ƛ New York-3 months later ƛ

Christi sat in the print lab running prints waiting for a result when she feels a sharp kick in her side and she winces a bit and rubs the spot. She and Vee had left Miami a few days after the falling out with her parents. Vee wanted to get her out of there as soon as possible. She and Vee had been staying with her parents while they were in the city.

"Alright TJ, give me a few more minutes then we can eat. I promise." Christi said. She had found out last month she was having a boy and she was naming him after his daddy. He was already just like his daddy. Christi knew she was going to have her hands full with him but she was looking forward to it.

She looked up just in time to see Virginia and another man, not one of the CSIs or detectives, this man was tall, dark haired, muscled and tattooed. He was lean and built like a warrior. And he and Virginia were laughing it up. They stopped and walked in. "Christi, I wanted you to meet an old but good friend, Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett. He is a Navy Seal and we have stories. Steve, this Christi Delko."

"It's great to meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you from Vee." Christi says smiling and shaking his hand.

"All lies I swear." Steve said grinning.

"You areca fool. Any way we were in the area and wanted to see if you wanted to join us for lunch?" Virginia said.

"Yeah please. TJ wants food and wants it now. Just like his daddy was." Christi says smiling. It was getting easier for her to talk about Tim. She still had her rough moments but it was getting easier.

Virginia smiled and said, "We will wait for you by the elevator." Steve and she left while Christi packed up her reports.

"She doesn't know does she?" Steve whispered.

"Why does it not surprise me that you know?"

Steve grinned and said, "I hear things."

Virginia rolled her eyes and said, "No, she doesn't. And won't for a bit longer. He's almost done."

"Why keep her in the dark about it now that he's there? I mean there's no way of stopping him from going now. So why still keep her in the dark?" Steve asks as they wait for Christi.

Virginia looked at him and said, "Because the guy he is after still has two seconds at large. Intel says they are both here in New York. So hence one of the reasons why we came here."

"So you both can the team here can keep an extremely close eye on her and not to mention your families security?" Steve asks knowing that the Speedle family came from old money that so far they knew dated back to the Civil War Era and Mr. Speedle also owned his own major company so they were wealthy and had their own security. He knew it must've been increased with Christi at Vee's insisting.

Virginia nodded and said, "Yes. Not too mention Ziva is keeping an ear to the ground. Steve, look I know I have been all over the place concerning us, but could..."

"Shh. Yes, I will help. And Vee, I love you. Always have and always will. But I don't want you if you aren't sure 100%. I don't want you to have any regrets. Ok?"

Virginia nodded and said, "Thanks. And Steve, I know now what I want." She took his hand and squeezed his hand. Steve nodded and smiled. Christi joined them then.

"Ready to go?" Virginia asks smiling so that she didn't tip Christi off. They needed just a few more months then Speed would be back and they could be together again and things will return to normal and not to mention they could all go home.

Christi nodded and they left. Virginia smiled as she glanced at her hand in Steve's. It felt right and for the first time in a long time she felt anchored and secure. Christi saw their hands obtained and the goofy smiles on their faces and her heart sank.

When they got to the restaurant Christi went to use the restroom really fast as TJ liked to sit on her bladder then when she came out she bumped right into someone and she looked up and gasped and went ashen a bit as the guy she bumped into looked identical to Speed.

"Umm I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. I'm so sorry." She said then stepped around him and went over to the table where Vee and Steve were.

Virginia made a motion to Steve, and got up to use the restroom. But she grabbed her idiot twin brother and hauled him to the back ally behind the restaurant. "What the hell, Speed?"

"I'm with the SOB who I'm trying to put away! He wanted to come here for lunch. We just got here and I was just coming out of the bathroom when we walked into each other. If I had been out and seen you coming in I would have texted you telling you to scram." He explains.

Virginia grinned and said, "Scram? Wow, missed that. Ok, I know you will hate this, but hit me. Knock me out and then you scram and raise alarm, ok?" Speed shook his head. "No way." He said.

"Speed." She hissed.

Speed growled he hated this but she had a point. He was too close to being free.

"Tim, its ok. You can make it up to me later. Ok?"

He nodded and whispered, "I love you too, Vee."

Speed hauled off and punched her and then scrammed. He knew the fall would do more damage. He also knew Steve, if he caught up with him would kick his ass because even though Virginia knew about it all it was still hard on her.

Christi started to get worried that Vee still hadn't come back so she and Steve went to go and check outside and something told her to go around back and check and when she did she yelped. "Oh my god! What the fuck happened?!" She asks to herself as Steve starts calling Mac then for a bus then the Speedle's.

An hour later Virginia was being released from the ER. Steve came in and shut the door to the room. "Speed was there wasn't he?" He whispered.

Virginia nodded as she gingerly pulled on her shirt. "Yea. His 'client' decided to eat there."

"And you offered to be distraction. Got it. You are an idiot."

Virginia gave him a look and said, "Takes one to know one McGarrett."

He nods and sighs, "I just wish that you hadn't done that and let me deal with it. I could have done that."

Virginia rolled her eyes and said, "You would have hurt him bad enough to get taken here and then a DNA test would have been ran. So yea umm no."

"I guess. I just hate that you did that. How close is he to getting him taken down?" Steve asks.

Virginia shrugged and said, "Maybe another month. I'm not sure. I'm not completely read in, I'm babysitting so to speak." Steve nodded and rubbed his hands.

"Vee, can you get Ziva to hang out and watch her for the weekend? Kono is in an surf competition and both she and Chin would love to see you. They miss you."

"Ziva does owe me."


"Ok, I will call her. But you can tell Christi why."

Steve cringed but said "Small price to pay. Ok."

"She's going to be pissed as hell but honestly I need to get away and relax for a bit." Virginia said as they got out to the lobby where everyone was waiting for them to come out.

Christi ran up to her and hugged her. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Just bruised. Steve has to talk to you and I need to pack." Virginia said and left. Christi looked at Steve.

"What's up McGarrett?" Christi asks raising an eyebrow watching him.

"Kono is in a surf competition and both she and Chin would love to see Vee. They miss her. So I'm kidnapping her for the weekend and we're going to Hawaii. Ziva I going to come and hang out with you this weekend though." Steve said.

Christi just nods and goes and walks out of the hospital and goes and calls Horatio and tells him what's going on and to get his ass into gear or he was going to loose Virginia once and for all.