A\N So, this is an acrostic poem for I am Hazel Daughter of Pluto. So, I know this is pretty crappy. But I am working on like four birthday things for Rachel, travis, and BlackScrazy. I also know ther might be some mistakes well sorry about them. Well I hope you like it!

Hazel my first name

Arion My horse that is the fastest horse on earth, he eats metal, and swears a lot (well that's what Percy tells me)

Zang, my boyfriend's last name, well I think he is my boyfriend

Everyday I am scared that someone will pick up one of my cursed diamonds and then die

Little, I am the smallest of all my friends so sometimes I feel like I don't belong

Levasque my last name

Exciting, being a demigod can be exciting but also VERY dangerous

Valdez, my old boyfriend's last name and Leo's last name, ugh I am so confused!

Eagerly, waiting for Frank to make the first move!

Small, I might be small but I can do big things and I am important, isn't every demigod

Quiet yeah I am quiet but I can be loud when I need to

Unique, my eyes are very unique they are 14 carrot gold

Ever loving!

A\N I know its not the best poem ever but Happy Birthday!