Title: Guardian Angel

Summary: The moment she saw those beautiful blue eyes of Elizabeth Heather Dursley for the very first time, Ivy Potter fell in love.

Warnings: AlwaysFemHarry! Alternate Timeline, AU, and maybe some other things too.


Ivy stared at the cookie cutter houses of Private Drive. The same style houses, repeated over and over, with nothing to show for the individuals living within them; it was horribly ugly to the young woman. To think she had to return to the place of her nonexistent childhood, Ivy fingered the days old letter within her coat pocket. How Dudley managed to send her a letter after all these years, Ivy might never know. She underestimated her cousin. With great reluctance, the Woman-who-won or as George and Ron loved to call her title W3, made her way to Number Four.

Dressed in only brand names, Ivy knew she looked completely different then how she did when she left the building several years ago. When the door opened for twenty-four year old Dudley Dursley, his expression was one, Ivy will remember for years to come.

A moment of silence between the two cousins before Ivy had enough of his staring. It was a look she was slowly getting familiar with on the faces of her associates at work. Her youthful face compared to the mature adult look of her cousin was a clear sign to her that something has changed within her.

"Aren't you going to let me in, Cousin?"

He blinked a few times before he stepped aside for the woman to enter. "Please come in." The years did a good job helping the fat boy. What used to be fat was replaced by muscles and what once was a horrible bully was now a man. Ivy was impressed. She entered the house, eyes avoiding the cupboard, and took off her jacket.

"Thank you." He held out his hand for her jacket and Ivy place her jacket in his hands. She watched as he gently hanged it in the closest instead of thrusting it without care. Things really were different. It wasn't time to think about the changes and differences. Instead, it was time for them to get down to business.

Dudley stalled in the hallway, eyes lingering on the pictures on the wall before he glanced towards the inner house. "Mom's in the living room with her."

There was no need for him to explain who 'she' was. 'She' was the reason Ivy returned to this house, the reason she was willing to see her relatives again after nearly seven years.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting, shall we?" With a gesture towards the door, Dudley entered first with Ivy following right behind him. The room was the same, gaudy decorations of the forties instead of the new style of the 60's. Even though Ivy grew up unaware of anything remotely fashionable, being friends with the girls at Hogwarts, from different houses and years, Ivy learned her way as a woman.

It wasn't as though Petunia hated her too much. Jealousy was something Ivy learned to see early in her years at Hogwarts. Being the last of the Potters as well as Heiress to the Line of Black, Ivy had to learn early. Her mentor and friend, Augusta Longbottom was a great help when it came to the political side of the new world. Once Augusta took her under her wings, Ivy grew and learned exactly how jealous Petunia was of her sister Lily. With no resentment, Ivy returned from school to talk with her aunt. There would never be a mother-daughter relationship between the two women, but the bond of aunt-niece was there.

Aunt Petunia was sitting on the couch with a crying young girl, dressed in fashionable clothing which Ivy approved of. The years were not kind to her aunt. Born just before the Great Depression started, Petunia suffered through four wars. She survived after all the pain and suffering to watch her family grow as well. Her husband, horrible man he was to Ivy, loved Petunia no matter what anyone thought. Her son adored her and grew up to be a man even Peter Evans had nothing to be ashamed of from a grandson. Ivy nodded towards the elderly lady but her eyes locked onto the younger one.

Melody Thomas, a daughter of the higher society, was crying her heart out onto Petunia's shoulder. Her light blond hair was carefully plaited over her shoulder while her stylish dress draped around her. Ivy couldn't decide whether she should be impress by Dudley's choice of a baby's mum or disgusted by the display of weakness from the girl.

"Ivy." The single word startled the girl. She glanced over to Ivy and her attention was caught. Pale skin, flawless from what Melody could see. Wavy black hair styled in a low pony tail. Melody's teary blue eyes caught Ivy's dark green eyes. Melody might be the daughter of someone with power, but Ivy was a part of the higher society.

