Chapter 7: Revelation

"Wow! Your house is huge, Ms Kara!" Rebekah marvelled as she stepped into Tara's make-shift house.

"Why thank you, Rebekah." Tara replied kindly, trying to hide her strong dislike for the inquisitivity of humans.

"Oh my goodness! Look at this!" Rebekah gasped as she picked up a crystal ball from Tara's bookcase. "It's so real and authentic!"

"Don't touch that!" Tara screeched as she snatched the crystal ball from Rebekah's grip. The crystal ball was the only item Tara could use to communicate with Prince Talut. If Rebekah was to break it, she would be stranded on Earth without anyone to help her.

"I'm sorry." Tara said apologetically. "This crystal ball is just really expensive. My mum gave it to me as she lay on her death bed and I treasure it a lot. Let's get on with lesson shall we?"

"Sure!" Rebekah smiled. "And I'm sorry about your mum."

"No problem!" Tara replied as both girls sat at the dining table. As Rebekah was struggling to take out her math worksheets and pencil case from her bag, Tara decided to ask Rebekah and learn more about the girls on earth.

"So Rebekah, do you know any girls who believe in magic?" Tara questioned.

"I believe in magic!" Rebekah exclaimed with a sparkle in her eye.

"Oh really?" Tara raised an eyebrow. This was interesting.

"Yeah! Ever since I was a small girl, I always dreamt of living in a castle in some mythical place not on Earth. But I know it isn't possible." Rebekah sighed and looked to the ground.

"Why not? Everything is possible." Tara inched closer to Rebekah.

"Well, my parents, or should I say adoptive parents, believe that magic is not real. It's just like a fairytale. And fairytales are for naive kids."

"Wait, you are adopted?" Tara's couldn't help but dig deeper into Rebekah's life. Something about Rebekah made Tara want to know more.

"Erm..yeah, I don't know who my real parents are but somehow I feel that I still have family members who are alive now."

Tara's heart beat vigorously. Could it be? Rebekah's past and background coincided with Talut's sister. But she couldn't confirm it yet, so Tara decided to ask more.

"Was your hair naturally blue?"

"Huh?" Rebekah blinked her eyes. "Of course not! I coloured it blue this year."

"Why?" Tara looked into Rebekah's eyes, as if trying to force the truth out of her.

"No particular reason." Rebekah shrugged her shoulders. "I just felt this tugging in my heart to do it. It's fate that I have blue hair, you get it right?"

Tara nodded, not really understanding what this 'fate' Rebekah was talking about.

"Anyway, can we like move on to our math homework?" Rebekah cleared her throat and smiled politely at Tara.

Tara blinked and released a husky laugh. "Oh Rebekah! Homework is not everything! There are more important questions I would like to ask you."

Tara bridged her hands and looked seriously into Rebekah's eyes. "Tell me more about Harry."

"Harry?" Rebekah was taken aback. Why would Miss Kara want to know about him?

"Yes, you know, the boy in your class?" Tara said. "You two seem pretty close to each other."

"Oh no Miss Kara!" Rebekah blushed. "We aren't that close! I just have this little crush on Harry and it seems like he reciprocated my feelings too. I'm going on a date with him tomorrow night though, so that I can like get to know him better."

Date? Tara frowned. If Rebekah went out with Harry and he told her about all the warrior stuff, she may lose Rebekah as a source of information.

"Rebekah, I don't think Harry is a good influence." Tara sighed, trying to sound sympathetic.

"Why not?" Rebekah said in defense. "You've only just met him like, today?"

Tara cringed at the word 'like'. She swore Rebekah used it more than 5 times already. "Don't be offended, Rebekah! I just feel that he's a little too mysterious. And girls your age should be concentrating on studies instead of boys."

"I don't mean to be rude but if you aren't going to help me with my homework, I'll just leave." Rebekah then gathered all her stationery and plopped them into her school bag.

"Rebekah, wait!" Tara shrieked and grabbed Rebekah's arm.

"Don't touch me!" Rebekah jerked her arm away from Tara's grasp and just then, Tara saw an extremely small spark of energy escape from Rebekah's finger tips.

Tara gasped in shock but before she could open her mouth to say anymore, Rebekah had already left.

Warden was in his room struggling with the twenty page-long math homework Ms Kara gave him when suddenly, the heart of Kandracar started glowing. Warden pushed his homework aside and grabbed the heart. Without any warning, a flash of light emerged from the heart and a projection of Vathek appeared before Warden.

