For the past hour, Princess Luna had spent the majority of it retelling her tale of the night. Everypony's attention was focused on Luna as she told them how accidentally hurt herself, was saved by Konrad, and protected both her and Apple Bloom from the Blood Hooves. While she told them the majority of the story, she left out a few embarrassing details such as Konrad carrying Ruby on his back, their rivalry to gain his attention that led to an eventual confrontation, and her massage that Konrad gave to her. Thinking about him almost made her blush but she did everything possible to prevent giving clues to her audience about her affection towards the young man.

"I have no clue how Tia would react about such a union, this not a subject we have spoken of since my return. Until I'm certain, they won't know until I'm ready to disclose it...assuming he chose me, the RIGHT choice."

"After I had cast the spell, I fell unconscious. That was the last thing I remember before I woke up."

Everypony was stunned at her story and at a loss of words. Her tale seemed like it came straight from a horror story tenfold as she and Apple Bloom were the survivors of such a nightmare. As Luna looked around the room she also noticed a few looks of regret and guilt, something she did not expect. A sense of dread was creeping up and she felt that there was something very wrong. The silence in the room became very awkward and unbearable with Luna breaking the silence.

"Well...have any of you no words to say? What is the matter with all of you?"

"Ummm...Princess Luna...we're very sorry! We didn't know! Eek!"

Fluttershy immediately hid behind her mane fearful of reprisal.

"What?! What are you saying?" asked a confused Princess Luna

"So the signs were right after all! But he was one of them though! We saw it!" exclaimed Twilight Sparkle.

"But we saw him fighting your brother! It's not our fault he was a jerk." said Rainbow Dash who was using a new ice pack.

"Ah can't believe the mistake we've made! This Konrad feller was out there saving Princess Luna's and mah sister's life and all Ah could think of was hurting him. Ah've never been ashamed of myself so much before." said Applejack taking her hat off in a mournful manner.

"Well, he should have surrendered! If he wasn't being so uncouth and prideful he would be here, and all of this would have been resolved in a civilized manner!" said Rarity as she pulled a twig out of her mane.

"Waahahahaaaa! We hurt a good guy! Now I can't throw him a party! WAAAAA!" cried Pinkie Pie, whose mane was now down and straightened for some unknown reason.

Pinkie Pie's tears were now flowing down like a water fall and began to create a pool of tears. This annoyed Nurse Redheart who went out the room only to come back with a mop clenched by her teeth. The nurse rolled her eyes as she mopped up the mess that Pinkie Pie continued to create.

"They must be talking about Konrad...oh no! Where is he?!"

"ENOUGH!" shouted Princess Luna in her Royal Canterlot voice. "WE DEMAND ANSWERS! WHERE IS KONRAD!?"

Everypony was silent with a few holding their ears with their hooves. Pinkie Pie stopped crying much to the relief of Nurse Redheart, Fluttershy cowered behind Celestia, while the rest looked at each other unsure who was to answer Luna's question. Princess Celestia put a hoof on her sister's shoulder in an effort to calm her down.

"Luna, there is no need to shout. We will give you the answers you need. However, you must understand we were unaware of the the full situation concerning Konrad."

"We were told you were ponynapped by him by Sea Serpent." added Twilight Sparkle.

"Ah yes, Konrad attempted to get his assistance in escaping the forest with me. Needless to say that first contact did not go swimmingly well. The Serpent refused to listen to his plea for help and turned tail in cowardice."

"In his defense, seeing a strange being with an Alicorn on his back is an understandable fear, not to mention his use of...well rather colorful yet vulgar language." said Twilight Sparkle with a disapproving look remembering Konrad's swearing.

"And it didn't help that he slapped you when you were unconscious." said a new voice.

All ponies turned to see Shining Armor standing in the door way. His appearance was that of a person who had a rough night in Las Pegasus. He had a small bandage over his snout giving away the fact that it was broken. His mane was shaggy and eyes were slightly bloodshot which was most likely due to magic exhaustion. Despite his appearance, his spirits seemed fine.

"Shiny!" exclaimed both Twilight and Princess Cadence.

The two mares then ran towards Shining Armor, who in returned embraced them. Princess Luna, however, couldn't but help focus on what Shining Armor had said.

"He slapped me? I must have misheard that."

"Hehe, how are my two favorite mares doing?"

"Better now that you're awake. I'm so glad I didn't lose you! I haven't been so worried like that since our wedding day!" said Cadence before giving Shining Armor a kiss on the cheek. The stallion blushed slightly before replying,

"I know, but it all turned out great-OW! Twily! You're hugging too hard, don't be like dad!"

"Sorry! I'm just so glad you're okay BBBFF!"

"Heheh, me too sis."

The three let go of their embrace as Luna asked,

"Could you repeat that for me Captain Armor?"

The Prince and Captain looked at Princess Luna and said,

"He slapped you, I saw him do it. The same Serpent claimed that you had been ponynapped told us where you were in his custody. I led a squad of my best troops to apprehend him and the first sight we saw was him slapping you."

"What?!" exclaimed Luna.

"Tis true your highness. Though, knowing what I now know of your tale, he was simply just trying to get you awake to explain the situation out of desperation."

