Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans, none. Seriously don't sue.

A/N: Hello I realize my updating is inexcusable, please forgive me. More Raven and Jinx to come, still mostly in the past but I'll clarify time change, we start in the past though. On with the show! R&R. Thank you.

Another day for Raven who was up at the crack of dawn started her daily routine. It was clear that after hours of attempted meditation this day would be no easier than the last few. The next thing on the morning list was a shower. Turning the water to almost scalding she stepped in and instantly felt the muscles relax. Washing her hair quickly so it would be done and out the of the way, she grabbed a shower gel and lathered up. Letter her mind wander; ever since the encounter with Jinx finding complete peace was difficult for her. Her mind recalled the scene with the pink haired flirt over and over. The feeling her touch sent through her, the things Knowledge had told her; it was all so much. Did she really want her emotions whole again? Dear Azar she couldn't even remember what it had felt like to be whole. After all she'd only been five years when the monks split her mind. Could she trust Rage?

The klaxon sounding over the intercom snapped the Titan from her daydream. The others were already being briefed by Robin as she floated through the doors to the common room hair still dripping, of course they were too busy looking at the screen which worked well for Raven.

"Looks like the H.I.V.E Five, Raven and Star you guys go ahead of us. Do not engage until we arrive, understood?" he shot a glance to Raven as to insinuate that she would be the one to break rules; which now was probably true in this case. She just hoped that Jinx didn't pull anything funny in front of the team.

Arriving rather quickly o their destination, the girls touched down and contacted the team, the H.I.V.E., nowhere in sight. A quick glance showed the jewelry tore alarm blaring for help. The dark Titan was sure they were there.

"Robin no sign of the H.I.V.E., but the alarm in the jewelry store says they're probably still inside." She was cut short with curt directions from Robin.

"Permission to search but do not engage combat. That' an order, we'll be there momentarily. Over and out." And the line was dead.

"This is them is it not?" the alien asked. Looking at the direction of the noise.

"Most likely, let's go!" It took a few glances at the store fronts to find the jewelry store the thieves were in."

"Jinx it's those scuzz guzzling Titans!" Gizmo exclaimed. "So what's your great plan? I feel like knocking that snot munching robo-dork back to the Medieval times."

"Calm down Gizzy, I have a feeling this won't be as hard as the last one." Leave Raven to me, you go after the robot and you go after the others Baran."

The Cyborg and Beast Boy screeched to a halt in the T-car a few seconds later, Robin's T-cycle just seconds behind. Jumping through the front window the Titans came face to face with the H.I.V.E. five.

"Alright give yourselves up and no one gets hurt." Robin shouted as he extended his bo staff.

"As if Bat Boy, H.I.V.E., ready!" Raven and the other Titans prepared for the spar ahead of them. She shot a glance at Jinx who gave her a wink.

'Someone's playing with fire huh?' Joy bubbled inside her head. She hoped the gesture from the villainess and the comment in her head hadn't caused her to turn that horrible shade of pinkish red that blushes usually caused her.

"Titans go!" Came the typical battle cry the Bird Brain felt too compelled not to say at the start of every battle.

They all rushed to meet their usual partners, Cyborg and Beast Boy taking on Gizmo and Robin and Starfire turned to Mammoth. The techno genius sprouted legs from the pack on his back, Cyborg charged his sonic cannon for the first attack which Gizmo dodged easily. Beast Boy morphed into a crow and flew over Gizmo preparing to morph into some thousand pound beast; however a hex bolt from Jinx quickly nixed the thought.

As much as she wanted to avoid Jinx she knew if she did not pursue the team would think something was up; she floated to meet the pink witch. A small smile pulled the corners of Jinx's mouth the two exchanged blows, a hex bolt here a chair flying through the air there.

"Hey watch it!" Beast Boy called ducking to avoid the mess the girls were making. Jinx took this time to lob a more few hex bolts at the green changling.

