Dear Diary, So my life has not gotten any better. Loke, and I are doing our best to avoid each other, and Gray has been distant. Ezra, and Natsu are completely clueless, and that is how I want it. I couldn't handle it if they looked at me like Gray does. Almost like I'm broken, and let's face it I kind of am. Even though we were trying to avoid each other I couldn't avoid paying my rent, so I had to find a job. I did find an easy one that would make my rent with alittle left over. Well one that I thought would be easy. I wasn't going to call Loke, but after I used all my spirits I didn't have a choice. Part of me afterwards wished I would have used him to begin with. By time I called him I was exhausted. I was covered in bruises, dirt, and sweat, and could barely stand. Of course it took him no time to defeat the enemy..

Lucy fell to her knees panting, trying hard not to pay attention to the angry lion in front of her. She was doing well until he squatted in front of her. "Why did you wait so long to call me?" he asked looking her over. " I didn't want to call you at all, but I didn't have any choice". " Is it that bad to work with me?" he asked. " No, it's just too hard to see you". There was a rumble of thunder then the sky opened up on them. " Come on we got to find someplace to wait this out" Loke said picking her up and running for a near by cave. Once out of the storm he put Lucy down helping her sit against the wall. " You should go back" she told him. He scoffed " I'm not leaving you here alone in your condition". They sat in an uncomfortable silence for some time before Lucy couldn't take anymore. " Can't you say something?" " What do you want me to say?" he asked. " I don't care, I just can't take the silence anymore". " Silence isn't a bad thing". " It is with all this tension thick in the air". " What kind of tension we talking about?" he asked with a smirk. Lucy rolled her eyes and brought her knees to her chest. "Forget I said anything" she mumbled.

Loke was trying to lighten the mood, but it was going to take some work. He scooted closer to her, and she tried to scoot away, but was stopped when he threw his arm around her, and pulled her close. " Since we're both soaked we might want to warm each other with our body heat" making Lucy laugh. "If that's the case we should probably take our clothes off". She stiffened realizing she said that out loud. " I don't have an issue with that" Loke said pulling his jacket off. When he reached for his shirt Lucy stopped him. " What are you doing?" she asked. " Well your right, we should be naked to take full advantage of our body heat". He reached again for his shirt but before he could take it off Lucy was straddling him. She took his glasses off and sat them to the side. She looked into his eyes as she pulled his shirt over his head. Loke tugged on her shirt, and pulled it over her head. Grabbing the back of her head, and pulling her closer he put his lips to hers. He bite her bottom lip asking for entrance, while running his hands up, and down her sides making her shiver. He slid his hands around to unclasp her bra, pulling it off her shoulders. He massaged her breasts making her grind into him, causing both of them to moan. Feeling the need to breath he broke the kiss, and started kissing on her neck.

He kissed down her neck, and chest. He took a nipple in his mouth sucking on it while squeezing the other one with his hand. Lucy moved her hand to his waist unbuttoning his pants, and pulling his member out. As she stoked him, he moved a hand between her legs. Pulling her panties to the side he entered a finger, making her moan. Adding another he started to pump them in and out making Lucy orgasm. Lucy bent down, and took his rod in her mouth. Loke wrapped his hand in her hair moving her up, and down on him until he too came. Lucy swallowed the hot liquid, as Loke brought her lips to his for another deep kiss. He flipped them over so he was above Lucy. He pulled her panties off and thrust his rod inside her. " Oh, god Loke" she moaned as he pumped into her harder and harder. He kissed her and pinched her nipple, sending her over the edge. When he felt her walls clamp down around him his hot liquid filled her. They laid there for a short while before Loke sat up, and put his hands in his head. " Do you regret it?" Lucy asked. He turned and looked at her, seeing tears in her eyes he touched her cheek. " Of, course not". She leaned into his hand " Then what is it?" she asked. He pulled her into his arms " I just don't want to hurt you anymore than I have".

" Then don't". she said cupping his cheek. " I love you Loke, I have loved you since our first night together". " But you wouldn't have any kind of life with me" he argued. " But I wouldn't have a life without you". " Lucy, do you realize if we have that kind of relationship, you won't have a normal life". She laughed " My life ain't normal now Loke". He smiled at her. He wanted her forever, but not at the cost of her missing out on anything normal. " Are you sure?" he asked. " I've never been more sure about anything". " I love you Lucy, and I want to be with you forever" he said. She threw her arms around him, and hugged him tight. " That means no more having sex with Gray" he said. " Of course not, and no more having sex with Aries" she told him. " Nope there is only one woman for me, and that's you".

So diary I guess everything worked out in the end. Me and Loke are now a couple, and I couldn't be happier. Plus Loke, and Gray made up which made going public alot easier. Nobody was surprised though, they said it was only a matter of time. I guess people pay more attention that I thought. Anyways Loke's waiting so I'm going to go now. Love Lucy