"Konrad slapped me? He must have been afraid of appearing as the true aggressor."

"That's pretty much what happened, and had both him and I had cooled down a bit the fight we had-"


"Luna! Please, remember what I said? We didn't know all the facts at the time."

Luna looked at he sister with a displeased look while Celestia returned a pleading one. Everypony in the room was instantly reminded Luna's transformation into Nightmare Night seeing the Princess of the Night's eyes slowly narrowed as she turned her attention back to Shining Armor. The new Prince couldn't but help wonder what her reaction would be if her told the rest.


Taking a gulp followed by a weak smile, Shining Armor continued,

"Well, he had this ghost mare with him-"

"Ruby...I remember her alright. Sorry, please continue."

"Okay...I kinda threatened to have her turned into stone when the rest arrived. Konrad didn't take it very well and punched me square in my snout."

"You deserved it."

"Luna..." said Celestia.

"And he deserves a good buck in the face for hurting Shining!"

"Cadence..." said Celestia as her faced began to form a stern motherly look.

Both Luna and Cadence stared at each other before Luna returned her attention back to Shining Armor.

"After our fight, which I would have won if he didn't have that loud and weirdly shaped weapon, I fell on the ground exhausted. I thought he was going to kill me but he didn't and told me what had happened. After the Blood Hooves showed up and took the ghost, I mean Ruby away, I told him to go after her. I also said I would tell everypony it was a misunderstanding and that he wasn't the real villain, but I passed out before I could fully explain to Twilight. That's really all I remember."

Shining Armor began to sweat a bit, fearing how the Princess of the Night would react. What he and everypony in the room had no idea

"Very will somepony tell me where Konrad is?"

"He's not here and they said they didn't know all the facts! What does this mean? They haven't explained how the Blood Hooves are no more nor have they told me where Konrad is! Has he been slain? No he can't be..."

"We followed him into the Everfree Forest Princess Luna. Since we didn't know he was a innocent we went after him and followed his trail." said Twilight Sparkle.

"Where we saw his super duper cool metal thingy on wheels! Oh! He had this stuff called Red Bull in a can! Did he ever tell you if that stuff was made of bulls? Either way it SOOO good, better than cider-" said Pinkie Pie.

"Dagnabit Pinkie! Stop comparing that stuff to mah family's perfection! Ah don't care what thing was made of! It ain't nor ever was better than the quality cider mah family makes!" said Applejack giving Pinkie Pie a glare.

"Eeyup!...Ummm...Red Bull?" asked Big Mac.

"It's some drink in a weird can. Didn't taste it." replied Apple Jack.

"Okay." said Big Mac nodding in agreement with his sister.

"Suit yourself!" smiled Pinkie Pie as she thought of Red Bull and Pop Tarts.

"Konrad did give me some of the drink, and I thoroughly enjoyed it along with his oddly shaped pastry's called Pop Tarts. And no, according to him it was just a marketing name. The real ingredients are on the can Miss Pie. And his "metal thingy" is called a Truck."

"Thank you! I'll have to go back and look at them." said Pinkie Pie.

"You're will somepony continue? This is getting old. Where is he?" asked Princess Luna.

The cold feeling that fear was began to settle in and Princess Luna's heart beat on the monitor began to increase slightly in pace. Everypony looked at each other once more to see who would pick the story back up and all eyes fell on Twilight as she began to give a nervous smile. Princess Luna merely crossed her forelegs as she stared at her sister's prodigy student.

"Well you see...after we found his carriage-"

"Truck" corrected Luna.

"Luna, let her finish." chided Celestia.

"I have to know where he is! I'm not liking this at all."

"Truck? I'll have to remember that. Anyway, we followed his trail to Sunny Town and well...met them."

Everypony who was there shivered and remembered of the stench the Blood Hooves produced. Even Pinkie Pie herself lost her appetite of Pop Tarts remembering them.

"We fought them and won but heard a lot of what sounded like explosions coming from the town." said Twilight Sparkle.

"And not to mention tree branches blowing up. Ow!" said Rainbow Dash holding the ice pack to her eye still.

"Somepony must have struck her very well. Who did she say it was again?"

"Ah, was most likely Konrad's weapon. Continue please." said Luna thinking of Konrad using his weapon.

"When we found the town, many dead Blood Hooves were scattered across and in the center we found three individuals. Two mares with him Ruby the ghost, and...a Blood Hoof."

"A Blood Hoof with him!? This doesn't make any sense! Why would a Blood Hoof be with him?! And why does Ruby think she has a chance? She has nothing to offer him!"

"Two mares? I'm not surprised Ruby would be in his presence, but who was the other mare? And you said she was a Blood Hoof?"

"Yes, and she was Ruby's mother. That much was apparent when we spoke to them."

"So Ruby's mother was cursed along with them? My sympathies to both of them."

"So they were with him then...what happened next?"

"Well, eheh..." Twilight Sparkle gave a nervous laugh before looking at Princess Celestia for guidance.

It was obvious to Princess Luna that was she was about to hear some very unpleasant news. She could feel fear squeeze her even more, and her heart rate began to increase in speed albeit it slightly. The other Element Bearers shifted nervously at the inevitable meltdown from Princess Luna. Even Princess Cadence was formulating an exit strategy for her and Shining Armor to avoid Luna's Royal Canterlot voice.