"Hello, Aunt Petunia." Her voice was soft and respectful, even if a little cold. Melody looked between the two, confused of the relationship between a high middle class family and an obvious aristocrat. Petunia noticed the looks.

"Melody, this is my niece, Ivy Potter." The brief glimpse of jealousy disappeared slowly at the mention of 'niece'. However, Ivy Potter wasn't there to be nice.

"I would say that it was nice to meet you, but under these circumstances, I would be lying."

The look she gave Ivy, it was exactly the one she wanted to see. Ivy was annoyed and from what Dudley wrote to her, this girl needed a talking to. Since Petunia was too proper to do it and Dudley would be accused of abuse and harassment if he said something remotely wrong to the girl, Ivy was perfectly willing to deliver exactly what was needed.

"Who asked you to join in!" Ivy looked at her in disgust. For once, she was glad she was sorted into the house of the cunning instead of the house of the fools. Then again, the Sorting Hat did say Gryffindor was an option when she was being sorted. Maybe this scenario required a little cunning and risk taking. Or it could just take some stubbornness and some threats to make the girl do what Ivy wanted her to do.

"There's no need to yell, Miss. The only reason I'm here is because your baby daddy thought I could be of some help to you."

The reason of her visit was exposed into the air. Melody's pale skin whitened to the point of being sickly. Dudley turned his head away from the scene, ashamed of himself for his part in the situation. Petunia glanced over at her son but knew better than to bring it up with Melody in the same room. Ivy watched as sickly skin flushed angry red as Melody stood from her place on the couch.

"It's his entire fault this is happening to me. I'm not even twenty yet, I'm not ready to be a mother!"

"Since this conversation started that's the only thing I could agree with. You're right." The confusion on Melody's face was funny. The pain on Dudley's face wasn't. Nor was the anger Petunia was showing. But Ivy knew what she was saying. Melody was right on a certain point. "You're not fit to be a mother."

Melody snapped back as though she was slapped. However Ivy wasn't finished. She only started.

"You think this was all Dudley's fault? It takes two to make a baby. It takes a sperm and an egg to create life. So maybe Dudley was wrong in not using a condom, but that didn't mean you couldn't have reminded him. That didn't mean you should have let him have his way with you. You should have said no… Or were you so intoxicated you couldn't tell your fiancé from his best friend?" The silence fell upon the room, thick and heavy. Dudley looked down in shame; at least he was ashamed for his deed. Aunt Petunia understood if a little angry at both parties. Ivy felt satisfied for the moment. Even if a little scolding was rude to company, it was her right to say something when it concerned her family.

"Ivy, please." A hand on her shoulder, Dudley pulled her away from the younger girl. Ivy glanced back to the older man before her stance relaxed.

"I will help, but that doesn't mean I will stand here and allow the cunt to badmouth my family." The hand tightened on her shoulder but she didn't show any signs of discomfort. A gasp from the two ladies by the couch returned her attention to insulted blue eyes and embarrassed brown eyes.

"Ivy!" Petunia allowed her niece plenty of freedom, even spending the summer over at a male's home because she trusted, no, not trusted, Petunia knew Ivy was mature enough to keep herself in check. The only thing she would not allow was crass language in her house. Ivy tilted her head in apology to her aunt.

"Forgive my language, Aunt Petunia, but this girl doesn't deserve the jewel that is growing inside her." If there was one thing Ivy knew her aunt would understand, it would be family and children. Dudley was a bully as child, Petunia knew but she loved her son, loves him so much, it blinded her to reality. Ivy was always a problem to Petunia. She could have been the daughter Petunia always wanted but she was the daughter of her sister, the perfect Lily Evans. Ivy saw exactly how much family had hurt her aunt and how much it healed her.

"I'm not keeping it."