"Argh!" Warden released the heart and backed off, falling on his back.

"Sorry for scaring you warrior! But I have to tell you something!" The projected Vathek spoke.

"This better be important!" Warden rubbed his neck and crawled towards the heart. "And boy, I never knew the heart could make video calls!"

"Video calls?" Vathek raised an eyebrow. "If you are asking if the heart has communication capabilities, yes it has. Anyway, I want to let you know that Cornelia has made her way to Heatherfield."

"You mean here?" Warden gasped. "What for? Did we miss some emergency impromtu training she decided to hold without telling anyone and had to come to Earth to escort us?"

"No.." Vathek rolled his eyes. "Look, I can't explain everything to you now. It's too complicated. Cornelia will reach Heatherfield through a portal at the park. Gather the other warriors and meet her at the park. She will do the explaining. Goodbye warrior!"

With that, the projection collapsed and all was left was the regular heart of Kandracar rested in Warden's hands.

Warden took one look at his half un-finished homework and back to the heart. "Screw Ms Kara's homework. I have warrior business to handle!"

"What's the emergency Warden?" Ivan panted as he jogged towards his friends.

"Yeah," Caleb folded his arms and frowned. "In case you didn't know, I have a social life."

"And Ms Kara's homework!" Thomas added. "I was on my last page when you called."

"Why the park Warden?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea." Warden shrugged his shoulders. "I received this emergency call from Vathek via the heart and he mentioned something about meeting Cornelia at the park."

"Woah woah woah!" Caleb held up his hand. "Cornelia is going to be here? In that case, I'm leaving."

"No you're not!" Warden shouted and grabbed the collar of Caleb's shirt. "If you're a warrior, you stay!"

At that moment, a blue light flashed, revealing a portal and Cornelia stepped out of it. "Hello warriors!"

"Oh wow, what a grand entrance but such a casual greeting!" Ivan said sacarstically.

"Cornelia, what's up?" Warden asked.

"Warriors, I have some bad news."

"As if any of your news are good ones." Caleb mumbled.

Cornelia shot a glare at Caleb but continued. "Talut found out that he has a sister."

"Wait, what?" Thomas gasped. "Talut has a sister?"

"Double trouble!" Harry grunted.

"Let me finish!" Cornelia huffed. "14 years ago, the some rebels brought Talut's sister to Heatherfield in order to protect her from Talut. In Meridian, the females are the more dominant ones and they are supposed to be the rightful heir to the throne. But if the parents want, they could actually transfer the powers of their female child to the male child. The male child would then be dangerously powerful. But since Talut didn't have any parents, he wanted to forcefully drain his sister of her powers so that he would be the most powerful man in Meridian. Now that he has found out, Talut would have sent one of his minions here in disguise to detect her! You guys need to find her before he does."

"Oh my goodness!" Warden shook his head. "This is complicated. How would we know who Talut's sister is? There are millions of 14 year old girls in Heatherfield. And in disguise, we can't be sure which person is actually Talut's minion!"

"Myth says that one of the warriors would feel a strangely strong attraction to any Meridian royalty of the opposite sex." Cornelia said.

"Riley!" Ivan exclaimed.

"What about Riley?" Caleb asked.

"Caleb feels a strangely strong attraction to Riley!" Ivan gasped. "This morning when I asked Caleb to break up with her, he said that he loved her too much to do such a thing."

"Not to mention, Riley is mean like Talut." Thomas mused. "She has the potential of being an alpha ruler in Meridian."

"What are you guys talking about?" Caleb growled. "I've known Riley since she was 12 and for the past 2 years, she's shown no signs of possessing any magical powers."

"Just because she doesn't unleash her powers, doesn't mean she doesn't have any." Harry argued.

"Warriors!" Cornelia commanded. "Calm down. Riley is a possible suspect but we can't pin all accusations on her. Like you said, there are many 14 year old girls in Heatherfield. You have to keep an eye open. Anyone could be our target."

"That's true." Warden sigh. "But if we really do find possible matches, how can we contact you? It's such a hassle if you keep travelling from Meridian to Heatherfield and back and the video call function isn't that clear."

"I know." Cornelia replied. "That's why I'm staying here and enrolling as one of Sheffield's foreign exchange student."

