She sits atop his abdomen as she tastes and sucks the skin on his neck and shoulders. Shin has never felt more in need than she does now. Before Aang, she always saw sex as a tool, something she could use to earn a living, to keep alive. But now… now that Aang is in her life, she doesn't think she could live without it.

The Avatar flips her on her back and a giggle escapes Shin's lips. There is something in the way that he touches her, the way he holds her and kisses her that makes her hips buck and her lust grow. Many years ago, one of her friends asked her if she had ever fallen in love. Her answer was a definite 'no', but now, things have changed. Aang, in her life, is like water on fertile soil, it brings life. He kisses her lips and she happily invites his tongue to dwell within her mouth.

"I love you," he says softly as he pulls away and holds her. A longing sigh comes from her lips as she feels his naked flesh pressed flushed against her. The act of love making with Aang is far more enjoyable than anything the young Shin has ever experienced. He soon lifts himself off her form and rolls on his side. Aang, smiling, kisses Shin's lips and doses off; unaware of his mistress' plans to cement their relationship with the act of murder.


/She doesn't think fear could truly paralyze. The hooded figure stands paces away from Katara as she falls upon the sand, her head pressed hard against the ground. She is begging with ever fibre of her being she is begging that he spares Zuko.

"Please," she breathes as she feels a pair of hands on either side of her. The hooded figure's grip is firm as he tries to hoist her to her feet. Although, Katara does not intend to get up. Even though she cannot take Zuko's place, she will do all else if it means that he will live. "No!" She cries as she struggles free of Death's grasp and presses her forehead deeper into the sand. The grains are coarse as they embed into her skin but she is not stopping her crusade to save Zuko.

Death sighs and resumes a perfectly straight position as his eyes trail the waterbender's form. Humans are far too complicated. Here is Katara who had everything she needed in Zuko. She had a strong, understanding, kind and loving husband in the firebender, yet she didn't accept his love. Now, when he is too damaged to function, she longs for Zuko to return to her. Death cannot understand the ways of people, and has given up trying.

"You don't have to beg," he tells the woman as he sighs softly. Katara looks up from her position on the sand and stares at him. His face is obscured by the hood he wears; she cannot see his features but she knows the pity in his heart. "I wish there were a way, I wish I didn't have to make you part ways; I wish…" this does nothing to comfort her, and is too much for her to bear.

"So you're telling me that you are powerless? That there is nothing you can do to save him? What about all the good I have done in my life, all the effort I've put in to living virtuously? Doesn't that account for something?" Katara laughs bitterly, her curtain of tears heavier than ever. "Fuck you," she says harshly, standing and throwing a punch. Her fist meets with cold air.

"I'm sorry," Death tells Katara, sincere apology in his tone as he takes form behind her. She shuts her eyes and swallows hard, the anger and frustration at not being able to save Zuko.

"I want to see him," Katara announces as her eyes blaze with unspoken determination.

"I'm afraid you cannot," Death tells her. "He is being prepared for me… his life, will end shortly," and then he vanishes, leaving her in the cold./



I am awaken by my grandmother who's hands are on my skin, touching my neck as she feels for a pulse. She sends a prayer up to the spirits as I regain consciousness, thanking them for preserving my life. I am lying atop fur pelts in the warmth of Zuko's hospital tent. Gran Gran's eyes turn severe as she sighs, gesturing at Zuko's unconscious form. Perched on a stool in front of her Papa, Azumi is prodding the face of the once mighty Fire Lord.

There is a kind of curiosity in my daughter's eyes as she asks me why Zuko is sleeping. There is a pause as I struggle to find the words to answer her question without making her even more worried than she is.

"But Papa's a fiwerbender," she insists as her eyes become wet with tears. I reach out and wipe at her cheek. "Papa saved me," she says loudly and runs her hand along the ridge of Zuko's scar. I shake my head and gather Azumi into my arms.

She has gotten heavier and fatter over the years and I distantly wince at the ache in my shoulders as I holder her. Her hands come to settle in my hair as she leans her head on my shoulder. The warmth her body emits is comforting, even in this age of sorrow.