If there was one thing Ivy protested the most against, it was abortion. In the magical world, where a large percentage of the population was killed due to the muggle wars and the recent war against Voldemort, every child was important. With the recent fall of the Dark Lord, many couples decided to start a family immediately. The Baby Boom of '67 was the start of the restoration of the Magical Community. To hear a muggle so easily say they're giving up a child, a life, for their own selfishness, it burned a bonfire of hatred in her soul against her own gender.

"You will, otherwise your parents will learn of this disaster as well as your precious darling Raphael." A flicker of fear crossed Melody's face, but it wasn't enough to scare her into submitting. At least she had some sense of pride.

"I'll just say he raped me." Or it might have been cunning. It would have been a good plan, if she didn't come to them first.

"Not even your parents will believe that. Dudley made himself into a noble man. He would never do something as immoral as to knock up a bird and leave." It was true. Dudley has matured over the years into a man who Ivy was proud to admit as her cousin. However Melody didn't see it that way though. It was the last straw on the girl's back as she broke down in hysteria.

"Then what am I supposed to do! My parents will know something is wrong with me! Raphael won't want to marry me anymore. I'll be kicked out of the house." She actually stomped the floor in her frustration. "Besides, it's my body; I could do whatever I want with it." Ivy had enough. Ivy was taught to control her impulse but like any other human, there was a limit to how far she could go. With angry steps, she marched up to the younger girl, forced her onto her feet, and smacked her. She didn't want to risk shaking her in case anything happened to the child.

"Are you listening to yourself? Your body, yes, but your child, I dare say not! It's not just your kid in there. It's my niece or nephew! I won't allow you to get an abortion."

"So what, you'll provide for me for the rest of my life? Is that it?" The cunning gleam was back in her eyes. Melody knew a rich woman when she saw one and Ivy Potter definitely was one rich lady. Ivy wasn't the only one who saw the looks. Dudley made a move to pull Ivy out into the hall, but she resisted. She wasn't leaving the room unless it was to leave the house. He did manage to pull her away from Melody though.

"Ivy, think logically, you'll be providing for her even after the baby." Petunia reminded her angry niece. As much as she loved the idea of having grandchildren, to force her niece to continue providing for the selfish woman, it wasn't something she wanted to force onto her niece.

"Mum, this is your grandchild here." Dudley couldn't believe his own mother would say something like that. Petunia was the voice of reason within the Dursley household. If Dudley or Vernon was about to start on something which will end in disaster, Petunia made sure they knew exactly what a stupid choice they were about to make.

"If your father finds out what you did, he would demand you marry the girl."

"Then, I'll marry her."

"I won't marry you!"

"Shut up!"

It seems time stopped for a moment. The tension in the air was thick, heavy, and it all came from the petite woman. Petunia shivered as the pressure fell onto her shoulders. It was the same as when she was a child, when it was Lily who was angry. Once again, she went upfront and personal with the childish woman.

"You will keep that baby. When you give birth, you will sign away all rights as the mother. Then, you will stay away from this family. I'll provide for you until you give birth. After that, you will return to your family and never contact us again." Each word was clear, precise, and clear. Her tone was dark and demanding. She was Force incarnated.

"…Ivy?" Petunia whispered in fear. She remembered as a child, Ivy was emotional and her m-m…..powers react to her emotions. Melody, afraid she might be, wasn't going to allow Ivy to walk over her.

"No, I don't want to carry this thing inside me! You can't make me." If Ivy wasn't furious of her, she would have been impressed with her stubborn nature. With a snap, she crushed her hopes of a proper abortion.

"I can't make you, but what can you do? Where will you get the money for an abortion? Your parents? Your fiancé? You definitely won't get the money here."

Tearful eyes widened at the thought. "But-but you have to! If-if you don't…I'll go to the police!" She went to them for help, not insults, not threats to keep the baby. Ivy scoffed even if her heart did reach out for the girl for a second, a split second, but she reined it back. She had to remember, this girl wanted to abort her niece or nephew. If it was anyone else's child, sure, she wouldn't care as much. Her choice will always be life before death. If it was family, especially innocent family members, Ivy will protect them. She might not love her aunt or cousin and definitely never her uncle, she tolerated them, respected them as human beings and family.