"What's wrong Raven, scared?" she taunted while flipping out of Raven's range; hoping the Titan would follow her, and she did.

"I'm not afraid of anything." She spat dryly. She and Jinx played cat and mouse, Raven unaware Jinx was leading her away from the rest of both of their teams. The girls fight took them through the office and into the room with the vault, far enough from the others that they could talk in private and still be aware of the situation.

"Wait Raven, I just want to talk I don't want to fight." Raven who hadn't noticed where they ended up looked suspiciously to Jinx.

"You better start explaining, I'm running on a short fuse today." Her hands glowing with the same black energy from the alley.

The pink haired woman gave a noticeable gulp, before continuing.

"Listen I really just wanted to talk about the other day. I didn't mean to…" but she trailed off not really knowing what to say. She was sorry that a simple touch had made her uncomfortable, but she was not sorry for the invitation. The last few battles they had with the Titans led her to notice that in some small way, Raven had changed. Not physically but the way she acted, like something was off or he wasn't even trying at times.

"You didn't mean to what?" still convinced it was a trap.

"I didn't mean to upset you when I put my hand on your shoulder or invited you to lunch. You just seemed, I don't know upset about something." She said giving her shoulders a shrug.

"I don't think it's part of your job description to be concerned about me" she stated sarcastically.

"That's no way to treat a friend Raven." She replied just as sarcastic.

"We're not friends Jinx." Was the low husky response.

"Well we could be if you didn't always do the Lone Ranger thing." She taunted as she shrugged her shoulders. Raven had to admit Jinx was good to banter with. All the other villains seemed to think shouting out plans and destroying things was the way.

"What is it that you want exactly?" she asked hesitant of the answer that she might get. Jinx looked at her for a second. But not at her more like through her even though Raven knew her powers didn't work like that.

"I don't want anything Raven, I just thought you seemed a bit lonely lately and thought you needed some cheering up. But it seems I was mistaken." She took a few steps closer to the empath, Raven stiffened as she drew closer. Taking a pen and piece of paper she scribbled something down and handed it to her. "In case you ever change your mind." She said holding the scrap of paper out to the Titan.

"I think it's time we get back to the others before they look for us. With a glance to the ceiling and a hex bolt, bringing down a cloud of dust and debris with her, she was gone.

Raven who had put up energy shield held onto the paper not daring to look at it. Meeting back up with the team she found the others had escaped when Jinx brought the ceiling down.

"Any sign of Jinx?" was the first thing their "leader" asked.

"No. Jinx brought the ceiling down and then disappeared." She lied. Impudence pushed just enough to make the lie flawless and undetectable. All of her emotoclone's after the defeat of Trigon found they could push the limits of their persuasion over Raven further and much easier than before.

It bothered the demonling quite a bit as she found her powers were much more dangerous than they had been before.

Raven opted to fly instead of joining the rest of the team in the T-car.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come Rae, we're going for pizza!" Cyborg shouted, as if pizza was to entice her.

"Thank you but no, I'm afraid I have some work that needs to be done. After that I'll start my patrol at nine."

"Raven is everything alright?" Robin asked, his voice held a hint of suspicion; which did not go unnoticed.

"Everything is fine; inform me if I am needed." With that she summoned her soulself and turned to her namesake.


The library, a hallowed place for the empath; filled with wisdom and knowledge for all who seek it. The smell of aged parchment was as soothing for Raven as flowers or perfume for another. She walked to the basement already having access to the file most normal citizens of Jump would not be granted access to. Tomes older then Jump City itself locked away from prying eyes and those who wished to use it for evil. The book Edgar had given her lay on the table next to her. Her focus was not on the book but the slip of paper Jinx had left her with. It was her phone number and underneath the words 'Call me' scribbled in the cheap ink found in dollar store pens.

Folding the paper away she focused her attention to the strange language it was written in. It seemed so familiar yet she could not put her finger on where she had seen it. Glancing at her watch it seemed her patrol time was quickly approaching.