"Luna, please understand we didn't know the full picture. We thought you were abducted and abused. I wanted take him into custody and sort the confusion later by bringing him to you to find the truth. Unfortunately, his companions did not want to cooperate and there was also another problem."

"Problem? Dear sister, what do you mean?"

Princess Celesitia gave her sister a look of sympathy before saying,

"He was like them Luna...a Blood Hoof. He even had the same eyes."

Luna's pupils began to slowly shrink as she took in the new information. The hero and desire of her heart had become part of the undead. No longer would he even be able to live a normal life, even as the last one of his kind. She wanted to take care of him and make sure he wouldn't feel alone as an outcast she often felt at times. But since he was now part of the undead, that desire was no longer possible. He would remain in the forest forever, never to come out again.

"And with her...Tis no longer possible to be with him. No..."

"So...he's one of that all?"

"No dear sister...we...Luna I am so sorry but I ordered that the Elements of Harmony be used on them. Since he refused to surrender, I decided to petrify him seeing as how he appeared to be a Blood Hoof and a threat to our subjects. Something went wrong, they did not turn to stone. For reasons unknown to us a bright light within the Element's power emanated and swallowed them whole. I'm..."

With a look of guilt and sadness on her face, Celestia closed her eyes as a small tear escaped.

"...very sorry Luna. As far as we know he is dead."

Luna froze upon the revelation as the heart rate reflected her distress. Everypony began to cover their ears at the eventual Canterlot voice with the exception of Princess Celestia. Luna's face slowly turned into a scowl as the color on her face began to turn a very bright red complexion. The night Princess began to shake in anger and asked,

"You mean to tell me that Apple Bloom and I have lost our savior? The very same individual who risked his life over and over again for both us and a lost soul, is now most likely dead? With no remains to even give an honorable burial?!"

"Umm...that's about right?" answered a very nervous Twilight Sparkle with sweat starting to form.

If there was a boiling point for Princess Luna, it was now. Princess Luna gritted her teeth in anger before shocking the ponies with a new piece of information, a fact that she neglected to tell them earlier under the assumption that Konrad was with them.

"YOU FOOLS! ALL OF YOU HAVE KILLED THE LAST HUMAN!" shouted Princess Luna with her eyes glowing in anger.

Everypony gasped at what Princess Luna had said. For the ponies that witnessed Konrad, they had no clue what he was until now. Konrad was revealed to everypony to be a human and the last one at the that. The implications of killing off an endangered species hit everypony very hard, especially a mythological being. The hospital staff couldn't believe what they were hearing, even the Guards who normally had a strong military bearing with their jaws dropping.

All of a sudden, the hospital monitor floated in the air from Luna's magic and was thrown across the room with everypony dodging out of the way. The monitor smashed against the wall leaving bit's and pieces of glasses and plastic scattered on the floor. Luna screamed in anger scaring everypony in the room. Celestia used her magic to restrain Luna from causing further damage as a solar colored magic hue wrapped around her and her horn. Luna ceased struggling against her sister but continued to shout.


"Luna! Stop! I understand you're in pain, but you must stop! We did not intend for it to happen! Tell me, would you have done the same thing if the positions were changed?"

Princess Luna stopped screaming but glared at her sister. Both Luna and Celestia knew the answer to that for it was obvious she would have indeed done the same thing, possibly even more heavy hoofed. Luna broke eye contact from her sister but glared at the Element Bearers who were reacting in their own way. Applejack buried her head in shame with her hat while Big Mac's straw of hay that was normally in his mouth fell out. Granny Smith, who had pulled out a hearing horn earlier, dropped it on the ground upon hearing that her Granddaughter had helped kill a human. Rainbow Dash dropped both her jaw and her ice pack, revealing her black eye. Rarity fainted and for once it was not an act for attention.

Fluttershy began to cry upon learning that she was a party to the killing off an endangered species, something that was among the most vile acts in her mind. Pinkie Pie's mane was still down, and her coat was an unusually darker shade a pink. It was almost as if the party inside her heart had died out. She began to whimper doing her best to prevent herself from crying, something she hadn't done since she mistakenly thought her friends didn't like her anymore.

"We killed a good guy...a he won't get to be my friend."

Princess Cadence held a hoof to her mouth and looked at her Husband. Shining Armor whispered to his wife and confirmed that he even Konrad told him he was a human himself. Celestia lowered her head, regretting how she behaved this entire night. Princess Celestia let her fear of losing her sister get the best of her, but did what she thought was best to protect her ponies from not just the Blood Hooves but an unknown and seemingly hostile rouge.

"Yes you did, and now I'll never get to see my savior again! Get out! All of you this instant!" said Luna with a Hoof pointing at everypony.

The medical staff were the first ones to leave as they did not want to agitate an angry Princess even further. Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, the remaining Apple family, along with the Element Bearers left the room. The Guards, Sergeant Darkwing, and Private Greenhorn were the only ones to remain before the Night Princess ordered,

"Leave us. My sister and I will have a discussion of the recent events alone. And see to it that everypony who was a witness to this event remain silent. Clamp their muzzles if you have to, I shall not let the local press get wind of this."

