A/N: Okay people shoot me now! At least I didn't forget about it and I edited it a bit! Okay so sorry again for not updating, I don't like to make up excuses so on with the story! Thank you for those of you who reviewed, followed, and favorite(ed) my story! (Guest My shirtless zac: Non taken! Trust me things will get heated up!) Oh and Krazykid500 Thanks for the advice, I was leaning towards that anyways!
Chapter 8:
Cammie's P.O.V:
_One Week Later_
"Ugghhh! I'm so bored!" I exclaimed collapsing on my bed.
"I know! Bella, Rikki, Cleo, and Emma went back to Australia like three hours ago, it's another Saturday without a town day, I already read through my books like 7,324 times, and I Elizabeth Sutton is bored!" Liz explained. I made a small smile.
"What to do, what to do?" Bex muttered under her breath while Macey just sat on one of the beanbags and filed her nails. I suddenly sprang up out of bed and placed one of Zach's smirks on my strawberry colored lips.
"How about we have a little fun." Bex smiled deviously at my little idea along with Macey.
"Uhh I don't know guys…" Liz's trailed off.
"Oh come on Lizzie! It'll be fun! You could even test one of your new inventions!" Macey persuaded. Liz's pale face became brighter and radiant as she agreed to the idea.
"So what do you want to do?" Bex asked cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh I have an idea…" I smirked.
_Up In the Vents_
"Are you sure about this guys?" Liz asked nervously.
"Positive. I mean who said we couldn't mess with the Blackthorne Boys?" I asked through the coms unit in my ear. Macey and Bex were behind me while Liz was in our room controlling the cameras and telling us what to do.
"Okay, what ever you say Cam." Liz replied. The three of us crawled through the vents until we reached the Cover-Ops classroom where Mr. Solomon was doing a private class with the Blackthorne Boys. Even the R&D students were there.
"Okay Liz, be sure to record this okay?" I confirm. The girls and I smirk as we put a small cord through the vent cage railings. It's just a sound back- up recorder, just in case something happens.
"Do you have visuals on the subject?" Liz asks.
"Yep, nice and clear." Macey replies. The girls and I smile deviously at each other and I left my hand up and point it to the paper that Adam Harwin was holding. He's a real wimp and gets scared easily, the only reason why he's here is because his parents are spies and they made him. I smirk and turn his paper on fire. I shield myself to the side as I here the high- pitched sounds of Adam's voice.
"AHHHH! MY PAPERS ON FIRE! WHAT THE! AHHHHHH!" He screams like a five- year old girl. The girls and I get into a fit of quiet giggles as we listen. I grab my hand again and turn his paper into gelatin type thing. It starts to get gooey and sink in between his fingers, dripping onto the ground. I laugh quietly along with the girls.
"Nice Cam." Liz complements.
"Thanks Lizzie."
"Ew what is that?" The Blackthorne Boys mutter.
"Cam do think you can create a storm in the room? Preferably thunder and lightning, yea a lot of lightning!" Bex smiles deviously rubbing her hands together. I give her a weird look but turn around a point my hand make a sideways line. With all my strength I create a HUGE storm. Everybody gets drenches and they're looking up and the ceiling trying to figure out what's going on. Suddenly Zach, Grant, Jonas, Nick, and Mr. Solomon's eyes bulge out realizing whose doing the mayhem. They start frantically looking around and they start running to the door.
Me, being the nice person I am freeze the door knob and the lock, and of course when Mermaids freeze things with their powers, the only people who can unfreeze it, or melt it are Mermaids.
"Lets go girls. We have to do some stuff to the boys rooms before we can free them."
"I like the sound of that." Bex smirks and we crawl to Zach, Grant, Nick, and Jonas's dorm and unscrew the vent cage door crawling out. You'll be surprise how big the vent cages are.
"Okay Liz, secure the area." I talk into my coms.
"Already on it."
"Okay Macey, you are the fashionista and designer, what do you think we should ruin?" I ask looking at her. She smiles as she looks around.
"Let's start out with Jonas's extra credit homework, you know just a starter." I look over at Jonas's extra credit assignments and burn them.
"GUYS! ARE YOU NUTS! YOU CAN'T BURN EXTRA CREDIT HOMEWORK!" Liz yelled through the coms unit.
"Oh no! We just burned extra credit homework! It's a crime!" Bex gasps and speaks sarcastically.
"Whatever." Liz mutters back. I roll my eyes and we continue designing their new room.
At the end we ending up turning their mattress into gelatin, burning a laptop, freezing they're shoes, ripping some calendars, freezing the toilet paper, and a bit more. I quick crawl back through the vents to the Cover-Ops room. Now, you might be thinking how did we get into the sub-levels? Well Mr. Solomon decided having the class in Madame Dabney's room so it all worked out.
I unfreeze the doorknob and stop the storm, then crawl back to my room to watch the video with the girls.
"Cam you do know you could possibly give them pneumonia after the whole storm thing right?" She asks with a questionable and worried look.
"Liz, I already thought of that. I put some extra willpower into the rain so it's all good. In a way it's like healing rain or just shower water being poured on you forever without getting a cold." I sum it, it actually sounds quite stupid when I explain it, but whatever.
"Whatever you say Cam." She moves the mouse towards the play button and clicks on it. We all lean our bodies near the screen and watch the action.
"Zach! I got it open!" Grant shouts. All the Blackthorne Boys run towards the door and run out all at the same time, which results to them all getting stuck in the doorframe.
"Boys are bloody idiots." Bex states aloud shaking her head side to side in a disapproving matter. All of the sudden you see Mr. Solomon barge through the back and pull the boys one by one and shove them to the side screaming something about being bad spies and being very stupid.
At the end they all get out in a somewhat orderly fashion. My eyes widen as I see my mother, Aunt Abby, Joe, Grant, Nick, Jonas, and Zach march up the steps to our door floor.
"Ah! They're coming! Act natural!" I demand. I hop onto my bed and grab a book from my shelf pretending to read it. Macey sits on her bed reading Vogue, Bex practices her punches on our punching bag, and Liz is reading and taking notes from this science book, except I don't think she was pretending to take notes…
I heard the click of the door opening and my mother and the rest barging into the room.
Ohhh Noo
A/N: IMPORTANT: Yes, this chapter is quite dumb, but it leads into the surprise so hope you liked and review! Thanks!