, "Sure you didn't Crabbe" said Goyle with a chuckle.

Soon everyone at the table was laughing at him for having rainbow colored soles. They had just found someone to turture seeing as how they had nothing better to do they might as well pick on one of their own.

"Yeah maybe he put them there to get rid of the smell!" Pansy laughed.

Crabbe was boiling with anger, " I didn't put 'em there I tell you!" and as they looked at him mockingly he said "Well I'm not going to take this! I'm leaving even if I have to crawl, and the hell with all of you." He got up and to everyone's utter shock he didn't fall a single time.

"Hey the spell wore off!" Pansy said as she got up but as soon as she took a step her face hit the floor again. Since everyone was watching her though they noticed her feet too.

"Pansy's got rainbow soles too!" Goyle bellowed and everyone laughed again.

However Draco was a bit brighter than them, and realizing the problem, he looked at the soles of his shoe and to his surprise he didn't have a couple of colorful sticks like Crabbe did, he had a bout ten of them!

"Augh.look!" he beckoned them, aggravated, as he showed them the bottom of his shoes. He had never felt so stupid in his life.

"Oh great now Draco's got em!" Pansy said.

"No you bloody dolts! We've all got them, see for yourself!" he shouted exasperatedly. Slowly everyone looked and to their shock and horror they all had them.

"You mean they were here this whole time?!" Pansy said as she peeled hers off, "Augh! I'm missing my beauty sleep!" she exclaimed as she flipped her hair and took off in a huff.

Soon everyone at the Slytherin table was leaving just as the clock struck midnight. Mcgonagoll had shown up looking very puzzled as she saw them filing out of the Great Hall with menacing expressions on their faces.

So0o0o what'd ya think? I used this chapter sorta as a humorous example of the conflict between the two houses. I haven't really gotten to the main people in the story and familiarizing you with them and their thoughts and stuff but don't worry that'll come soon. The next chapter is the Slytherin retaliation so0o check back to what they'll do.... Pleeease try to review but don't go complaining about grammatical errors or anything cuz it's not like I can change them and they really don't matter as long as I've got the main idea across LoL thx a lot 4 reading this bye!