Both the Guards salute before leaving the room as ordered, leaving only Luna, Celestia, and a still sleeping Apple Bloom alone. Luna turned to her sister,

"He's dead Tia...the last Human is gone."

"Luna...I truly am very-"

Celestia extended a wing to comfort her sister, only to have it swatted away.

"Save it dear sister, it will not bring him back. He may have been a bit of a renegade and...crude in some areas but you did not see how heroic, strong, and kind, especially..."

Luna turned her head to look at the sleeping filly in the other bed. She gave off a small smile remembering how close Apple Bloom and Konrad as if they were siblings.

"...towards young Apple Bloom. Even after the ghost Ruby brought him from the past to fight her battle, forgave her, and pressed on. He was stronger than I was long ago."

Luna turned her head away from Apple Bloom and glumly looked at her bed, refusing to make eye contact with her sister.

"He was separated everything he knew but he was strong to not let that slow him down or consume him in a fit of anger before us...just like I once did. I thought after this was all over, I would reward him and help him transition into Equestrian life. Equestria could have learned so much from him, the WORLD could have learned so much! I just...I just..."

"It's okay Luna, you can cry if you need to and you do not have to appear on Nightmare Night." said Celestia, extended another wing toward her sister

Luna did not swat it away but instead looked at her sister with determination while wiping her tears away.

"Nay, I will shed my tears later. My subjects need me and I must be there for them. I will do everything in my power to make sure they have a jovial and fun time later in the coming new night. You may stay if you wish but until Nightmare night is over, I do not want the Element Bearers nor you to approach me. I have to sort my anger out in a healthy way and I cannot do that with you around me."

Celestia was hurt that her sister did not want her to spend Nightmare Night with her, but understood why. Closing her eyes in a quick thought, Celestia nodded,

"I understand Lulu, I will not approach you until the end of the festivities, but after celebration, we must return to the castle. No doubt

the press shall catch wind of this commotion soon. I'm not sure Equestria is ready to learn about the Blood Hooves, nor about the last human's death, especially at the hooves of a Princess and Element Bearers."

"Damage control, I understand. Was there anything left of his possessions?" said Luna.

"His "truck" and his weapons. We have not studied his weapons in depth yet."

"Good, because nopony shall ever do so as long as I live."

"Luna, we can learn-"

"NAY! They are not objects to be tinkered with! They were his personal affects that were no doubt something he earned with his hands. I shall honor him by making sure no one "studies" or touch them. They shall be preserved and kept from the public eye. Nopony, not even you dear sister, shall destroy or alter what was once his."

"Luna, that's-"

Giving her sister a pleading look, Luna asked,

"Please Tia, will you please grant me this request? It would mean a lot to me, I have to honor him. They are simply all I have left of him."

Celestia raised her eye brow slightly before nodding in agreement.

"Very well Lulu, Konrad's personal belongings shall be yours. But take heed, his weapons are very destructive and who knows-"

"I understand Tia, I will not do anything dangerous with them...I just want them to remember him, nothing more."

"If this is what you need, then I will not deny your request. I have a sun to raise and I will help assist with the preparations around the town. I will also make sure nopony bothers you until you are ready for company. Should you need anything I will be around town." answered Celestia as she walked to the door.

Princess Luna didn't even look up or acknowledge her older sister, but merely stared at her bed once more. With a sad look on her face, Celestia left the room and shut the door. The moment Celestia was out the door, Luna put her hooves to her eyes and cried her heart out. Luna continued to weep unaware that Apple Bloom had woken up. Noticing that Princess Luna was crying, Apple Bloom moved to her bed and tapped Luna on the shoulder.

"Princess Luna? Why are ya crying?"

"Oh dear! What shall I tell her? Should I lie? Or should I tell her the truth? She may hate her own sister for what has happened, but I can't let that happen. She will learn when the time is right."

Catching her breath, Princess Luna replied

"I...I am just thinking of Konrad."

Apple Bloom's face began to form a look of worry ask she asked,

"Is he okay? Isn't he gonna come back and spend Nightmare Night with us?"

"I can't tell her, not yet at least. Her heart will be broken and I don't want her to suffer anymore than she has. She should have fun, not spend Nightmare Night drowning in sorrow."

"Yes Apple Bloom, I just...want him back. I really miss him."

"And love him?" asked Apple Bloom with a small smile.

As Luna wiped her eyes, the giggled and answered,

"Yes Apple Bloom, I love him."

"D'AWWW! Well Ah hope it works out for you. Ah can't wait to see him again! Ah want to show him to mah friends and have fun! Everypony in mah school won't believe it!"

Apple Bloom was beaming with happiness and Luna knew she had a duty to make sure her subjects had the best night of their life having fun.

"Well young Apple Bloom, when he shows up let us give him a merry welcome to Ponyville! What say you?"



Both the Apple Bloom and Princess Luna giggled like school fillies before a knock was heard from the door. Using her magic, Princess Luna opened the door from her bed. While annoyed that she was disturbed, Luna realized that Apple Bloom's family would eventually come back for her, and there was nothing she would do to prevent them from being separated from her. As the opened, Applejack appeared holding her hat down and said,

"Begging your pardon your highness but-"

"Applejack!" beamed Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom! Come here ya little whipersnapper!"