"Mama," she whispers, her eyes trained on Zuko's face as she straightens her posture. The fear in her orbs is so real, so raw, so much so that I cannot help but feel a chill run up my spine.

I turn to look at Zuko. His skin is blue, his lips pursed. He looks dead almost, and I put Azumi down, inching towards my husband's form. With shaking hands I reach out to his nostrils and feel for his breath.

Thank the spirits, he is alive.

I have never felt more relieved in all my life. He might live yet, and I find comfort in that. He will not last long, I know he has very little time left, and as much as it pains me to know that he is dying, I know, in a selfish way that it's better him than Azumi. I chastise myself mentally as the thought poisons my soul.

It occurs to me then, that I do not deserve him, and that Toph was right all along.



The fashion in which we are introduced to Shin is far more annoying than Yan would care to admit. Call it my sixth sense, but I kind have a knack for knowing when bad women are around; it's a gift. Right now, we are sitting in the room of the other woman. There is a thick silence such that can be cut with a knife, in the room as we soak up the awkwardness between us. The fact that we are in the psychiatric ward of the hospital does nothing to calm me.

She doesn't seem insane, this is apparent. The way in which she explains her mental condition is far more succinct that I would give her credit for. Her choice of words is rather simplified and her vocabulary is basic, but for someone who is apparently sick, she is very apt. Yan's fingers come to rest on my arm. He must sense the disdain I hold for this woman… this home wrecker, as I cross my arms over my chest and simply snarl at her.

"So… you loved Aang?" my tone is every bit unwelcoming as I ensure that my features are stern and severe. I'm not particularly in the mood to side with Sugar Queen, but what I am in the mood for, is kicking Shin's butt. I may not like Katara, but I sure as hell am less enthusiastic about forging a friendship with this slut.

"I did," she answers, her tone is solid, unafraid, almost as if she is trying to prove how much she cared for Aang. This makes me even more pissed and far more tempted to show her a thing or two about how Toph Beifong rolls when it comes to home wreckers. Despite her obvious depression, it is very apparent that she is aware of her surroundings. There is an air of calmness that exudes from her that builds my suspicion.

"But he was already married," I say.

"He was my world," she tells me and I scoff. "I know you loved him too," she says, and I can feel my fiancé cough nervously as he tries to hold down the tension that I'm sure is bubbling within his belly. "Although… I'm certain he didn't love you," if she was annoying before, she is really making me angry now. I stand from my seat as my eyes grow and as my heart pounds.

"And you think he cared about you? You think he meant it when he said you were beautiful or when he told you he loved you?" I shout, the fire within me is roaring, it is burning with every beat of my heart. "He loved Katara. No other woman ever changed that, he didn't love me and he most certainly didn't love you. You are just a slut, someone who steals husbands and who rocks marriages," there is a sharp intake of breath as I suppose she recoils back.

"I'm sorry," she begins and I turn away as my eyes sting with unshed tears. Yan brushes the moisture from my face as he guides me onto my seat. "I didn't mean it that way," she explains and touches her hand to my knee. I jerk away and spit on the ground as she retracts her arm. "I never thought it would come to this… I never thought I would see the outside world again… but I became scared then and now… he's gone and nothing is ever going to bring him back," her voice grows muffled as she begins to cry. Although, I am far more concern with the words that have left her lips.

"What do you mean?" Yan's voice cuts through the dread I have in my heart. "What happened? Why are you telling us this?" I feel him weave his fingers through mine as he squeezes my hand to comfort me. I must say, him being here with me means far more that I would care to admit.

Shin inhales deeply as she speaks.

"What I mean is… I killed him."

A/N: OMG! shin! how could you *sob sob*... the plot thickens! lol special thanks to LazyAndIKnowItP and Guest (anonymous readers who reviewed chapter 12) for their rants lol. i totally agree! KATARA, Y U NO LOVE ZUKO SOONER D:? anyways, rnr!