"What?" Caleb nearly choked on his saliva. "You're going to school with us?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Cornelia creased her eyebrow.

"Yeah, what's wrong huh?" Warden echoed Cornelia.

"Everything's wrong!" Caleb scoffed. "If manly woman stays here, I'll quarrel with her everyday and I may have to be sent to the principal's office for fighting with a girl."

"Hey! Who are you calling a manly woman?" Cornelia frowned and then sighed. "Caleb, if this is about what happened yesterday, I'm sorry. I never meant to rake up memories of your mother..."

"How did you know about my mother?" Caleb screamed.

The warriors' and Cornelia's mouth hung open but no words came out.

"Oh, I get it now!" Caleb narrowed his eyes. "You freaking stalked me!"

"What!" Cornelia retorted. "I was trying to be nice and mending our bond and yet you accuse me of stalking you?"

"You know what, forget it!" Caleb held his hands up in surrender. "This is the reason why I can't stand being in the same school as you. I'm going home. Peace out! I hope I don't ever bump into you at Sheffield."

Thomas looked from Caleb to Cornelia and awkwardly said, "I...I think I'll go after Caleb to see what he's up to. Err..see you tomorrow?"

"Me too!" Ivan said. "Who knows what crap Caleb might get into."

"Me three!" Harry said.

With that, all four warriors were gone. All that's left is Warden amd Cornelia.

"What have a done." Cornelia whispered and sunk onto the ground, feeling dejected.

Warden crouched down to Cornelia's level and put an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, it's alright! It's not your fault. Caleb has just been real moody these few days. Don't mind him. He doesn't mean any of the words he said."

"I tried so hard to try to fix our broken relationship." Cornelia sobbed. "I know I started off on the wrong foot with Caleb. It used to be just teasing each other. I never meant for it to escalate into this."

"Hey! Please don't cry!" Warden hushed and pulled Cornelia's face into his chest. Warden always saw Cornelia as a tough and strong girl and seeing her cry made his heart hurt.

Cornelia dried her tears and moved away from Warden. "Thanks."

"No problem!" Warden smiled.

"Oh and..." Warden extended his hand to wipe off one tiny tear stain from Cornelia's face. Just then, Cornelia's and Warden's eyes met. Warden paused what he was doing and stared into Cornelia's eyes. Cornelia stared back. And naturally, both of them inched closer to one another, closing the space in between them. It was not long after their lips had met that Cornelia pulled away.

"I'm sorry!" Cornelia blushed and turned her head away from Warden. It was the first time Cornelia kissed a guy and she didn't expect her first kiss to be from her subordinate.

"It's alright!" Warden scatched his head and stood up. "It's late, I guess I should be going."

"Yeah, same here!" Cornelia stood up and brushed the dirt off her coat.

"See you tomorrow!" Warden walked off but stopped in his tracks almost immediately.

"You have somewhere to stay?" Warden asked, not turning around to face Cornelia.

"Erm..yes. I'm temporarily staying in Sheffield's hostel."

"Good! Goodnight then." Warden then continued to walk off.

"Goodnight." Cornelia replied weakly to no one as she brought her fingers to her lips. She expected to feel blissed and exhilarated when Warden kissed her but why did she feel nothing but emptiness?

Hello everyone! I've finally updated chapter 7! What do you all think? It's been a while since I wrote a story, so I'm really sorry if my writing skills are a little rusty. But anyway, as you all can tell, I made the identity of Talut's sister a bit more obvious in this chapter. And did you enjoy the little Warden x Cornelia romance I put there? Haha, don't worry Caleb and Cornelia shippers. Warden and Cornelia won't end up together. It was just a one-off thing. Now, for the Q&A:

1)Lexvan - Hello there:) I finally updated, are you happy? Haha, anyway I sort of revealed who Talut's sister is in this chapter. Is it the same person you were thinking about?

2)Val Marsal - Hello:) Sorry for the confusion but Tara is not Taranee if that's what you are thinking. Tara is one Talut's minion. You can read the previous chapters to understand better!

3)Writingaddict169 - Hey! I'm sorry if the chapters are not long enough. I'll try my best to write longer yeah? Thanks for the suggestion though:)

4)Saaraa, whatadreamer, AshleySwift13 and W.i.t.c.h4ever - Thanks for liking my story and for all the flattery! You all are awesome. Love you xx