Apple Bloom ran as galloped to Applejack as fast as she could and the two sisters embraced each other. Tears came down from Applejack as she hugged her sister. Big Macintosh and Granny Smith appeared from behind Applejack, happy that Apple Bloom was reunited with them. The Apple Family left the room leaving Princess Luna alone. Using her magic, Luna closed the hospital door and buried her eyes with her hooves crying her heart out once more in sorrow.


After crying for 10 minutes straight, Luna slowly laid in bed and fell asleep, hoping that her Knight would come rescue her once more.

In the hospital hallway, Princess Celestia began to walk towards the entrance with the Element Bearers, Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor following them. Twilight Sparkle was the first to speak to the solar Princess.

"Princess Celestia! What are we going to do?! The last human is dead! We made a-"

"Mistake, I know my faithful student. The entire night was a great tragedy, but we must not let it consume us. We could not have foreseen the Elements of Harmony reacting in the manner they did."

"I just don't understand why! They weren't supposed to do that!"

"Twilight, I know this is difficult for you. It is difficult for friends and I as well."

"Ah just feel so guilty about what happened, it's the most shameful moment of mah life."

"I understand Applejack. It is mine as well." replied Celestia.

"What should we do your highness?" asked Rarity.

"We will continue with our lives and reflect on our behavior so we will not make the same mistake again. I have spoken to Luna, and she wants the Nightmare Night Celebration to continue forward. I'd highly suggest all of us get some rest and prepare ourselves for the Celebration."

"Really? Princess Luna wants a party still?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Yes Pinkie Pie, however, Luna has asked that we leave her be in the upcoming night. She is not pleased with us for obvious reasons and would prefer to avoid interacting with us. I'm afraid this is not negotiable."

"Oh..." replied a depressed Pinkie Pie. "I was hoping to show her the moon cake I made but I guess she'll just see it on her own...away from us murderers."

"Pinkie Pie, it was an accident. None of us meant for that to happen. You are NOT murderer." said Celestia as a mother would a dress a foal.

"Really? But I still feel sad."

Celestia nuzzled Pinkie Pie and replied,

"I know, I think we all will feel this way for a bit but we must press forward. I would like to see this Moon Cake though, I've heard a lot about it from last year."

Princess Celestia smile thinking about how delicious this cake would be. Giving Pinkie Pie a wink,

"Just make sure there's some for us this time." winked Celestia.

Pinkie Pie blushed slightly remembering the MMM creation that was mixed with the other contestant's deserts a few months ago. Before walking out the exit, Pinkie Pie waved to everypony and said,

"I'll see you guys later, I have some work to do at Sugarcube Corner." said Pinkie Pie before exiting the hospital.

"Umm...if anypony doesn't need me here anymore, I have tend to my animals."

"Will you be joining us later?" asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Umm...I don't know Twilight. I feel too sad to think of parties right now."

Without another word Fluttershy left the hospital and flew away towards her cottage. Applejack was the next to speak up.

"Mah family and Ah are gonna stay here until Apple Bloom wakes up. We'll see y'all later tonight."

Applejack and the remainder of the Apple Family made their way back towards Apple Bloom's hospital room. Rainbow Dash stretched herself and discarded her ice pack in a nearby trash bin, showing her black eye.

"I'm gonna head home and catch up on some sleep. I got a lot of pranks to do with Scootaloo at Nightmare Night. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Rainbow Dash left the hospital and flew towards her home. Rarity was the next one to speak,

"Oh dear! Twilight, I'm going to need to pick up Sweetie Belle and take her home. I have no doubt she's stayed up all night playing Princess and Knight with Spike."

Twilight giggled at the thought of Spike and Sweetie Belle playing together. Everypony knew Sweetie Belle had an obvious crush on Spike and Twilight thought it would be good for spike to have a fillyfriend.

"As cute as that is, you're right. Spike has probably stayed past his bed time too. I just hope they didn't make TOO much of a mess. I don't want to have to spend more time cleaning. I'm SO tired. UGH!"

"It's okay Twilight, I can help clean up while you and Shining Armor get some rest."

"Hun, I can help too you know." said Shining Armor.

"Oh Shiny! You've worked hard enough tonight and I think both of you need a break. Besides, you'll need your rest if you're going to have fun."

"But I'm not on leave-"

"Consider yourself on leave. I think you've earned it. Spend some time and have some fun."

"I uh...thanks!"

"No problem." smiled Celestia.

"Well Twily, mind if Cadence and I crash at your place?"

"Nope! Don't mind at all! Now let's get out off here, I'm really tired." said Twilight Sparkle with bags hanging below her eyes.

Rarity, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle left the hospital leaving Princess Celestia alone. She let out a sigh showing how tired she was.

"I'm very sorry Luna, I hope I can make it up to you. Though...there's something about the way she spoke of him...something a bit "special"...Well, time to raise the sun...and take a bath too."

Concentrating on the sun, Princess Luna found it and slowly raised the bright Celestial body showering Ponyville with beautiful rays of light.

"If only Sunny Town were here to see this, it pains me to see my subjects suffer such a fate. Rest well all that have been lost, you too Konrad. My sister wishes you were here.

