Well, guys, Gormanbros here… Those of you who read my Smash Bros. story or the collab didn't expect something like this from me, did you? Haha. Well, I'm very sorry for the extreme break from When They Left, and I will post the long awaited Chapter 10 soon. Until then, here's something that can be traced back to my close friend, AnonymousPride. She's the one who got me into Hetalia in the first place… Well, that's about it I guess. States are mine, any countries or references to Hetalia are Hidekazu Himaruya's.

CHAPTER 1: Revolution?

The tiny, lower counties known as Delaware wishes to be independent from Britain. Delaware is a shorter, bespectacled colony with a knack for business. He is heading up the road to meet up with his loud and more irritable brother, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a taller, slightly stocky colony wearing a coal-gray jacket and scarf and perpetually is holding a shovel.

Delaware steps up to the door of Pennsylvania's house and knocks twice before calling out. "Pennsylvania? Are you there? Hello! Come on out!"

Delaware's brother quickly opens the door, a look of irritation on his face. "Quiet down! You're about dumb, you know. The regulars, they could be watching us! Quite sure they are still angry about what Massachusetts did with their tea. Come on inside to my parlor, you jagoff."

Delaware looks at his shoes and walks in. Sometimes I have a really hard time understanding what Pennsylvania says… He seems to be pretty influenced by Germany sometimes… Is it Germany's speech style? Well, whatever it is, he talks funny.

"What? Delaware? What is wrong? Why are you just staring downwards?"

"Brother, I am considering something. What if we declare independence from Britain?"

"Independence… Hm… Would it be possible, though? Nobody has ever done this before. About unlikely we could get the forces needed too. If we get the help of the other colonies though…"

"We could challenge Britain!"

"It's possible, yes. So, Lower Counties. Where do you suggest we go first?"

"Good business strategy time… Hm… It would be most efficient to get everyone together in a meeting."

"Worth a try."

After making a few rounds to some other neighbors, who spread the word to the rest, 13 of the Colonies all gathered together in Pennsylvania's large parlor room in his house in Philadelphia.

After anyone was either seated or quieted down, Pennsylvania stood up from his large chair to speak out to his 11 siblings. Virginia wasn't there yet for whatever reason… "I am guessing all of youse are wondering why I call you here. I personally have come up with the plan that all of us will rebel against Britain! Who's with me?"

"We getting cash for this?" asked New York, always up for making a quick buck. New York is an upbeat bespectacled colony with messy black hair, a thin beard and has his pigeon, Long Island, perched on his shoulder.

" You want to be paid for declaring independence?" asked Pennsylvania.

"Ey! A man's gotta have something to live by, am I right?"

"New York. Shaddup! Down here on the wooder, we no expect to get the dough for tings like this! No respect to Penny for this. No respect at all," called out New Jersey. New Jersey is an orange tanned colony with jet black hair and a towel flung across his shoulder. He's not a fan of wearing any shirt but his tank top. He claims to be a member of the Mafia.

"New Jersey," quietly says Pennsylvania.

"No. Just call me Jersey. I ain't new."

"Well, you kind of are…Do you own a real shirt?"

"Besides my tank top? Yea. Not my style though."

"Pardon my interrupting, but where is Virginia?" asks Connecticut.Connecticut is an intellectual, wearing a business suit and always seeming to read books on a huge variety of subjects. He takes all credit for the Constitution.

"Please. It is far much better without her. Now to lose New Jersey…."Rhode Island says, muttering the last sentence about the Garden State. Rhode Island is a short, independent-minded colony. His temper is also…short… He is against smoking and drinking, and doesn't like his occasionally oppressive older brother, Massachusetts.

"What's that, shortie?" responded New Jersey, always up for a fight.

"I am not short! I am just not very tall."

"Everybody, this is my idea, not Penn's." said Delaware, sitting up in his chair.

"Wouldn't be the first time he stole an idea from one of us…" Connecticut muttered, scoffing.

" I do not steal! Now, youse have been about off topic! Back to the Revolution!"

"You guys, this could be fun! Just the few of us, all on our own, against the whole wide world!" shouted out North Carolina. North Carolina is a jovial colony, who loves wearing her long, wavy auburn hair under a dark red fedora. She loves riding her horse-drawn carriage but is just dying to get to race in a horseless carriage…

"Yes… Let us all listen to the hillbilly southern girl with the unsanitary towns and plantations on how to face sophisticated issues," stated Rhode Island, sneering.

