Christian sat in his home office looking at pictures of Ana. It had been 18 months since Jack Hyde had taken her. He cursed himself everyday that he didn't have more security detail on his beloved wife. Jack Hyde had used Mia to extricate $5,000,000 out of Ana and he'd taken Ana with him. He shuddered to think what Hyde could be doing to his beloved Ana. Tears silently leaked out of the corners of his eyes as he thought about the implications

Christian had a five man security team working round the clock to locate his wife. Taylor was heading the team and he would stop at nothing to locate Anastasia. The last 18 months they had several leads that always turned into nothing. Christian was pulled out of his thoughts as Taylor entered the office. Stoically Taylor hands Christian a manila envelope.

"We've found Jack Hyde," Taylor tells his boss warily.

"Ana…" Christians whispers questioningly.

"She hasn't been spotted sir," Taylor answers.

"Where is he?" Christians asks angrily.

"Mexico, sir, Tijuana. We have photos of Hyde, but no sightings of Ana at all," Taylor explained sadly.

"Get the jet ready," Christian barked as he stood from his desk.

Christian scoured through the photo and information presented to him in the manila envelope during the flight to Tijuana. Jack Hyde was now going by Michael Hagen. He lived in a rather large home with his own security force. It seemed he was dealing with some of the less than savory crowd. He had copies of Hyde's financial statements as well as a list of staff. They had a member of their IT team researching all of Hyde's staff. When they landed they would have a list of the most desperate. They needed to gather as much information as they could about what went on in the inside of Hyde's mansion. He was hoping that they would find Ana soon.

The jet had finally landed and the ground team was already securing a house near Hyde's. Taylor thought the best course of action was to stake out the mansion itself to pick up any schedules. They also had a two man team that would stay on Hyde himself. Christian, Taylor, and Sawyer decided they would track down the desperate house staff and bribe them for information. Taylor tried to persuade Christian on getting a goods night rest and starting fresh in the morning, but Christian would hear none of it. He had to find Ana at any cost. This was the first real lead they'd had in 18 months and he wasn't about to sleep on it.

"The housekeeper who's granddaughter needs money for that surgery is home today, sir" Taylor revealed after getting off the phone.

"Well let's go then," Christian said as he stood ready for anything.

"We need to find a translator first, sir" Taylor informed him.

"Anyone on our security team we can trade out?" Christian asks.

"I'll check into it sir," Taylor informed him as he walked out of the room.

Twenty minutes later Christian, Taylor, and Juarez were making their way into the city. Sawyer was moved to the Hyde detail so they could have Juarez a native of Mexico who moved to the US when he was 10. They pulled up to a large apartment building that looked worse for the wear. "She lives on the 15th floor, sir" Taylor informed him. Of course there were no elevators and many of the apartments didn't even have doors just blankets draped over the doorway. They made it to the housekeepers door and knocked waiting patiently for the housekeeper. Finally a middle aged woman answered the door.

"Hola, buscamos a la Sra Perez?" Juarez

"Sí, soy yo," Mrs. Perez answered.

"¿Usted trabaja para el Sr. Hagen, correcto?," Juarez clarified.

"Sí, ¿qué es esto?," Mr. Perez asked warily.

"¿Podemos nos por favor venir y hablar con usted acerca de su empleador?," Juarez asked as he flashed a $100 bill.

"Por supuesto, naturalmente, por favor venga, siéntese," Mrs. Perez gestured into her home.

Juarez turned to his bosses, "She said she would love to speak to us about her boss and to come in." Juarez stepped back and gestured for Christian and Taylor to step in first. Mrs. Perez gestured to the three men to take a seat on the disheveled couch in the small living room. Mrs. Perez brought a tattered chair from the kitchen into the living room and sat down in front of them.

"My boss is a wonderful man he pays me very well," she says through a fake smile.

"We didn't realize you could speak English," Taylor said tersely.

"Yes the rich Americans like us to speak English to work in their homes," she confesses.

"Mrs. Perez we know how much he pays you and I am prepared to pay you much more for any information you can give us," Christian explains.

"What are you wanting to know?" she asks speculatively.

"How long have you worked for Mr. Hagen?," Taylor asked.

"Over a year now, since he came to Mexico," she revealed.

"Have you seen this woman there?," Christian asks as he pulls a photo of Ana out of his jacket pocket.

"Are you going to help that poor woman?," she asks with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

"She's there?" Christian asks hopefully.

"Yes he keeps that poor girl locked in his room. I've only seen her a handful of times. None of the staff is allowed to go in Mr. Hagen's room unless he's there," she explains.

"Could you draw us a map of exactly where she is locked up," Taylor asks hopefully.

"I… I… don't know… If Mr. Hagen finds out any of this I will lose my job," she says fearfully.

"He has my wife locked away doing God knows what to her," Christian starts to explain, but begins to tear up.

"Your granddaughter needs an operation, correct?," Taylor asks taking over for his boss.

"Yes, but we don't have the money and this job has gone a long way towards helping with that," she explains.

"Consider the operation done," Christian bites out as he wipes the tears from his face.

The woman finds a piece of paper and begins to draw out a rough map. "The easiest way in is through the service entrance, but you have to have the code to get in," she explains as she finishes up the drawing. Taylor examines the map and sees Hyde has her locked up on the top floor of the three story home. He pulls out his phone and puts in an order for exterior photos of where the bedroom is. They need to plan out the best course of action to get in and retrieve Ana.

"We bought a house about a mile from Mr. Hagen's home. Help us get my wife back and you can have it when we're through," Christian promises the woman.

"My granddaughter's surgery?" she asks uncertain.

"Give Taylor the information and we will have the ball running by the afternoon," Christian promises.

"Okay the code is 5672. Mr. Hagen leaves around 9am and usually doesn't return until 6 or 7 in the evening during the week," Mrs. Perez begins to tell them some very pertinent information.

"Anything else you can think of?," Christian asks as he pulls out a wad of American bills.

"Lately on the weekends Mr. Hagen has been leaving. I'm not sure where he goes, but he leave Friday evening and doesn't return until Sunday afternoon. He has a woman named Sophia Alvarez take care of the young woman locked in his room," she explains.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Perez," Christian says as he stands and hands her a wad of cash, "If we get my wife out of this alive there will be more of that."

"Juarez get the information on Mrs. Perez granddaughter please then meet us back at the house," Taylor says as he and Christian make their way to the car.