The original Titans had awaken in front of the tower.

Raven got up and floated to the door.

"Glorious! I can fly!" Star shouted, flying to the door.

Robin felt around for his belt. "Awesome."

Beast Boy started morphing into random animals.

Cyborg smiled. "Okay now I need to run some scans."

"I have to check the crime rates first." Robin said.


Cyborg completed all the scans.

"Um?" He uttered, checking the results.

"What is it?" Robin asked.

Cyborg turned. "It seems that there is no foreign DNA on us. They must have used gloves when they handled us. Now the strange thing is that the injections that she gave us are undetectable. It's some how masked itself so I can not find out exactly what it is." He said in a way that they would understand.

Robin groaned. "How will we find her? She's dangerous. Remember when she said she had connections? There has not been nothing more than a mugging in the 4 days we were gone!"

Starfire was confused. "Is that not a good thing?"

Robin looked at her. "If she has enough power to suppress criminals imagine if she wants to rule Jump. She seems crazy enough to do it."

"I don't think that's what she wanted." Cy said, staring at the results.

The other four titans looked at him.

"There was a raise of acetylcholine and dopamine levels in our brains. Star has the most increase."

"What?" Beast Boy asked.

"Dopamine makes people excited and increases their tendency to talk. It also has a bearing on brain processes which control emotional response, movement and the body's ability to experience pain and pleasure." Then he blushed. "Acetylcholine is related to arousal and sexual performance, as it controls blood flow to a person's genitals."

"So she basically made us all horny?" Raven asked, blushing.

He nodded.

"Why would she want us to be horny?" Beast Boy asked.

Robin's mask widened. "The condoms. Her talk about love. It clicks." He looked at them. "She wanted us to have sex based on lust, proving her fact about not needing love."

Star blinked. "Is that why I was only interested in getting into your... never mind."

"But our love was still there." He said sincerely.

"Aw." Star cooed.

Raven and Beast Boy looked at each other.

"So... was our relationship just formed by some increase of chemicals?" Raven asked.

The other titans looked at them.

Beast Boy took her hand. "No. I told you I liked you for 2 years."

Star cooed again.

"When did y'all start dating?" Cyborg asked loudly.

"I wanna know too." Robin asked with an equal amount of loud as Cy.

Raven's hair shot up. Her powers were more under control than before Trigon's end, so nothing serious happened.

Raven pulled away. "Baby steps."

Star was about to coo, until Raven glared at her.

Beast Boy looked at the boys. "3 days."

Cy and Robin cooed in a mocking manner.

"But seriously, you guys are adorable together." Robin said.

Star and Cy nodded.

"Did you know that friend Beast Boy has an eleven inch penis?" Star shot out randomly.

Robin clamped a hand around her mouth. "Not a good time."

Cyborg started laughing.

Beast Boy blushed. "Speedy shall die." He muttered.

Raven was flushed also. "Y-yeah. He's the one who's gonna die." She mumbled. (Who gets what I mean?)

"I'm so glad to be home!" Cy yawned. "I have to recharge. Sleep charges by battery but not much." He walked out.

"I'm gonna go do research." Robin jumped up and walked out.

Star sighed. "Here we go again." She followed him out.

Raven looked at Beast Boy.

Beast Boy looked at Raven.

"My room. 12 on the dot." Raven deadpanned, turning to walk out.

"What happened to baby steps?" Beast Boy asked through his grin.

Raven surprisingly winked. "We are taking baby steps. We have some making out to finish."