Ruby suddenly found herself in the forest once more and was unable to see anything beyond a few hooves in a foggy pathway. It was both strange and frightening to her as she no longer had her mother or the man of her heart with her. She called in the fog,

"Mom!? Konrad!? Where are you?!"

Ruby's heart began to beat and her breathing began hyperventilate looking around but still unable to find anypony. Without a clue where they were she ran down the path in desperation to find her loved ones.

"Where am I?! This can't be the final resting place for anypony! Konrad, I need you!"

As she ran further and further, she saw a shape laying on the ground. As she got closer and closer, it became more visible and recognized it as her mother. When she got to her mother she noticed that something was different. Her mother no long had the rotten appearance of a Blood Hoof. She also noticed that her mother was breathing peacefully as if she was in deep sleep. Happy to have found her mother, Ruby nuzzled Mitta and whispered,

"I love you Mommy."

"Mmm...Ruby?" asked a groggy Mitta.

Tears of joy came down Ruby's eyes as she hugged her now awakened mother. Mitta blinked a few times before seeing the sight of her daughter crying and hugging her. The mother returned a nuzzle of her own and slowly got up with the assistance of Ruby. Ruby suddenly noticed that her mother no longer had the eyes of a Blood Hoof but that of a ghost, the same glowing yellow color.

"Mom! You're not a blood hoof anymore. Your eyes are yellow like mine and your not cursed anymore." pointed Ruby.

"'re right. I'm not cursed anymore! It's broken Ruby! We are free! Konrad has saved us! Where are we though? And where is he?" said Mitta.

Hearing the name Konrad instantly reminded her of the missing human and with a sad look on her face, Ruby replied,

"I don't know! I was looking for both of you. We have to find him mom! He can't be very far from us."

"With your special talent, I have no doubt we will find him."

Ruby looked at her cutie mark and frowned. Everything that had happened to her was a misunderstanding followed by fear and murder. Even after all this time, the hurt of her former friends was still there but when she was with Konrad, it wasn't noticeable at all. She felt very guilty for bringing him away from the past, separating him from his own family and the life he knew.

"But he forgave me, and fought for me. Now I have find him and be the best mare I can be for him!"

"Yes...we WILL find him. Let's go mom!" replied Ruby with a look of determination on her face.

"That won't be necessary Ruby, I'm right here."

Ruby instantly turned around and saw Konrad, who was still very hurt but otherwise in good spirits. Quickly but carefully, Ruby stood on her hind legs and hugged Konrad, who in return wrapped his arms around her.

"Konrad! I'm SO happy you're okay! I never want to leave you ever again!"

"Oh I'm so happy! Now we can be together as a loving couple! Oh, the things we are going to do!

"Yea! My precious Ruby has her stallion!" cheered Mitta as she stomped her hooves in happiness

"Man." replied Konrad in displeased tone.

"Same difference!" beamed Mitta.

Konrad rolled his eyes before receiving a kiss on his cheek from Ruby.

"Oh Konrad! I love you so much! You stopped the curse! It's over! We can be together and get married!"

Letting out a pony squeal, Ruby kissed Konrad on the cheek again and look at his eyes. Instead of seeing a look of happiness she saw a look of sadness causing her to break the hug and ask,

"What's wrong?!"

The man looked away for a split second causing Ruby's heart to beat faster. The chill of fear took over as Konrad looked at her and said,

"We need to talk."

Ruby feel to the ground and began to cry. It was obvious to her that his plans were different from her's and she immediately asked,

"NO! NO NO NO! We are both dead! Why would he reject me!? No this can't be happening!"

"Why?! Konrad I really love you! I don't care that you're not a pony, if that's what you're worried about I think you're-"

"No Ruby, I-"

"Is it my looks? I thought you said I had a nice plot! Were you sparing my feelings?"

"No it's-"

"You said what to her?!" asked Mitta who was getting angry at Konrad.

"I-" replied the man adjusting his shoulder and looking side to side with his eyes showing obvious nervousness.

"Was it how I acted when we were in the river?! Or was Luna just plain better than-"

"Stop! Let me explain!"

"What is there to explain?! You are rejecting my daughter who is ready and willing to be your wife and you're rejecting her so you can fantasize about a Princess?!"

"No I-"

"So you are choosing Luna?" asked Ruby with tears coming down her face.

"No...well yes but it's-"

"WAAAAHHAAAA!" cried Ruby as she collapsed to the ground.


Mitta prepared herself in anticipation of charging Konrad and the man held his unwounded arm up to brace himself as best as he could. He was too wounded to put up a fight and both of them knew it. Konrad then braced himself but was surprised that no pain was inflicted upon him. There was no bucking or blows of any kind, instead the man looked down to his feet and saw a very painful sight. Mitta was laying on her belly an wrapping her forelegs around Konrad's with tears flowing from her eyes.

"Please take my daughter's hoof! I beg you! She just wants to love you and make you happy Konrad! I'm sorry if it's because I hurt you earlier but please don't let that stop you from taking her as your own! Please!"

"Mom, it's fine, he just doesn't-"

"No it's not fine Ruby! I have to make up for not protecting you! I failed to keep to you alive and have a happy life! I failed as a mother but I can't fail again!"

