I do not own Glee

Quinn watched as Rachel say goodbye to the new student when he entered her math class she pointed him to sit with Blaine and after they say goodbye he kept looking at her before he stumble to sit. She wondered why she hadn't even acknowledged her. They were supposed to be best friends and Rachel had been avoiding her all week, claiming she was very busy working for the welcome committee. Honestly, she thought Rachel should just drop all her silly activities and clubs and try to lay low, since there was no way she could be popular, at least she could avoid the loser crowd.

"Checking out the new guy, Fabray?" Santana asked sitting next to her "He looks so sloppy, but I can see the appeal" Quinn took a second look at Finn Hudson as Mr. Petterson asked him to introduce himself and yes he is kind of cute "The whole school is talking about him and his brother… I heard that they arrived in a limo and were heavily guarded so they must have a lot of money, not that it shows in the clothes the giant is wearing" Santana says looking at her nails. "I heard from a very reliable source that he was kicked out of his old school after getting into a fight with the football team, so I assume you will like him since you seem to have a thing for bad boys" she adds with a know it all tone. "Excuse me?" Quinn choked on a sip of water she was drinking, she couldn't know about Puckerman. "Please don't play dumb with me I saw you and a certain member of the football team at the movie theater and you weren't watching the movie and don't bother trying to deny it I know what I saw, I just hope you know that you are just another one of his list, in the end he always comes back to my bed like he did last night" Quinn felt her heart dropped, this was the reason why she couldn't have anything serious with Puck he was always sneaking around. "Whatever, you can have him". Santana smirked "I always had him and if things go my way Puck and I will be official by the end of the month, and trust me I know how to get things out of him, actually I started this morning " Quinn knew she shouldn't let Santana get to her but coach had made it clear that if she wanted to continue being captain of the squad she needed to gain more popularity "Well I couldn't care less, as a matter of fact I already have my eyes set on a boy and let me tell you that Puckerman doesn't have anything on him" she replied hoping to shut her up. Santana gave her a knowing look. "Now I hoped you weren't thinking Sam "frog lips" Evans was going to ask you out, because from what I heard he didn't break with Jones she broke up with him because she wanted to dedicate her time to that Glee club thing your friend Berry is so fond of, and if I heard correctly when I was in the locker room with my man, he is planning to join to try and get her back and unless you can sing at her level, he is not going to be looking your way". Quinn actually felt a little dizzy, if Sam joined Glee club there was a possibility more popular people would want to join and that was not right; she needed to find Rachel and get her to see reason this Glee club thing was not going to get in her way.

"I hope you are all prepared for the quiz we'll have next class. Make sure you review the last three units we studied and for those of you who are having trouble understanding these units should go further back" Mr. Petterson told the class as the bell rang. "Mr. Hudson I would like a word please"

Finn was really confused, he didn't understand must of the stuff the teacher was explaining and now he was talking about a quiz great, he approached the teacher and waited patiently for the other students to leave the classroom "I hope you didn't find today's topic very complicated. I just wanted to inform you that I expect you to catch up to the rest of the class as fast as possible, however, I understand that coming to a new school is stressing so you will take the quiz but if you have a negative result it will not affect your grade ok? Mr. Petterson told him and Finn felt a little better. "That's really nice of you. Thank you" the teacher just waved his hand "now if you feel like you need extra help with my class I could have one of your classmates tutor you but you just have to let me know ok? Do you have any other question? Finn thought about asking if he could meet this tutor right away but he thought he should try to study on his own plus he already had someone in mind to tutor him. "No sir I have my book and I'm planning to study it before next class" Finn needed his teacher to let him go so he could meet Rachel. "I have a couple of guides that can be useful for you" he said taking a package from on his drawers and handing it to him "if you take the time to read them and work on the exercises you will be just fine" Finn took it and nodded Mr. Petterson was really nice he could only hope that all his teachers were like this. "Well young man I will let you go now, if you have questions my office hours are detailed in the guides I gave you" he said looking at him.

Finn thanked him and was just outside the room when Blaine came to him "Finn, I just got a text from Rachel she says that she went to the auditorium and you should meet her there would you like me to show you the way?" Finn thought about it Blaine was a nice guy he had tried to help him during class but he couldn't help but feel some jealousy when he told her Rachel had texted him and well she didn't have his number so "Does Rachel text you a lot?" Finn found himself blurting. Blaine gave him a look "Yes, kind of…" Of course, a beautiful girl like Rachel would have a boyfriend and obviously said boyfriend would be super nice, perfectly groomed, math genius Blaine Anderson. He must have noticed Finn glaring at him "Are you alright? I mean I know Rachel can be intense when she wants something, right now she wants to have a glee club and I thought you were into it but you don't have to audition just let her know gently and make sure not to say anything against show tunes or Barbra Streisand". Finn looked at Blaine in disbelief "Aren't you supposed to defend her? You know since she is your girlfriend and stuff" he felt a mixture of jealousy and rage because if Rachel was his girl he wouldn't talk about her like that. Blaine opened his mouth to reply and closed it again, eyes wide open "Mmmm Rachel is not my girlfriend, I'm not sure where you heard that but it's not true". Relief washed over Finn as he gave Blaine an apologetic look "You said she texted you a lot and you were smiling at her" he felt his cheeks on fire and knew he was blushing "Rachel is nice but she wants me to be co-captain of glee, I said no because I don't have the time but she won't take no for an answer. Anyway do you want me to take you to the auditorium? Finn thought it was better if he went by himself he didn't know if Rachel liked Blaine so he was better showing up alone "No, thanks man, I got a map" He said as he walked away until he heard Blaine called after him "Finn the auditorium is the other way". He knew that, he just wanted to see if Blaine will let him go in a different direction so that he wouldn't find Rachel.