The pink haired thief had taken to the streets just wandering. Honestly being cooped up with Giz and Baran was unbearable; between the mess they made, and the mindless T.V. they watched it was enough to drive a girl crazy. The night was her favorite time; the cool air, and fresh smells, and most of all the things that stirred when the sun went down.

The Titans split a nightly patrol, Raven always took the night shift, not really needing to sleep as much as the others, along with the lack of sleep led her to believe being away from the tower was her best bet. While flying through the park she noticed someone in the shadows and instantly recognized it to be Jinx. The signature pink horns she styled her hair in gave her away.

"A bit late to be taking an evening stroll don't you think?" she asked the thief from behind.

"Not if you come alive at night. You know it would have been much easier to just call the number I gave you instead of stalking me." She stated; obviously not surprised.

"A bit conceded don't you think? I wasn't stalking you; it's just so easy to pick you out of a crowd with your hair color."

"You couldn't give me the hope you were following me could you?" the last quip left the Titan unable to find an answer. This caused a ripple of laughter to fall from the thief's lips.

"Very funny. What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Well I was looking for something to eat but it looks like everything is closed. Unless you know somewhere?" they started walking, not saying much until Raven finally spoke again.

"If you don't mind taking a walk I know a small place. Her face and voice stoic as usual. A quirk of an eyebrow seemed to be the witches answer.

"So…how's everything going?" the voice caused Raven to pull her attention from the thoughts floating through her head to Jinx.

"It's been ok. How about you?" The words slow and strange on her tongue.

"Fine, I just need to get away from the guys sometimes. There's only so much a girl can handle ya know?" she nodded her head, knowing what it felt like to feel like the different one. The others always seem so interested in Starfire and her culture. Thinking back she could not recall any of them ever asking about what her home was like, or her customs. Other than the time she almost destroyed the world, although she was sure if the Prophecy hadn't come up they wouldn't have asked.

'You do not seek knowledge about the things you fear.' The voice came from her head.

"It must be hard you for sometimes." Jinx spoke abruptly again.

"Why would you say that?" she had not felt the prick of someone trying to access her mind.

"Honestly it's so transparent. You're the odd man out, the different one. I know how it is." She looked up to the night sky, and noticed Raven had too. They stood there for a minute in the dark staring at the stars, not saying anything just enjoying the company.

"Well we've arrived, perhaps we should go inside we'd be less conspicuous that way." She held the door for her guest.

"Hm are you this nice to all the girls or is it just me?" her comment caused a very embarrassed Raven to turn red.

"Aww Rae you're cute when you blush." She giggled as Raven turned a shade darker. It was a good thing the place was dimly lit so no one else could see her. They were seated in a booth in the back. Raven being satisfied that they were well enough away from the rest of the patrons. Pulling off her hood and letting her purple hair fall just above her shoulders garnered an unexpected reaction from Jinx; this being the first time she' ever seen Ravens hair color. It was similar to the color of her cloak if not a bit lighter. The style framed her face well, and Jinx found herself wondering how it would feel to touch it, run her fingers through it. Pulling herself back to reality and finding Raven giving her an odd look a change of subject seemed in order.

"It's pretty late, how did you know this place stays open?" she asked taking a look around.

"Well when you're patrolling the city four nights a week you learn where there's good food, especially when your roommates have this obsession with pizza." Before the pinkette could say anything a young waiter came to take their drink orders.

"Hot tea with lemon please." She turned to Jinx who scanned the menu before ordering a raspberry iced tea.

"So…why are you so interested in getting to know me? I mean I've put you in jail more times than I can count."

'Great opening line.' Joy deadpanned in her head. 'Try to sound like you're enjoying yourself. And not interrogating her.'

"I don't know, just something about you seemed different the last few times we've met up. And I just thought maybe you needed someone to talk to. That's why I gave you my number."

