Disclaimer: I own nothing Harry Potter related. That is all JK Rowling! I just obsessively love Harry Potter. This is my first HP piece. Romione is my OTP!)

The Healing Kiss: A Romione Snapshot

It was the night following the Battle of Hogwarts. The Weasleys along with Harry and Hermione had apparated back to The Burrow. Everyone was rightfully exhausted and after hours of mourning their loses, everyone retired to bed to rest up. Tomorrow they would bury Fred. Hermione bunked with Ginny while Harry stayed in Ron's room. Sleep came surprisingly fast, but it wasn't long before Hermione had awoken to a nightmare in which Ron's body lay dead in her arms. A sickening selfish feeling sent chills up her spine as she came to realize it was Fred and not Ron who didn't make it home. Her body felt like it was on pins and needles as sharp gasps caught in her chest, threatening to suffocate her.

She grabbed her wand and cast a Lumos charm. She knew I must be early in the morning as the sky was only a soft blue. It must have been very early because she didn't hear Mrs. Weasley bustling around the kitchen. She descended the landing and staircase and went straight for the kitchen; in hopes that a cup of tea would help settle her nerves. She took out two tea bags and seeped them in water, performing a quick warming spell. She was still on edge as she turned on her heel with her cup in hand. It was at this moment when she heard the familiar crack of someone apparating into their kitchen, which gave her a fright causing her cup to fall to the floor and shatter. Ron stood before her rubbing his rumbling stomach. Was he ever not hungry?!

"Er...sorry" Ron said apologetically as he looked down at her wet feet and the shards scattered about the floor.

"I'm fine really." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Don't move." Ron said as he waved his wand and said, "REPARO!"

Not that Ron had to instruct her not to move, she couldn't even if she tried. Her body tensed and her eyes remained transfixed on Ron's hand as it held his wand. It had several deep wounds with dried blood still staining his pale, freckled skin. They looked so painful. She broke her gaze after a moment and cast the appropriate cleansing spell to her tea soaked pajamas and socks. By this time Ron had grabbed a Cauldron Cake and was eagerly consuming it. Hermione quickly made a new cup of tea and crossed the distance between them. She looked back down at Ron's hands. The same hands that had held her as she was sure she was going to face certain death as Nagini advanced on them. The same hands she had held onto as they mourned for Fred. The hands she knew she could never let go of now. Before Hermione could think, she reached out and gently clasped them in her own, leading him over to the couch. Ron obliged but stayed silent.

"Accio Dittany!" Hermione summoned for her vial of essence of Dittany. There was only a small amount left after Ron's splinching and the run in with Nagini at Godric's Hallow. But she knew there was still enough.

Pressing Ron's hands to her lips, she placed gentle kisses on his wounds before unstopping the vial and applying a few drops onto Ron's they had injuries, she had never seen a more beautiful or strong pair of hands. Hot tears started to form at the corners of her chocolate brown eyes and spilled out onto her rosy cheeks. She tried to hide her tears from him, but it was too late.

"Hermione, what's wrong? Bloody hell! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with these right foul cuts all over my hands." He cast his eyes aside hiding behind strands of ginger locks; as if he was ashamed. She looked up at his face and his cerulean eyes found their way back to hers.

"It isn't that Ron. This is essence of Dittany. I used it when I got you splinched. It was my fault because I wasn't focused. I could have killed you...And now your hands. You got some of these protecting me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I've caused you pain."

Tears continued to stream down her face as she realized the pain he must be going through. Not only was he wounded, but he lost his bother and they even thought they had lost Harry for good too. All she had to offer was essence of Dittany, her love, and friendship. What happened next surprised Hermione. Ron's voice was so soft and gentle as he shook his head slowly.

"None of that was your fault Hermione." He whispered with such care. After a few moments as precious silence and understanding passed between them, Ron asked a peculiar question.

"Hermione, why did you kiss my hands before you put on the Dittany?" Ron's face was full of genuine curiosity. Hermione's eyebrows furrowed on her forehead. Then it all became clear and her face softened a little at this realization.

"It's a muggle thing Ron. You see, muggles don't have Dittany, charms, or healing spells. So when I got hurt as a child, mum would kiss it to make it all better."

At this thought, Hermione reminisced about her parents and how terribly she missed them. How she wished she could run to her parents arms. But, at this point they wouldn't even know who she was. Another tear escaped her eye. Only this time, Ron's beautiful, strong hand was there to wipe it away.

Their eyes met, both full of sorrow and full of hope. Ron gently brushed his lips against hers for the first time since the Battle of Hogwarts. Though this kiss was more chaste, it was the most passionate either had ever felt. As they broke apart Hermione stayed still, wanting to remember this feeling forever. Ron's lips parted and only two breathless words escaped...

"All better?"