Rachel couldn't believe Mercedes had taken the choir room to practice a duet with Kurt now she had to work on the auditorium and she wasn't really used to the acoustics of it just jet but she thought it would be good practice and she had felt her throat was a little scratchy this week so maybe she shouldn't be singing; that had never happened to her before so who could blame her if she was over practicing. She sent Blaine a text asking to let Finn know she will be in the auditorium, sure she could have asked Kurt for Finn's phone number but she didn't him assuming anything; she set her phone on silent mode and began singing.

"On my own, pretending he's beside me. All alone I walk with him till morning without him I feel his arms around me, and when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me"

No she didn't like how she was sounding it was just a little raspy and that wasn't really how she wanted to introduce her voice to the school, maybe if she just rested her voice this afternoon and drank some herbal tea tonight she will be alright to sing tomorrow. She checked her phone for the time she still had 5 more minutes until Finn would come find her maybe she could do the song just one more time. She closed her eyes and got lost in the song.

"In the rain the pavement shines like silver all the lights are misty in the river"

Quinn hadn't mean to ears drop Blaine and the new boy's conversation but now she knew where to find Rachel and she was getting there faster because she had seen Finn go the wrong way towards the cafeteria. She had thought and had come up with a plan that will allow her to be close to Sam and make amends with Rachel; she was going to audition for Glee club, because if she could get Sam to date her it wouldn't matter if they were in that silly club, as long as they could be the leads, of course. Now she really needed to find Rachel, if only she would pick up her phone.

"In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight and all I see is him and me forever and forever"

Finn was lost, he had tried to follow the map but found he had held it backwards, so now he was on the opposite side of the school and had to walk back towards the auditorium and he was going to be late to meet Rachel he hoped she wouldn't be mad at him as he was thinking of asking her out for coffee after they picked up his uniform, making her wait would not help his case and he really wanted her to say yes.

"And I know it's only in my mind that I'm talking to myself and not to him and although I know that he is blind still I say, there's a way for us"

Sam Evans was on the edge of a breakdown, a couple of months ago he had it all, he was Quarter Back and the team was actually winning, he was the most popular guy on school and was dating an amazing girl. But he should have known it wouldn't last. He had been taken down by a huge member of the opposite team and had dislocated his shoulder, so no longer QB; then his father had lost his job and his family had to move to a motel which cause him to be a little angry and distant and he had started to take it out on Mercedes and that huge fight they had on Friday, he had been so harsh with her but he was so upset; now she refused to talk to him, he knew that flirting with Quinn at her party wasn't helping but he just wanted to make her a bit jealous but somehow it backfired on him and he was willing to do anything to get her back starting by auditioning for Glee club. He was on his way to his locker when he heard singing, he knew that voice, and it was from that mysterious myspace girl who Mercedes was always making him listen to and she definitely could sing. Mercedes was always complaining that she didn't know who her biggest rival was and maybe if he could tell her who she was Mercedes will forgive him; he had to get to the auditorium.

"I love him but when the night is over he is gone, the river's just a river without him the word around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers"

Quinn couldn't believe her ears, Rachel was in the auditorium and she was singing at the top of her lungs; she couldn't let anyone else hear or they would know that it was her behind those videos everybody was always talking about and then her plan would be ruined. She needed Rachel to help her with an audition song that will amaze Sam and she needed her to sing back up and nothing else. Quinn pushed through the doors and found Rachel in the center of the stage eyes closed totally concentrated and she had to run to her.

"I love him but everyday I'm learning all my life I've only been pretending"

Finally Finn was on the right way, this school sure had lots of hallways. He wondered if it was Rachel he could hear singing as he came close to the auditorium, because if it was her Kurt didn't have a chance at being the lead singer here and could this girl be any more perfect.

"Without me his world will go on turning a world that's full of happiness that I have never known"

"Stop" Quinn had finally reached Rachel and when her head snapped up she knew that she had finally heard her. She walked towards the stage while Rachel stopped the music and gave her a confused a look.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked, Quinn hadn't come close to the auditorium since they started high school, not even when she had begged her to come see her in the school play, so she was really confused. "Why are you singing on school grounds? People are going to hear you." Quinn answered "I need to talk to you. Let's go to your house". She said pulling Rachel by the hand. "No" Rachel got away from Quinn "I can't. I have plans and if you want to talk about how I shouldn't sing in public, I'm not available".

"Wow was that you singing?" Quinn and Rachel turned around when they heard Sam Evans. Rachel fidgeted nervously and gasped when she saw Finn waiting for her. She took a look at Quinn and struggled to find something to say.

"It was me" Quinn jumped in "I was singing, actually practicing for my Glee club audition" She turned around to look at Rachel who seemed shocked by the situation and when she was about to say something Quinn gave her a look as if warning her and added "Rachel was only here to help me" and turned to her for confirmation.

I am so sorry I know it's been a long time but I have been really busy, also I'm in a funk about tomorrow's episode I don't even know if I'm going to watch it; I really hate what they are doing with Rachel's character even my ten-year old brother thinks she is being and I quote "super stupid by breaking up with Finn". Please let me know what you think and hopefully I won't delay chapters so much in the near future.