"You are aware this is a direct violation of Titan rules. If anyone were to see me here talking to you…" she trailed off. It's not that she needed the Titans, she had money saved away for when she did leave but did she want to risk it for Jinx, and what would she do if in fact she did resign. She certainly would not be able to live in the Tower.

"Well no one knows we're here so it's ok. Besides we're not dating or anything. We're just having a bite to eat." The waiter came again to take their order, Jinx decided on the red curry while the Titan opted for the chef salad.

"Well it's not something anyone needs to know." She shot a look to Jinx.

"What me say something? I don't think my team would be happy if they knew I was talking with you either so were both in the same boat."

"So what made you come to dinner with me?" she asked as the food was set before them.

"Maybe I' just tired of being on my own all the time." The answer took them both aback.

'Where did that come from?' the answer seemed to come from an unknown emotoclone.

"Maybe we could do this again then." They did not talk much more after that focus on the food instead. When the check came the pink haired thief reached for the check only to be beaten by Raven.

"What are you doing? I can pay for us." She exclaimed.

"I don't doubt that, I just question where that money came from and I do not wish to take part of where it's been. So if you don't mind I'll pay." After they settled their affairs and departed the restaurant they wandered in silence back to the park they had met at.

"Thank you Raven, for dinner I mean."

"You're quite welcome. It was nice." Raven conceded.

"Well then maybe we could do it again sometime." It was a shaky invitation but obviously something the dark witch was not opposed to.

The invitation Jinx extended caused a strange and rarely felt sensation for Raven. The pounding in her chest and suddenly dry mouth left her a bit indisposed. A trip to Nevermore was most definitely in order.

"I think I'd like that."

"Well great! I better get back to the base before the guys come looking for me. Wouldn't want them to see this huh?" she gave a giggle which pulled not a smile but something close enough to form on her lips.

"You're team certainly cares a great deal about you to go searching for you in the middle of the night." She wondered if her team ever gave a thought to what she did when she left.

"Well we went through the H.I.V.E. Academy and all the crap with Brother Blood, we're not just a team we've kind of become a family." The words felt like ice to the empaths heart knowing full and well they felt the same way about Starfire but certainly not about her.

The pink haired woman could see the effect the conversation had had on Raven. It was almost an insult that they did not even give her the chance from the way things seemed.

"Well I do not mean to be rude, but I must bid you good night. Are you sure you can get back safely?" her amethyst eyes showing concern. Just in the hour they had been together she'd seen such a different Raven and all it took was a few questions and a little bit of sarcasm.

"I'll be fine Raven thank you. So don't leave a girl hanging this time, call me." She even made the telephone hand gesture to accompany the request.

Choosing to teleport rather then fly Raven arrived to her room and immediately picked up her mirror. Arriving in Nevermore she had not made up her decision about which emotion to speak with first. Knowledge was the most practical answer because she thought much like Raven herself. Although walking through the portal she was approached by Joy.

"See I told you everything would be fine if you socialized a bit." The cheerful grin spread over her face before she could even finish her sentence.

"How long have you been waiting so you could say that?"

"Years! It took you long enough to listen." She barked triumphantly.

"Did you influence me while I was at dinner?" remembering the shock that registered on Jinx's face when she mentioned not wanting to be alone. The emotoclone gave Cheshire cat smile at the accusation.

"Well just a bit, but hey it worked right?" unable to argue with the emotion she once again set off on her search for Knowedge.


"I suppose you know about Jinx?" was the question. It seemed that Knowledge had expected her. The emotoclones face softened a bit to the mention of the pink haired thief. In all the years Raven had been in the Titans she had never made friends with anyone outside of them.

"Yes I am aware of your meeting with Jinx this evening."

"And do you have no opinion, or do you share the same opinion as your sisters?" the wise green cloaked emotion could feel the apprehension radiation off the girl in waves. A slight panicked look in her eyes as she silently waited for the answer told her that her suspicions were correct.

