This is one of my really old and abandoned stories that I am editing, reposting, and continuing. This takes place in Hermione's 7th year but as if the 6th never happened. Dumbledore is still alive and this is a normal year for everyone. As I said, this story is over 5 years in the making so I hope you enjoy! -DarkRoses99

Disclaimer: The plot is mine but that's all.

Chapter 1:

In the Dressing Room

Hermione strolled down the cobblestone road, glancing now and again at the shops she passed. She looked back at her checklist of things to buy for her 7th and final year at Hogwarts.

Books…check. Quills…check. Ink…check. Parchment…

Hermione stopped suddenly and pawed through the bags she was carrying. After a few moments, she pulled out a brand new roll.

Check. Robes…No.

Hermione looked ahead and saw the dusty sign for Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. She picked up her heavy bags, and lugged them to the door. The tinkle of the bell sounded as she entered. The small shop was so crowded with racks that no walking path was evident. She squeezed her large bags between them knocking quite a few robes off their racks. After replacing them in their appropriate places, she sighed and headed to the front counter. A small elderly woman sat with her back towards Hermione.

"Excuse me," asked Hermione politely. The lady turned around and smiled brightly.

"Oh, Hello Dear," She squeaked. "How can I help you?"

"I just wanted to know where the women's section is."

"Right over there honey," She said sweetly. Hermione nodded smiling, and pulled her load over to the racks the woman pointed out. She put down her things and began to search through the clothes.

Wow. They definitely have a large selection. You can barely walk around in here… Ah these will do just fine.

She picked out a few new solid black robes, and then looked around for the dressing rooms. She saw a small sign near the old woman. Hermione sighed, picked up her heavy bags, and pushed over towards the woman. All of the sudden, she felt her leg get caught on something, and she fell to the floor with a crash. Her bags flew out of her hands, and its contents were spread in all directions. The elderly lady gasped.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" exclaimed the old woman.

"I'm so sorry," said Hermione blushing and scrambling for her things. "I'm fine. It's just these bags got in my way and I tripped." The woman's face softened.

"I'll hang onto them while you shop if you like." She said smiling. "And if you want to try something on, the dressing rooms are behind me."

"Thanks," said Hermione relieved. She placed her bags behind the counter and carried her new robes into one of the empty dressing rooms.

Draco Malfoy ran into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. He pushed hurriedly through the racks of clothes, and once he was far enough back, he ducked below the bars so he could not be seen. He pushed his blond hair out of his face, and looked through the feet of the crowded shop towards the door.

Please don't see me. Please don't see me.

All of the sudden the door opened. He heard a loud clunk as a pair of sleek black boots stepped inside. His father's boots. They were still for a moment, then turned around and left the shop. Draco breathed a sigh of relief. All of the sudden, he felt something hit his leg. He saw a girl fall to the floor and her bags fly everywhere. Draco fled to the back of the store to avoid being seen.

Idiot girl… She should watch where she's walking…

He went towards the dusty back window and looked outside. He saw his father searching frantically down the street and then diving into the next store.

He'll be back. I need to find a safe place to hide. I can't stay here and risk being found. I'll go hide in one of the dressing rooms. He's not likely to look in there.

Draco stood up slowly, first making sure that his father was nowhere in sight. He quickly grabbed the first robe he saw and headed over to the dressing rooms.

"I need to try this on." He said to the lady at the desk. She looked from him to the robe back to him again. She eyed him suspiciously.

"If you say so Dear." squeaked the old woman. She pointed behind her, and Draco went quickly out of sight. He looked down at the robe he grabbed. It was a revealing silky blue nightgown. Draco huffed angrily.

Son of a bitch… like this is what I needed…

Draco looked down the long row of stalls. He could hear the clatter of robe clasps and zippers being pulled.

All of the sudden he heard the tingle of the shop door. Draco peeked out the door and saw his father come in once again.

I have to hide NOW.

Draco pulled on the first door handle he saw.

"I'm in here!" said a girl's voice.

I don't have time for this.

Draco whipped out his wand.

"Alohomora." He whispered and the lock clicked open.

He threw open the door to reveal a girl who was in just a bra and underwear with her back towards him. He pushed her down and got on top of her before she even turned around.

"Oww!" said the girl. Draco looked down at her, and his jaw dropped. There lying on the ground half naked was Hermione! She turned towards him angrily, but when she saw him, her eyes got wide.

"M-Malfoy?" She stammered. "What are you…" Draco threw his hand over her mouth, and struggled to keep her still. She fought him as hard as she could. Suddenly Draco was reminded of his third year when Hermione had hit him across the face with all of her strength. His cheek stung at the thought.

Why in the hell did I have to run into her? Of all people… I run into the Mudblood. This gets more dangerous by the second.

"Stop struggling!" he whispered as loudly as he dared. "I'm going to hurt you, if you don't keep quiet!" Hermione ignored him and struggled all the more. Impatiently, Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at her nose. Hermione stopped moving. Her face was red with anger, and she looked as though she would kill him if he ever let her go. He held his wand steady and moved closer to her.

