Vampires and Love Chapter 8


Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own Suits I WISH I DID!

Vampires have only high end jobs. Humans are their slaves/food. Humans are bought and sold and Mike is sold to Harvey. AU and Slash. Caring/Loving Harvey and Loving/Shy Mike.

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I love all the reviews you guys post! They make my day and I love all the support for all the stories especially this one. THIS ONE IS FOR YOU GUYS!

Harvey woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and great. He looked down to his chest and he frowned. Mike wasn't there and Harvey began to worry a little. Harvey got up and checked the room and the bathroom. Mike wasn't there. Then Harvey went to the kitchen and he smiled slightly. He saw Patrick and Mike making breakfast.

"Ok then we stir in the milk into the bowl and after we pour the batter onto the griddle. Then add the chocolate chips when they are cookinggot it?" Mike said. Patrick nodded and got to work. Mike looked over and smiled brightly. He made his way over to Harvey and gave him a small kiss.

"Good morning." Mike said. Harvey placed a kiss on his temple. "Good morning to you too love. Paddy good morning." Harvey said. Patrick looked over and stuck his tongue out. "Mornin big bro." Harvey smiled and went over and squeezed a hug out of Patrick.

"Ok Harvey I get it let go!" Patrick said. Harvey smiled and let his brother go. Mike smiled at the brothers and he kinda wished he had a brother of his own. Harvey looked over and rushed over to Mike and picked him up and swung them around.

"Ah Harvey!" Mike laughed. Harvey laughed as well and gently kissed Mike. Mike smiled and wiggled out of Harvey's grip. He walked back to Patrick and continued to cook the pancakes. Harvey set the table and got out the butter and maple syrup. The pancakes were done and even Erin and Gordon migrated down for the sugary hotcakes.

Everyone enjoyed Mike and Patrick's pancakes. Erin and Harvey cleaned up after much bickering from Mike and Paddy.

Harvey took Mike's hand and led him back to their bedroom. Mike smiled as Harvey opened the door and swung Mike against it as it closed. Harvey kissed Mike until he was breathless and then he began to nibble his neck. Mike was enjoying himself when a knock on the door interrupted them.

"Mike please go lay on the bed." Harvey asked. Mike nodded and he went to the bed but instead of laying down he sat up and saw Gordon walk into the room.

"Mike as you know that Harvey loves you very much and he wants to be mated with you." Mike nodded and smiled fondly at Harvey. Harvey smiled back and gestured back to his father. Mike looked back and Gordon continued.

"Well when a human and vampire mate it is extremely dangerous. The vampire has to take some of the blood from the human in order to be fully mated. That's why I'm here to make sure Harvey doesn't kill you. Now Mike have you and Harvey talked about actually becoming a vampire?"

Mike shook his head no but then answered "I do want to become a vampire to be with Harvey forever." Mike said quietly. Harvey brushed a kiss on his cheek and nuzzled Mike's neck.

Gordon nodded and Harvey laid on top of Mike and began to lightly kiss him. Mike felt weird that Gordon was watching his son and him making out, but Mike just let Harvey work his magic. Mike moaned as Harvey made his way into his mouth with his tongue.

"Mike I'm going to bite you now ok?" Harvey asked. Mike just nodded and tilted his neck so then Harvey could get a better bite.

"I love you Mike." Harvey whispered as he bit into Mike. Mike gasped and he felt like he should struggle but he didn't have the energy.

"I love you too Harvey." Mike said as he began to get black spots in his vision. Gordon came over and looked at Mike. Mike looked very pale and his breathing was getting shallow.

"Mike stay with us. Harvey that's enough." Gordon said. Harvey couldn't stop and he whimpered to his father.

"Harvey you have to stop on your own. Please you are going to kill him if you don't stop. Harvey!" Gordon said. Gordon took action and he gently took Harvey's fangs out of Mike and shoved him against the wall. Harvey snarled and Gordon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Harvey." Mike whispered. Harvey was pulled out of his bloodlust haze and he went to Mike. Harvey bit his wrist and cooed Mike to drink. Mike latched onto Harvey's wrist and drank slowly. Then the blood hit his tongue and a fierce pain spread through Mike.

"AH!" Mike screamed as he tried to crawl away from the pain. Harvey saw this and his heart broke. He pulled the man into his arms to stop some of Mike's uncontrollable movements.

"We have to wait another 30 minutes before he can drink. After that an hour to see if he makes it through the transformation." Gordon said. Harvey nodded and tried to soothe his love with sweet words. But all Mike did was scream, moan, and whimper.

30 minutes went by and Mike fed again. After the pain doubled and Mike screamed louder and louder. Harvey sometimes put his hand gently over Mike's mouth. Mike looked into Harvey's eyes with a pained and hurt expression in them.

Harvey shed a tear or two for his lover. The hour was almost over and Harvey was rocking Mike back and forth. Gordon walked in and checked Mike.

"No pulse… No heartbeat. This is a good thing Harvey. It means that he is going to change." Gordon said. Harvey was relieved and he waited for his love for wake up.

It was another 15 minutes before Harvey called out for his father because Mike was begin to stir. Gordon came in and checked Mike. He smiled and winked at Harvey.

Mike opened his eyes and looked at Harvey. Harvey stared back and smiled.

"Do I look ok?" Mike asked. Harvey nodded and give Mike a mirror. And then Mike was entranced.

Mike still had golden hair but it seemed brighter. His eyes were a rich blue and then they turned blood red. Mike flipped out a little bit but Harvey kissed his shoulder and gently nipped it as well.

"Will it go away? I like my blue eyes better." Mike said.

"It will go away soon as you eat. Now since you are a vampire now… I want to try something… do you want to try?" Harvey said seductively.

"Oh oh yes I do." Mike said as he jumped on top of Harvey and they began to passionately kiss.

Ok DONE FINALLY! This is the last chapter for this story. IM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK SO LONG I forgot and then I didn't want to write it. Ok but I'm done now! If you want a sequel let me know…. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!