Disclaimer: I own nothing save the story.

Note: This is based on something that actually happened. And yeah, Hokuto's suggestion *did* get made. To me. Sigh…At least my life is never boring…

Little Red Car

"It certainly is a nice car." Seishirou paced around the little red sports car that sat on the mall's floor.

"I want it!" Hokuto declared happily. Subaru noticed that she had that same gleam in her eyes that tended to turn up when she had found something outrageous she wanted him to wear. This was going to be bad.

"Hmmm...Pretty girls should have everything they want. But how to get it for you?"

"Oh, I don't know...Maybe we could steal it!"

Subaru blinked. Oh no...

"An excellent idea Hokuto-Chan. How would you suggest we get it out?"

"You can push and I'll steer and Subaru can distract the guards!"

Subaru could feel a cold trail of sweat beginning to trace its way down his brow. They couldn't be serious. Could they?

"Yes, that could work. Subaru-Kun, go distract the guards."

Subaru squeaked. "How am I supposed to do that!?"

Hokuto cocked her head to one side, appraising her brother frankly. "Well...You could take off all of your clothes. Slowly."


Seishirou‚ nodded, looking thoughtful. "Yes, that would definitely do it."


"Ahh...Look, he's bright red! Isn't my brother *cute* Sei-Chan?"

"Very cute. In fact," Seishirou stepped closer to Subaru and placed possessive hands on the boy's shoulders. "He's so cute that I don't think I want to share."


"Oh ho! If he's going to strip it'll be for you alone, huh?" Hokuto's grin was utterly wicked.

Seishirou considered. "Yes." That said he leaned down and whispered in Subaru's ear. "Mine."

Subaru made a rather strangled eeping noise.

"So we won't be stealing the car then?" Hokuto pouted playfully.

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Oh well...Look! Hats!" The girl bounced off, clearly expecting her companions to follow her meekly.

Seishirou smiled and turned Subaru around to face him. Subaru made another epping noise and stared up at the older man, his eyes roughly the size of wide lipped French soup bowls. Seishirou's smile quirked upward at the edges.

"My Subaru-Kun."

Subaru shivered and closed his eyes in anticipation of a kiss. He didn't get one. Instead Seishirou let go of him and headed off after Hokuto, leaving one very annoyed teenage boy standing in front of a car display.

That was completely unfair. Teasing him the way Hokuto always did was one thing, he was used to that, but when Seishirou made him think that he was going to kiss him or hug him and then didn't...well, what was he supposed to think? *Did* Seishirou really like him or was it just a running joke with Hokuto? Even if it *was* just a running joke it would be nice to get a kiss out of it. Hmmph.

"Subaru! You coming?" Hokuto's voice drifted back to him.

"I'm coming!" Oh well...He wouldn't have known what to do anyway. And besides, he didn't *want* Seishirou to kiss him, right?


"Coming!" He'd figure it out later. For now he had to go let Hokuto choose hats for him.