Me: "So you would like to be our newest telemarketer, is that correct, Mr...?"

Phantom: "Erik"

Me: "I see... Okay then, if you were a color, what color would you be?"

Phantom: -.-; "Purple?"

Me: "Great! If you had to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?"

Phantom: "Does sexy beast count as one word, or two?"

Me: "That's two words..."

Phantom: *talking really fast* "sexybeast."

Me: e.e "Why do you think you'd be a good telemarketer?"

Phantom: "I'm good at stalking people, and I'm very persuasive." *smiles and holds up Punjab Lasso*

Me: "Where do you see yourself in twenty years?"

Phantom: "My home destroyed, and me dead, or fleeing from an angry mob."

Me: *awkward silence for a few minutes*

"What are your favorite hobbies?"

Phantom: "I enjoy playing my piano and organ, composing music, stalking Christine, threatening the managers, and knitting colorful sweaters."

Me: "What a wide variety of hobbies... So what would consider your best achievements in life?"

Phantom: "I tried to kill Raoul, I killed a man, I wrote an opera, and I got Christine to kiss me."

Me: "You killed a man?!"

Phantom: "Errr... I Uh... He fell down the stairs..." . .

Me: "And you tried to kill that fop?!"

Phantom: "He almost fell down the stairs..." D:

Me: *grumble* "You shoulda killed him..." T_T

Phantom: "What was that?"

Me: "Nothing! So I hear you wrote an opera? Was it good?"

Phantom: "No, it caused a mob to form and try to kill me..."

Me: "oh... So, what's your favorite food?"

Phantom: "I almost never eat. But when I do, I gorge myself on BACON!"

Me: :3 "I love bacon!...If you could be a flower, what flower would you be?"

Phantom: "A cactus."

Me: xD "If you could have any super power in the world, which one would you choose and why?"

Phantom: "Invisibility... I'd turn invisible so no one could see this monster..."

Me: "That's so sweet!" *high pitched squeal* "So one more question, what do you think about short, blonde girls who are completely in love with you?"

Phantom: "Christine?! Where?!" *springs up from chair and rushes out the door, chasing blond women*

Me: "Erik!" *sees it's no use* "Gah, forget it... Well, I guess that means I'm ready for my next interview. GET IN HERE, YA FOP!"