"I think," she started slowly not wanting to startle or overload the purple witch, "that although Jinx may participate in some…unsavory activities, that she is not a bad person and I do not see why you should not give her a chance." The words slow and steadily sinking into the confused Titan. "Look Raven the world is not always as black and white as Robin see's it to be. Whether you want to or should I say will see Jinx again in completely up to you. I suggest you take the night to think about it. Perhaps a call to her when you've decided. After all a few more conversations might make up your mind." A swift nod and thank you from Raven and then the emotion found herself with company from Joy.

"She likes her doesn't she Knowledge?" came the obvious question.

"As far as I can tell she does and is struggling a great deal with the fact. I suppose time will tell." The always cryptic clone glanced to her pink cloaked counterpart who seemed to be thinking deeply. "If you insist on helping don't push too hard we don't want to scare Raven more then she already is." A nod was the only response.

After the much needed talk with Knowledge Raven found a bath was in order. The dark Titan rarely partook in baths she preferred the swiftness of the shower but such instances as this one warranted the time alone to soak and think about her next move. It seemed the ball was left in Ravens court and the witch had no idea what to do. Exiting the bath she went for something to dress in and found the scrap of paper which had the number Jinx had given her. Reaching quickly for it and locking the door for safety she pick up her communicator and found herself unable to dial the number.

After a half hour of dialing the number and staring at the screen to snapping it shut and staring to opening it back up to do it all over again. Finally Courage pushed enough power forward to push the send button, the purple haired witch held a breath, released after the sultry voice flowed through the receiver.

"Raven you called! I'm so glad. What's up?" the question came as if they were normal high school friends chattering on the phone.

"Nothing at the moment. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

'Smooth one Romeo, real smooth.' The sarcastic Joy tsked in her mind.

"A 'course not, it's a great time to talk, what do you have planned for today?" unbeknownst to Raven Jinx was laying upside down with her head hanging off the ledge.

"Nothing as far as I know. It seems like a slow day for crime, so
I'll probably just stay in my room, maybe start a new book." She mussed out loud.

"That's your idea of a fun day? Do you know how to have fun at all?" the question was half serious half joke.

"Of course I do." She sputtered searching her brain for something more…well Jinx.

"Mhm, sure you do. If you're not busy maybe we could do something?" it was a shock to both of them, the fact that they wanted to spend this time together. That a villain, an enemy of the Titans, and one of the said Titans herself were about to push all that aside to try to have something that they didn't have any clue as to what it was.

"I guess that sound ok, what did you have in mind?" she asked hesitantly. She did not spend much time out of the Tower and when she did it usually included business that caused her to stick to the more shaded sides of Jump.

"Hhmm what if we took a nature hike, I know a reat place that has a natural running river and a grotto, but it's quite a hike."

The idea seemed logical to Raven whose main concern was someone in the public seeing the pair of them together and spilling the beans on nothing. Jinx must have sensed this from Raven and for good measure added, "Besides maybe we should keep out of the public eye in the daytime. Meet me at the warehouse you almost killed me at. Dress in civie clothes."

"Ok…" the quick realization was that Raven had very few clothes for such an occasion.

"Great meet you in 'bout an hour and a half, sound good?"

"Great." She repeated. There was a click and the Titan found herself holding a dead line.

Digging through the two or three drawers that held her non-uniform clothes she was able to pull out a black shirt with a skull on it, a Halloween gift from Starfire when she tried making every holiday Christmas." 'Oh the pine needles and tinsel.' It was enough to make them agree holidays were a dangerous thing for the alien. Digging deeper in her closet she was able to find a pair of grey jeans. The whole outfit together actually worked quite well, although a proper shopping trip might be in order if this was to become routine for the two. Glancing at her watch the hero found enough time to make a quick stop was in order. Teleporting from her room she set off to surprise the walking bad luck charm.

A/N: This is going to be the end of this chapter as I have to stop somewhere lol. However there will be more. Coming soon! R&R!