Looking at Konrad's eyes, Mitta gave a pleading look to the man in hopes that he would reconsider his decision. Unfortunately it was all in vain.

"I'm sorry but I can't."

Both of the mares cried as Konrad buried his face in his hands at the pain Ruby and Mitta were suffering.

"No! I'm going to pass on without him as mine! Why!?"

All of a sudden, Ruby felt a hand on her head prompting her to lift her head up at the man. He had a look that simply expressed the true meaning of "sorry" and she could tell he really meant it.

"It's not because of you or you're mother, Ruby. It's because I'm not dead an I'm not ready to pass on. It is however both your time."

"He's not dead?! But how can that-"

As if he could read her mind Konrad continued to explain.

"Look at my eyes Ruby, do you notice anything at all?"

Ruby looked at Konrad's eyes and noticed that they were indeed the same wonderful blue eyes that she found to be handsome. She swore that she could stare in to them forever and not get bored. Unfortunately, his eyes proved his point.

"They aren't glowing...he really isn't dead. He can't come with me."

"I...I see."

"Ruby, you're a very sexy, cool, and great mare to be around. I love your mane, tail, and plot for sure." said Konrad giving her a wink.

Ruby blushed slightly and smile for a second only to frown again.

"And truth be told, I did pick you when we were together back in Sunny Town. But I'm simply not ready to go to heaven, the place where you will be for all of eternity."

"Heaven! You mean pony heaven?" asked Mitta.

"It's just called Heaven Mitta, it's where everyone goes when they die, not just ponies. You won't suffer anymore, you won't feel pain, or be hungry ever again. You'll be happy and never sad again."

Ruby got up and walked over to Konrad and hugged him once more.

"I'll never be happy or full again without you Konrad."

The man wrapped his arms around Ruby and replied,

"I know. You'll always be in my heart Ruby, you truly will. Perhaps..."

"Perhaps?" asked Ruby with her ears perking up.

" another life we could be together."

Ruby giggled as she thought of her dream of having a family with Konrad.

""Another life...if only I could get that chance."

The man became confused and curious as to why the mare was giggling. Ruby replied,

"It's a dream I had when you knocked me out. I dreamed that we had a family, a Human daughter and a young colt."

The man suddenly looked like he was on the verge of crying but was doing his best to hold it it.

"Ruby...I'm so sorry...I-"

"It's okay Konrad, it would never happen for various reasons. I just thought that since I couldn't get that, I'd at least get you."

A tear flowed from Konrad's left but was quickly wiped away by Ruby's hoof.


"Shh...I understand Konrad. I really do. I got something for you."

As Ruby let go of Konrad, she pulled out a nice Ruby gem and held it out for Konrad to take. Taking the gem, Konrad held it up and looked at the gem in awe.

"You're giving me...a..." said Konrad bedazzled by the gem.

"Ruby. It's the same one I found after Roneo asked me to look for it. I figured "somebody" else deserved it more. I hope that since it's yours now you'll always have something to remember me by."

Looking away from the gem, Konrad made eye contact with Ruby and said,

"Ruby, I will ALWAYS remember you no matter what. I don't need a gem for that."

Ruby's heart fluttered for a split second before Konrad did something unexpected. He put the gem in his pocket, and grabbed her fore hooves lifting her up to his chest in a hug. Looking in to his eyes, Ruby's heart was beating really fast now and wondered what was going to happen next.

"Is he going to do what I think he will do?!"

"Ruby, I don't have anything to get give you in return...except this."

Without any delay, Konrad moved forward and locked lips with Ruby, giving her a very passionate kiss. Her heart melted as they kissed and was completely happy. She could feel his love for her and returned kiss by giving him a bit of tongue as well.

"He's kissing me! I can't believe he's kissing me! This is the best gift ever!"

Letting go from the kiss, Ruby had a look of content on her face and no longer was her sorrow holding her heart hostage. It was replaced with happiness, something all she ever wanted. As the mare and man let go from each other, a glowing light began to form near them. The man pointed at it and said,

"It's time for both of you to go. Once you touch that, you'll be taken to Heaven."

"How will you get back to Equestria Konrad?" asked Mitta.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can find my way. Sorry our first meeting didn't go well Mitta."

"Oh please Konrad, you did nothing wrong. It was my fault we got off on the wrong hoof."

Without warning, Mitta ran over to Konrad and hugged him which took the man by surprise.

"Take care Konrad, you're a good boy."

"I'm...aww I know I am." replied Konrad returning the hug.

As they let go, Mitta walked towards the light and said,

"I'll wait for you on the other side Ruby. I'll let you to smooch some more."



Both the man and the mare blushed which elicited a chuckle from Mitta. Giving a smile to both of them, Mitta touched the light and was instantly gone, leaving both the man and the mare alone once more. Both Konrad and Ruby kissed before Konrad said,

"Well, I guess this is goodbye...I'll always remember you Ruby."

"Me too have no idea how much I'm going to miss you."

Both the man and the mare blushed before noticing a clearing on the pathway. The fog was slowly melting away and the image of Ponyville could be seen in the distance. The man pointed at the town and said,

"Hold on Apple Bloom, Konrad's on his way!"

