Dear Diary, You are not gonna believe what happened today. I still am having trouble believing it, but I still got the marks to prove it. I don't even know where to start. Okay I guess I should start from the beginning. So this morning I go to the guild to see what job we were taking, but when I got there Mira told me Natsu, Grey, and Ezra all took their own jobs and would be gone for about a week. I was so mad, it seems like anymore they are always leaving me behind. But as they say things happen for a reason. So feeling sorry for myself I asked Mira for a strong drink, well she gave me one cause my head is still pounding from it. Anyways after a few of these strong drinks I decided to walk home. I was actually surprised I could still walk. Once I got to the bridge I started feeling funny, like really happy and I looked over the bridge and fell in. I didn't feel any pain when I hit the water though, but I didn't have the sense to try and swim either. It was almost like I didn't care that I was about to die. I wasn't sure if anyone seen me fall in either, but someone did and before I knew it I was outta the water and someone was yelling at me. Guess who it was? Okay I'll tell you, it was Loke! He had seen me fall in and when I didn't come up he jumped in to save me. I didn't know the player had it in him. He was angry for sure but I kinda thought it was funny, so I started laughing at him...

Loke started to run when he seen Lucy fall from the bridge, he stood there for a minute waiting for her to emerge, but she didn't. Loke hated the water and he didn't like being so close to Lucy but he couldn't let her drown. Once he pulled her on shore and seen her breathing he started yelling. " Damn Lucy, do you want to die?" Lucy looked at him threw glassy eyes and started laughing. " Are you drunk?" Again she was laughing. Loke shook his head and stood up. " Come on Lucy let me take you home" and he put his hand out. She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. Lucy started to walk but fell into Loke instead. " Loke, will you please carry me?" she begged. Loke rolled his eyes and picked her up bridal style. He didn't like this, but he wasn't gonna leave her in this state. Lucy put her arms around his neck and her head fell on his shoulder. " You smell really good" and she started to nuzzle his neck. Loke stopped and looked at her. " Lucy, you might wanna stop that". She smiled " Why, is it bothering you?" Of course it was bothering him, but he couldn't tell her the real reason, so he turned his inner player on. " You shouldn't start things you won't finish" he told her in a sultry voice. " Who said I wouldn't finish?" and she started kissing his neck. Loke didn't know how to respond to her, so he kept walking the sooner he got her home the better. It wasn't an easy task, and before long Loke was having trouble walking.

Finally they made it to her apartment, and Loke was trying to decide which girl he would call once he got Lucy settled. Lucy dug her key out and handed to Loke. He opened the door and put her on the couch. He noticed her shivering, " We need to get you outta these wet clothes". So Lucy lifted her arms to let him take her shirt off. Loke hesitated a moment before he reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. He couldn't help but stare at her, he was a man after all. Lucy laid back on the couch and unbuttoned her jeans. " Will you help me?" she asked innocently. Loke tried hard to keep himself in check. Of all the girls in the world Lucy was not someone he could be with. Even though he knew that he couldn't help wanting her. He bent down and grabbed the waist of her jeans and pulled them off. Then Lucy stood up and pulled his shirt outta his jeans." We should get you outta yours too" and she pulled it over his head. She started to unbuckle his belt when he stopped her. " Lucy.." but she cut him off. "Shh, I don't want you to catch a cold". Loke couldn't take it anymore, he put his hands on her cheeks and moved closer to her. He looked in her eyes and he could see the want in them. He put his lips on hers, he moved his hands down her neck to her shoulders and down her arms. For Lucy his light touches on her arms felt like little shocks of electricity. Loke's tongue slid across her bottom lip making her open her mouth to allow entrance.

After a few minutes they broke the kiss gasping for breath. "I should leave" Loke said grabbing his shirt. When he turned back around Lucy ran at him and brought his lips to hers. When they broke away from each other, Lucy was trying to find her voice. The affects of her drinking binge starting to wear off. She didn't know why but she didn't want him to leave. " What would you say if I asked you to stay?" Loke stood there looking at the girl he has been avoiding since she entered the guild, and he had to admit he wanted to stay. " Lucy your drunk and I don't want you to regret it tomorrow".Lucy shook her head " I'm not drunk, well I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing". Lucy was embarrassed she knew he was a player and she knew he avoided her, so she figured she wasn't the type of girl he wanted. So why was she throwing herself at him." It's ok if you don't want to stay Loke. I understand" and with that she walked to her bedroom to put clothes on. She could feel the tears coming and she didn't want him to see. She also didn't want to watch him leave. She found her favorite pair of jogging pants and put them on, she was looking for a shirt when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She looked up to see Loke standing in the doorway. She noticed he still had his shirt off, and he looked confused.

Loke didn't know why he didn't leave when she told him it was okay and walked into the other room, but now he was standing in the doorway of her bedroom watching her search for a shirt. She looked so sexy in her jogging pants and bra. He knocked to let her know he was there. She looked surprised to see him still there. " Lucy" and moved closer to her. Lucy heart started beating faster and faster with every step he took. When he finally stopped he grabbed her and pulled her to him." If we finish this there's no going back. Are you sure you really want this?" Lucy could see concern in his eyes. She shook her head " I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure Loke". " Good" and he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. She could feel the bulge in his pants and got alittle nervous. Loke started kissing and biting her neck, eventually leaving a mark. He picked her up and she put her legs around his waist, making it to the bed he laid her down. " Loke, I've never done this before" she whispered. He was taken back by her confession. " Then are you sure you want me to be your first?" Lucy thought for a moment " Yes,I'm sure". " I will be as gentle as I can then".

After they were finished Loke laid there rubbing his hand threw Lucy's hair as she laid her head on his chest. " Are you okay Lucy?" Lucy propped herself up on his chest, so she could look at him. " Yea, Loke was I okay?" she asked embarrassed. She knew she wasn't his first and she couldn't help being self-conscious. " You were great" he smiled. " Are you lying?" she looked down, but he pushed her chin up so he could look into her eyes. "I wouldn't lie about that Lucy" and he kissed her to prove her point. Loke still couldn't figure out why she wanted him to be her first since he had the reputation as a player but he was honored all the same. Lucy sat up and was trying to figure out how to get outta bed. "Are you hungry Loke?" he shook his head " I am starving" and he stood up. Lucy watched as the blanket that was covering him fell in slow motion exposing every inch of him. She could feel him watching her stare at him." Hey! My eyes are up here" and he laughed. Lucy blushed. She pulled her sheet around her and got up. "Okay what do you want to eat?" she asked walking to the kitchen. "What ever you want is fine". Lucy started cooking but was distracted when she felt Loke's are wrap around her waist. She felt his hot breath on her neck as he leaned down to kiss her, she was finding it very hard to concentrate.

So after we finished dinner it was time for him to go. I walked him to the door and he leaned down and kissed me. I think that was the best of the kisses he gave me, it was almost like it was full of hope. I don't know why I allowed this to happen, but I don't regret it. I don't know or understand my feelings for Loke, but I know somethings there. I just don't want to act on it. I don't know diary, my relationship with Loke before was weird but I think it's about to get complicated, Love Lucy