"Listen to me." Draco said sternly, with his hand still on her mouth. "I'll let go of your mouth if you swear not to scream, do you hear me? You must not scream." Hermione gave him a defiant look as if to say 'Why the hell should I?'

"If you don't, I'll make you wish you never got out of bed this morning" he said acidly. His strong glare told Hermione that he was not a force to be reckoned with. Even though his face was a cold stare, his mind raced.

I can't believe I am stuck in this situation. Stuck with the Mudblood who is bound to rat me out as soon as she gets a chance. She has no idea what she's gotten into. The most annoying thing is how hot she's gotten over the summer…

Finally she nodded. Draco slowly removed his hand from her mouth, but stayed close to her, just in case. To his surprise, she didn't scream.

"What the hell are you doing?" she whispered furiously. Her face was still red.

"It's none of your concern," Draco shot back.

"It is my concern since, you broke into my dressing room! Hermione exclaimed. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't scream!"

Draco was contemplating a good lie when he was suddenly distracted.

I'm still on top of her and she is not fighting me. Her teeth are now so white and straight. How long they have been that way? Surely not since we had last met… Her body looks amazing in black lace. Her waist is flat and then those breasts…

Draco mentally slapped himself.


All thoughts of his lie forgotten, the truth burst from his lips. "I'm hiding from my father," said Draco quietly. Hermione's fierce anger calmed slightly and was replaced with shock.

"What?" she whispered startled. "Why?" Draco felt her breathing slow slightly. Her eyes shown with curiosity and bore directly into his. He was not used to this. He had never been this close to her without intended to curse her. He couldn't explain why that had changed. He was suddenly not himself and he didn't like it. Besides, why should he tell her his life story because of this?

"What's it to you Mudblood?" he spat angrily. She glared daggers at him and opened her mouth to retort. Before she could reply, Draco heard the familiar sound of clunking boots. His heart sank and panic filled him once again. He had to act now if he wanted to make it through the year alive.

Hermione saw Draco's eyes widen with fear as he looked under the door.

It must be his father! He's going to find us. Why is he hiding anyway? I never got the impression that they didn't get along. Of course I know as well as anyone that when it comes to family, things are not always what they seem…

Draco sat up obviously doing some quick thinking. His eyes darted determinedly around the room as though he was looking for an escape. For a second he glanced at Hermione, then he looked away. Suddenly his eyes flared, and he looked back at her.

"What?" she mouthed. Draco suddenly started to take off his shirt. Hermione stared at him wide eyed. They both could hear the heavy boots come closer towards their stall. Hermione looked around wildly.

What the hell is he doing? Am I not naked enough for the both of us? It's already insanely awkward. I have never been this close to him with clothes let alone without. Honestly though he looks nice without a shirt. I don't remember his arms being that firm or his abs being so defined…

Draco threw his shirt under to the next stall.

"He knows what I'm wearing." He mouthed to her. He started to crawl towards Hermione. Her eyes widened if possible more so, and she tried to back away from him. He grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her on top of him. She began to struggle, but then she looked into his eyes again. They were afraid and fearful, almost desperate. He was silently pleading with her to cooperate. All of the sudden it clicked and Hermione under stood. The sound came closer to them. It sounded as though he was right outside the stall. Suddenly they heard the door handle jiggle. Hermione looked wildly back at Draco, who grabbed her head, and pulled it on his.

Just like that, she was kissing Draco Malfoy. Her mind went blank. Sparks shot through her entire body. She pulsed involuntarily making Draco shudder beneath her. Suddenly the plan flashed back in her head. She threw her hair over her head to cover the rest of him. She flattened her body as much as possible on his attempting to conceal him completely.

When she heard the door creak open, she felt him pull her close as his hands gripped her waist.

They both heard him gasp, then quickly close the door. They held the kiss for a second longer before she came to her senses and pulled away. Hermione's mind started racing once again.

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I just kissed Draco Malfoy. The feeling of him… no! It's not right to think that way about him… I can't believe the plan worked! Mr. Malfoy barely looked inside at all! He would never suspect Malfoy was the one making out in a dressing room. I can't believe I was a part of all of this. I can't believe I even went along with it! Sure I was under Malfoy's threat, but that had never stopped me before. He just caught me off guard that's all.

They were afraid to move away from each other in case he came back in, so Hermione stayed on him. Her arms still clutched tightly around his neck. She could feel his heart beat, and they looked into each other's eyes. They just stared at each other listening. Listening to see when it's safe to move. Then, they heard the footsteps check the other dressing rooms for Draco, then walk back down the hall and out of the door of the shop. Hermione and Draco breathed a sigh of relief. She realized she was still on top of him, and got off quickly. They both breathed heavily.

"Okay," said Hermione trying to slow her heart beat. "Now you have to tell me what is going on." Draco looked up at her.

"Yeah," he agreed still breathing hard. "Now I do."