Leaning against Konrad, Ruby said,

"Have a good life Konrad and be happy. You made my final moment the best for me."

"I'm glad Ruby...I'll always love you."

Konrad moved his fingers through Ruby's mane as ghost enjoyed his touch one last time before he began to walk away towards Ponyville

"I love you Konrad, I'll see you in heaven someday.".

She watched as Konrad looked back at her with a smile in the distance before facing Ponyville once more and limping towards the town with the Ruby in his hand.

"See you later...friend."

As she touched the light she was no longer in Equestria and had finally passed on. Unknown to both her and Mitta, they would be a new lease on life and it would be a very big surprise indeed.

"In another life? Oh that's going to happen." said Ruby's Guardian Angel

He hadn't been an angel for very long, nor was he truly a real angel. He was a volunteer, a Guardian that was once a mortal who volunteered to help guide souls through their lives. Volunteers could only do so for one mortal before being admitted into heaven. He had seen his assignment go through a very terrible death, and even worse stuck as a ghost in suffering. While he was happy that was no longer the case, he was dissatisfied at how it was resolved.

Two real angels had broken multiple rules, something that was very serious matter. Even worse his assignment had her heart broken and that was the last straw for him. It was one thing to a have an assignment so close him suffer physically but suffering from the heart was another. It was time to get his assignment another shot at life and he had enough on the two angels to make that happen.

Appearing before Konrad's and Luna's Angel, the Volunteer took them by surprise.

"I know what you've done, and if you want to avoid getting into trouble you will do what I ask of you."

Both Guardians looked at each other with nervous looks on their faces and said,

"Shit, didn't think he'd do anything." said Konrad's angel.

"Yes, "John", break the rules, and think nopony would notice. I have to admit that was smart how both of you covered your tracks but really when you work and fiddle so close to ghost, it's kinda hard to not notice. Observing was something I was always good at."

"Fine buddy, we get the message. Question is what the hell do you want?"

"I want Ruby to have another life in a different dimension."

"What?! Are you serious?"

"Am I? Do you really want to find out if I am the hard way? I assure you I'm not bluffing, Miss Luna fan, oh wait, I'm sorry, Jane's your name right?"

Luna's angel gave him a scowling look but he didn't care since she was in no position to retort. She knew that if a higher up would pay attention to him, they'd look around where they last were. And then they would be caught.

"Fine, but what dimension to you want? There's literally tons on this universe."

"I want her to go to here. Divert both her's AND Mitta's soul there."

Both Jane and John looked at each other with their eyes wide. They understood exactly why he wanted their souls to go to there and this set Jane off.

"NO! Konrad X Luna is the only true pairing!"

"Not anymore they aren't, and if you really want to keep your wings you'll do as I demand."

"But what about-" asked John before getting cutoff.

"Mitta's angel? She was cursed remember, her angel was reassigned. I'm pretty sure no pony thought she wold be redeemed without help from above. Since she was deemed lost you can throw her there without anypony else noticing. Now do we have a deal?"

Looking at each other, both Jane and John nodded in agreement.

"It's a deal but they are your problem until they pass on in that life."

"And when that happens, my job will be over and I'll join them in heaven. Good doing business with you. And don't intefere in that dimension or else I'll talk."

Jane crossed her arms and said "Yeah yeah, no interfering blah blah."

"Good. See you later...friends."

Both the Guardians left to satisfy their blackmailer as the volunteer sat on his rump and smiled as he saw Ruby and Mitta now in the new dimensions.

"Take care my love...and help our precious Ruby along the way."

The former pony smiled seeing Ruby get a new chance at life and he had no doubt it would be a good one.

Konrad hated turning Ruby down like that but he just wasn't ready to stop living. He wished that there would have been another way to have her being alive but it just wasn't possible. He couldn't pick both so he made the best choice he could given the circumstances. He was glad to have made her happy in the end though and hoped that his gift was very much not a cop out for the ghost mare. Even more hard to turn her down was the fact that she wanted children with him and never had he had a female want him that bad before.

"Kissing her was amazing, I just wish she was alive. The possibilities that could have been...but I wasn't ready to die yet. I hope you'll be happy Ruby, I truly do."

As he began walking towards Ponyville, which he could see in the distance roughly a mile and a half away, he pulled out the gem gem Ruby gave him. He had never held a gem before in life and he doubted they would be this large and beautiful back in his own verse. As he held it up to his eye level, he swore he could see the image of Ruby looking back at him. Turning around to see if it was a reflection, Ruby was no where to be seen, only the sight of the Everfree Forest.

"She must be gone...god speed Ruby...I'll always love you."

Turning his back to Everfree Forest and facing Ponyville, Konrad couldn't but help remember the line from the creepypasta game.

"Throughout Equestria, relics of the past lay forgotten and alone. Never truly resting, awaiting recognition."

Gripping the Ruby gem in his hand, he put it to his forehead for few seconds before putting it in his pocket. He grinned before saying to himself.

"Yeah fucking right, as long as I live they won't ever be forgotten."

As the man began walking towards Ponyville in the distance, Konrad couldn't help but think of seeing Ruby's image in the gem. He smiled, and said to himself.

"See you later...friend."