"Ey, now come on, Rhode Island, it's not cool to mess with NC, kay?" said New York.

"Rhody. I have an idea. Why don't yeh come on back to ole Massachusetts and make us one great Bay Colony," asked Massachusetts. Massachusetts is an outspoken colony with distinctive hair, with a flip upward, which represents Cape Cod. He wears a bright blue polo with khakis and has a strong Boston accent, which other colonies tend to make fun of.

"Never! You and your Puritan ways… Humph… At least I don't kick out people just because they don't want to be slaves to your Pilgrim institution…"

"Well, y'all better stop the southern backlash! Without us, y'all ain't have none of the cotton!" called out Georgia, bored with the talk about religion in New England. Georgia is a self-styled colony with a strong Deep South accent. She wears a long, conservative pink dress and has a passion for business, eating peaches and drinking Coke.

"She's got a point, guys. Y'all head cryin' back to England in a fortnight without the backbone of Georgia, Northie, Virginia and me," stated South Carolina. South Carolina is the twin sister of North Carolina, and is a quirky colony. She has an odd appearance, wearing a showy expensive dress with sunglasses and a Palmetto-adorned ball cap.

"Yeah, yeah. Without the girls we'd fail instantly… Whatever," quietly complained Delaware.

"Hey! What about me! I'm a southern girl, too!" called out Maryland.Maryland is a quieter colony who loves fishing for crabs. She tends to get divided on issues and gets divided between her neighbors, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

"Are you?" asked South Carolina, hoping she would say south.

Actually, that's a good question. Whose are you, Maryland? North or South?" asked Pennsylvania, hoping she would say north.

Maryland- Both. And we're not supposed to argue about this for another like 60 years, guys…"

At that moment, Virginia pops in the door, not even bothering to knock. "I'm here! With cigars! Who wants one? Wow. Nice house, Penn! Love it! It's almost as beautiful as mine!" Virginia is a tall colony with long, flowing black hair. She tends to exaggerate the fact that she was born first. (She forgets about her older, deceased brother, Roanoke Colony, quite often.) She secretly has a little brother named West Virginia, who she keeps hidden from knowledge of the other colonies.

To her question, Delaware's hand immediately shoots up. "Me! Me! Me! I'll have cigars! Yes! About time!"

"You smoke and drink?! You awful soul, Delaware!" Rhode Island muttered, disgusted.

"Hypocrite…" murmured Massachusetts.

Hey, New Hampshire. You've been awfully quiet, you know," said New York, looking over at the brown haired guy sitting next to him.

"Well, sorry, friend! I'm writing the history of British control over us now."New Hampshire is a quiet, reserved colony. He keeps to himself unless he needs to. He loves nothing more than writing and reading. Except maybe polishing granite.

"Are y'all kiddin' me, Hampy? We all are gonna break from Britain, and you are writing bout them?" asks a shocked North Carolina.

"Wait! Everyone, hold up! Its tea time!" shouts out Massachusetts. Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts all shut up and pull out their teacups and begin drinking.

"You've got to be kidding me," says an irritated Georgia.

Pennsylvania facepalms. Why do I even bother…? These people… are impossible to work with… Well, I have to do something. "I am ending this meeting, jagoffs. Okay? So we are going to declare war, and we will win." He gives a piece of parchment to Maryland, who knows where their 'father' is. "Maryland, go give this letter to America. Now, everyone leave my parlor at once!" They all leave, except for Delaware.

"Hey, Pennsylvania?"


"This whole meeting was just to make them feel like they were important, wasn't it?"

"Yes. Of course it was."




Human Name: Mario Rockefeller

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Personality Traits: Happy, leader-like, witty, slightly cocky, and self focused

Pet: His "beloved" pigeon, Long Island.

Birthday: July 26th

Original parent: Netherlands

Previous bosses: Netherlands, Britain.

Closest friends: Pennsylvania, Connecticut. New Jersey, debatably

Enemies: Massachusetts (his absolute rival), Georgia, Rhode Island. New Jersey, debatably

Significant accessories: His little NY flag, and his Statue of Liberty tie.

Hobbies: Eating cheesecake and bagels. Singing musicals, running the NY Stock Exchange, taking ladies to Niagara

Favorite Music Genres: Punk rock, hip hop, rap, salsa, rock, jazz

Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld

Government Department: Department of Commerce