See? I told you I would try to update soon, not as soon as I hope, but still good enough. Also, YES, this is the last chapter, and I'm going to do reviews before starting the chapter. By the way, this may be a short chapter.

Melissa daughter of Hecate: You're not the only one who uses that joke, personally I kind of overuse it… Also, me too! Although, no signs of them actually getting together in the series are showing (sad face), but oh well, you never know! Thanks for reviewing!

Guest: I thought I was the only one checking if my library got the books every second I can! I'm 172 out of 227, not sure if I'm going to get the book anytime soon… Also, thanks for the review!

Elmlea: Thanks, here's the last one (can't believe I actually finished this story after I don't even know how long.) And thanks for the review!

Nicolexoxo2715: I know, just can't get enough of them _ And thanks for reviewing!

Song: Halo- Beyoncé (I'm weirdly addicted to this song right now…)


We kissed. We hugged. Talked, cuddled, and still the cycle never got old. Whenever he would snatch my hand out of nowhere, still the butterflies sprouted in my stomach.

When I would give him a little peck on the cheek, his cheeks would turn red like always, and I would smile because of this, and he would blush harder because of this, and I would always laugh.

The news of Travis and I being together started to really spread across camp, and everyone became more interested in the subject.

"So, it's official?" Jenny was the first one to ask me this question, which I heard a thousand times after her.

I would always nod my head as an answer. "It's official," I would declare.

So she sent me a smile, because even after what happened that crazy week, she knew I was happy. And I was. Even I could see in Travis's own eyes that he was happy as well, face lighting up whenever I came into his view.

All the other campers knew we were happy too. When they would see us walking around camp, holding hands, or Travis's arm slung across my shoulder, bumping shoulders and grinning the whole while, some of them would smile as we passed them. A knowing smile that had different meanings, and a look on their face to seeing us two together.

The dove had left camp a couple of days after everything was settled down. Her presence was there for a little while, but Travis and I knew she had to leave soon. The day that we knew when she would take flight, she landed with a soft thud on the sand where I was lounging with Travis on a beach blanket at the beach.

Our attention had gone to her, and knew she had to leave.

We both just sat calculating her while she calculated us back with a little tilt of her head. "Don't forget to send us a postcard," Travis had interrupted the silence, seeping a little humor into the sentence.

The feathers on her face softened like she was trying to smile at us. So, as she turned away, opening her wings she took flight and we both watched her until the speck of white disappeared in the distance.

There was a little tree in front of my cabin that Travis and I started to think of as our little "laze area". We would lean against the part of the tree that was faced toward the cabin, so that if you were casually strolling past the cabin you wouldn't see the couple that were lounging right there. The branches stuck out overhead like a blanket of protection, shielding us in a pleasant shade.

Travis was playing with my fingers, when he turned to glance at me and asked. "What're you thinking?"

"Huh?" I replied. I was staring at the ground with what I was pretty sure a zoned-out look on my face.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind," Travis said, and I looked up at him.

"Just thinking," was my only reply, and he smiled down at me.

"No wonder you seem so… thoughtful,"

I rolled my eyes, and stared at the clouds floating in the sky, when I noticed something seemed wrong.

"Travis," I said, now squinting my eyes at what my attention was focused on.


"Remember that one time when I told you to clean up that chocolate on my roof because you put those Easter bunnies up there?"


"You didn't clean that up, did you?"


"And did you spray paint my roof green instead?" I asked. I was staring at my roof, where a little brown, evidence of the old chocolate, was on the grass roof. The spot around where the Easter bunnies were was a brighter green than the rest, showing an unrealistic color of grass and more realistic color of spray paint that was already wearing off.


I took a deep breath. "Travis…"


I sent a punch his way, but he rolled away from me just in time, bolting up as he ran away laughing maniacally.

"Travis!" This time I yelled, as I got up to run after him.

But even though I was supposed to be mad at him, I had a smile on my face.

Because this was just one love-hate relationship that I would never be able to get over.

So yeah, there it is! I'm honestly kind of sad this story is over, because this story has stuck with me for the past year.

Also, I would like to thank everyone that stuck with this story, even after me being the terrible updater I am! Thank you for commenting, following, making this story a favorite, or just reading the story!

Now, on I go to start preparing for NaNoWriMo (am I the only one that is?) I honestly made myself not prepare for NaNoWriMo till I finished this story.

But anyways, TEDDEHBEAR OUT!

(I actually haven't used that stupid sign out for a while, now haven't I?)
