A/N: Time for another story, and a drastic switch from conflict and strife to humor and friendship. Rate and Review anytime, as all criticism is welcome.

Rated T: Crude and Sexual humor/innuendo and some Language.

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1: Get Out

"You cannot be serious!" a voice bellowed in one of the many large rooms in the living quarters of Canterlot Castle. The origin: a slender, slightly above average height girl of an adolescent-like complexion, but who acted much older than she was. She had long, free flowing, navy blue hair that twinkled in the light at the right angles, as well as a crown which adorned the top of her head, resting on her hair. Princess Luna was seething with anger and giving her older sister, Princess Celestia, a death glare with her piercing teal eyes which could probably rival that of Fluttershy's.

"Oh, but I am! And that's the best part!" Celestia spoke with a hint of amusement at her sister's indignation. She wore a great smile on her face which more than supplemented her other features. Celestia was also above average height, being easily taller than her sister, and her fair skinned complexion was complemented by her equally long, free flowing multi colored hair of light green, pink, purple, and sky blue. Her charisma and slender physique caught the respect, admiration, and eye of her subjects in more than one way.

"You must get some sick pleasure out of torturing me, Tia" Luna said in a frustrated tone as she supported her face in her hand.

"I do, actually, but I can't really torture you… merely 'cause it's illegal" Celestia replied with a hefty grin of sarcasm and teasing.

"Don't get sarcastic with me, my dear sister. Please enlighten me with a deeper understanding exactly as to why you're doing this?" Luna asked in a defeated, yet frustrated manner.

"Because anyone with eyes can see that you need to surgically remove the gargantuan stick from your ass. And the only way to do that, without me using my hand, the Jaws of Life, and a metric ton of lubricant, is for you to go out and live a little!... That, and also because it's quite hilarious" Celestia said in a jovial tone, sitting next to Luna, who seemed taken aback by her use of diction and other rhetorical devices

"Is there a need for such crude innuendo? And I am not that uptight!" Luna defended herself.

"No, but it's funny, and quite frankly, your resistance only proves my point. And not that uptight? Please, Luna, I could stick a lump of coal up your ass and have a diamond by the time I have to lower the sun" Celestia joked, getting a heavy sigh from Luna and Celestia giggling as a result.

"That's a hyperbole of the highest degree and you damn well know that, Tia!" Luna shot back.

"Yes, I'll admit, that is quite a bit of exaggeration. After all, with that stick up there, there'd be no room for the coal" Celestia nudged Luna, earning a half lidded glare from her younger sister, almost too tired to argue against Celestia's superior wit.

"And if I refuse to comply?" Luna asked half-heartedly, exposing her hands as a blue, magical aura glowed around them. Celestia only gave her a look that just sarcastically said "You're kidding, right?" and simply chuckled a bit.

"Don't 'magic' me, Luna… because I'll 'magic' you right back; I'll 'magic' you right out that window" the young but mature solar princess said as she motioned towards the bedroom window. Luna rolled her eyes as she let the aura dissipate. Not like she'd ever think about defying her sister with force ever again.

"Ugh… it's just that, I don't like… people" Luna said, trying to find the right words.

"Right, because that wasn't obvious enough. I wonder what gave you that revolutionary thought. Besides, you could use the social skills and who knows, you might actually come to 'like people'" Celestia said in an attempt to convince her younger sister, if only a little bit.

"Hold on, Tia, I'm attempting to give a damn" Luna paused for dramatic effect, holding one of her hands up to her and the other to her forehead, eyes closed.

"Nope. Attempt failed: Damn not given" Luna retorted, turning towards her window.

"That is by far the worst attempt at a sarcastic or witty retort I've heard from you yet. You can do so much better than that. But yes, I figured as much, and in the end you are still hereby relieved of your duties for one month, and if you don't make progress by then, the relief of said duties will be extended indefinitely" Celestia told her with a more stern attitude, yet not losing her sisterly and witty tone. Luna only let out a loud, disgruntled sigh as she sank back on her bed.

"Few showed willingness to even approach me since the Nightmare Moon incident… many are even afraid to be near me, like, five feet away from me when I do happen to wander out; with that being said and observed, what makes you think I can benefit from any of this?" Luna asked with genuine concern and insecurity. Celestia put an arm around her in a comforting manner, sympathizing with her.

"Because if you can learn to place your trust in new friends as well as old, you can open up. And if you open up, you can live a little, and if you can do that, well… I really do think it would be a good thing for you, Luna. You get a little jealous sometimes because of how our subjects see me versus you: me being easy going and lenient, while you being stern and sometimes overbearing, which is not a bad thing, don't get me wrong, but there's a time and place for it, my sister. Professional and Personal life should be separate entities. Maybe you can learn to treat them as such. I just want to see you happy, Luna" Celestia lectured her in a very loving tone. Luna met her gaze and, for the first time that day, mustered a smile. Especially at the thought of her subjects and true friends adoring her company and 'having fun', whatever that entailed.

"Okay, Tia. I'll do this. After all, not many work places offer a full months 'paid' vacation with full benefits, and then some. To be honest, when you put it that way, it actually seems quite… enthralling" Luna said in a happier mood, pondering the thoughts of the future of this endeavor.

"I'm glad you see it my way, Lulu. In fact, the day is still young, so we can get you started immediately!" Celestia said with a signature, over-the-top happy smile while rising off the bed and towards the door.

"I'm all for that. I'm assuming I just go out when I desire and come back accordingly each day?" Luna asked, curious of the semantics involved.

"Hell no! You have a month's worth of social immersion to do; I don't even want to see you within several miles of the castle for the next month! I've already arranged for you to stay with Twilight and she, along with her other friends are expecting your arrival today. The first step is to really make some friends, and you're going to do it in the old fashion way of complete immersion in normal society" Celestia said very enthusiastically, ultimately happy for the opportunity presented to Luna, who just had her mouth agape at Celestia's last playful rant, both in surprise and apprehensiveness. Celestia continued:

"I'm glad to see your smiling face of sheer excitement and wonder. It just radiates from your aura, Luna. Good on you, my sister. I love you, now get out" Celestia said with joking authority, mock-pursing her lips in a kissy fashion as she strut out the door. Luna could only sigh as she began to magically pack many of her belongings.

"I swear, Tia. If this endeavor kills me, I'm going to haunt the shit out of you" she mumbled to herself as finished packing necessities into a large duffel bag and began to walk towards the chariot landing pad.