Wrestled the com mouse from my brother trying to update. Haha. At last, my exams are over, how about yours there,hmm? Kinda got writers block last chapter, but maybe, just maybe I'll recover! Haha! I felt so different writing last chapter..So different from my usual writing style~! o"

The Waiter=Kept Waiting For A Response thing I got from a comment on a wiki page. Whether it was Evillous Wiki, or Vocaloid Wiki, I forgot.

There was one comment on Evillous Wiki that Sambiss made, it said:

"However, the Demon of Gluttony laughs at Ney, saying that she can never hope to be reborn and that Ney will be instrumental in bringing forth the Master of the Graveyard."

Does that mean that Ney is the female servant in Capriccio Farce? I mean, that'd make sense, she wishes for her, Kyle, Riliane and Allen to be reborn together and since the waiter is possibly Riliane, Irregular is probably Allen and Kyle is probably GEAR (as both were called Adam's soul).

Seems legit enough?

Who's with me that it is?

~EC: 517 - Lucifenia, Border - Yukina Freesis~

She simply stared at her friend and adoptive father in shock, as did her younger siblings. He has lost it...She thought, but then remembered his past 'nightmares'. And what little Alexiel,May his soul rest in peace with Rilliane...Had told her about Ney's death. Shaking her head, Yukina thought that if Gretel was reincarnated, Adam, Hansel and even Eve could possibly be, too. Putting her hands on her lap and closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before going back to reality again. Her eyes fell onto her unpublished novel, the one Alexiel, with his dying words, encouraged her to do.

"Finish that story of yours for me and Rilliane, please, Yukina. I've read some of your stories and I'm sure you'll do just fine with this one."

She squeezed her eyes shut again, feeling tears well up. No, she mustn't cry. She had to stay strong for her siblings, after their parents were gone. Now that, that both twins were gone, she could show it to the public now. Now,it was safe, none of the Lucifen twins could get hurt anymore.

How she regretted being such a brat to Alexiel.

Turning her attention back to Kyle, she sighed. Gaze falling on her novel once more, she decided to publish it the next day and to visit the Lucifen twins' graves. Drifting away from reality once more, a slightly stern voice brought her back.


Yelping in surprise, Yukina turned to face the speaker. "Y-Yes, Kyle?" She replied, face blank except for a hint of confusion. "He's asking you to publish your novel, sis..." Shou whispered to her ear, a drop of annoyance accompanying the sentence. "I-I'd love to!" Yukina said a little too excited. When did I start stuttering? She asked herself, mentally smacking herself on the forehead. "Good for you." The man in blue replied, picking up his brush. "Alexiel's waited long enough, and so has..."Struggling to say the damned name, Kyle swallowed "R...Rilliane..." Turning his attention back to his half-sister's portrait. "Now, they shall finally have peace..." And may Ney's final wish come true...He silently added, ending the thought with a sad sigh.

~EC: 520 - Lucifenia - ?~

The Daughter Of Evil, now published, revealed the true tale of the Story of Evil. Almost at once, it gained popularity, but before people could question those involved, the ones the people were looking for had either died or disappeared. Whether it is related to the tale or not, no-one knows. All everyone knew was the true tale of the Story of Evil, written by prodigy Yukina Freesis, a tale of love, drama, sacrifice and tragedy. A tale of...Truth...

~EC: 998 - Elphegort, Forest of Bewilderment, Gallerian's Theatre, Clocktower - Waiter~

He gazed at the ground, sighing. A shadow fell on him. Looking up, he saw one of the Graveyard Master's servants. The female one. She looked at him with knowing eyes, understanding. "Fitting for a waiter, to keep waiting for a response." She said quietly, sitting beside him. He turned to look at her and smiled, a tinge of sadness badly hidden in it. Turning back to the ground, he sighed again.

"Stop that, will you?" Another voice said. Both looked up and saw Gear, who was staring out the only widow atop the Clocktower. How he managed to survive the boredom of staying here all the time, no-one figured out.

The waiter, recently dubbed as Superbia, was certain he couldn't.

His shoulders slumped, feeling someone lacking in their presence. His thoughts brought him to what the Clockwork Doll, which they, the inhabitants of the theatre also called either 'Acedia' or 'The Court Master', had said to him-just him.

"I'll have a surprise for you, but you have to patient. Okay Superbia?" She had winked and patted him on the head. He had nodded, not understanding her, like the usual. Then she left him alone to sentence yet another man to hell, her gavel hanging from her Clockwork hand limply.

The maidservant snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, bringing him out of his trance. "What is it now, Gretel?" He snapped at her, using her 'nickname'. "I didn't drag both of us here for you to be like that, you know!" She yelled at him. "Then please tell me why did you?" Gear said impatiently, tapping his foot, facing them both with his back to the window. Rolling her eyes, 'Gretel' looked over her shoulder at him.

"Vanagloria's out." She said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"WHAT?!" Came the man's outburst, so loud that the Graveyard Master looked up at him from below, sporting a dirty look she reserved for him and him alone whenever he was like that, being too dramatic or loud for her taste. While Superbia's expression remained the same, his emotions certainly did not.

"It came true..." He muttered under his breath. Somehow, his companions heard him.

"What came true?" Gear asked, raising an eyebrow. Keeping his eyes off him and 'Gretel', he replied, "What a girl...N-Ney, I think was her name said..."

"'But...I'd love it if we'd all be together; you, Rilliane, Kyle and I...Together...With no more fights and bloodshed...' She..She was also..." His eyes widened with realization. Shaking his head, he turned to face the girl who stood before him. "Gretel...It was you...Or rather, who you used to be..."

He waited for her reaction, and saw tears form on the corner of her eyes. Seeing her smile, he realized they were tears of joy. She thrust herself at him; into his open arms. "At last...You remembered...My last wish..." She cried between sobs. Pulling apart from him and standing beside Gear, the two looked at the top of the spiral staircase, as if waiting for someone.

Then, they came.

'Hansel', whose appearance was alike to Superbia's and was 'Gretel', or rather, Ney's twin, stood beside a girl who looked just like the latter. Her blonde fringe was drawn apart like a curtain, held together by two clips at each side. She wore a black choker with a pendant of the Lucifenian Coat of Arms on it. Her black sleeveless top had a white frill at the top and her back and yellow skirt was adorned by some belts that hang loose on it. Black boots with yellow lining the top covered her feet. She truly seemed to be worthy to receive the title 'Vanagloria', being such a beauty. However, he saw through the girl's proud look and saw instead a frightened young girl.

Hansel urged her forward, joining his sister as both Superbia and Vanagloria stepped forward, standing in front of each other.

"Hello, sis'..."

"Hello, brother..."


A/N- And that's the last chapter of 'Another End To the Story', formerly titled 'Rilliane's Choice'. Thanks for melovefanfics for reviewing, and for those who followed and faved! I never would've done this without you peeps to encourage me, even silently!

-DM 3 out.