"Go then. Go to the police, press your charges, I'll have my lawyers fighting you all the way. You will be the talk of the town." It was a promise. She will fight her throughout the entire process if she had to. She was not afraid to fight back.

"Ivy, that's a little harsh." Dudley, kinder man then he was as a boy, was still naïve to the world. He went through a bad boy phase, but he came out kinder then he did going in.

"If you want your child to be born and raised by you, I suggest you let me deal with her." Ivy hissed at him to either input something useful or remain quiet. It was rude of her to say so, but she was doing him a favor. He was the one who went to her for help.

"Melody, darling, Ivy can protect you and your reputation." Petunia took up the duty as good cop while Ivy remained the bad cop. Dudley was there as a sightseer. With a scoff, Melody gestured at Ivy.

"What can she do? She looks younger than me." Ivy knew she looked young. She didn't change much since she left the Dursley all those years ago. She barely looked older than eighteen. Even then, with the right style, she could pass off as twenty one or as a tall thirteen-year-old.

"For your information, girl, I'm only a year younger than Dudley here, making me older than you. So make up your mind. Come with me for the duration of your pregnancy, give up your rights as the child's mother, and return back here with your reputation intact. Or you could go to the cops, let everyone know you're not a virgin anymore, try to press charges, and end up with a lot of bills for your lawyers since mine will steamroll you down." There were probably other options but Ivy wasn't going to bring them up. Why would she bring them up if she needed her to do as Ivy wanted? It would defeat the purpose. Petunia caught her eye. With an understanding between both aunt and niece, Petunia added her good cop persuasion to support Ivy's argument.

"Melody, I suggest you take Ivy up on her offer. You wouldn't have to worry for an entire year of anything, just relax and enjoy your pregnancy."

Dudley pulled Ivy aside for a moment to ask a question that was on his mind since Ivy forbid Melody to get the abortion. "You'll let me see her, right Ivy? Her and the baby?" Ivy only stared at him as though he said something stupid, again.

"Of course you're going to see her, Dudley. It definitely won't be me who she'll be friends with." Her attention retuned to the two ladies on the couch. It seems Melody was slowly accepting the new proposal but was still reluctant to comply with Ivy's wishes. Ivy went straight up to the woman and pointed one finger at her.

"Look, where in the world would you like to live for an entire year? Anywhere on this planet." The question surprised Melody into actually thinking about where she could go. Living in Surry, England was simple and boring. When she marries Raphael, they will move away from the quiet suburbs and into the city, maybe on the continent. They would move to Italy or Spain, anywhere but Surrey.

"…I always wanted to go Rome." Her family was devoted Catholics. She sinned and as much as she loved her religion and the Heavenly Father, she was still mortal and she made a mistake. Maybe spending time in Rome, in Vatican City, it might cleanse her of her sins. Ivy shrugged without any care.

"Done. You'll live in Rome, most likely in one of my vineyards for the year. In that year, you'll have several people watching over you, making sure you're eating healthy for the baby. I'll give you a stipend to spend every week. What you do with that money is your choice." With a sudden change of emotions, Ivy glared at the youngest person in the room. "But remember, once you give birth and your 12 months up, you'll leave us alone." Melody was close to giving in, just a little more.

"No one will ever find out I was pregnant?"

"Unless you try something against us, no one will ever find out." Ivy made sure she understood. She was not a horrible person. She was actually a very reasonable woman. If Melody tried to gain custody of the child after she gives birth, Ivy will not back down from destroying her life, her family, and her future.

"Melody, I know you hate me but at least think of the kid. Please." Melody gave the tiniest of nods.

"…When will I leave?"

"I'll have my people set up the villa by tomorrow. Get your things ready and pack by tomorrow. I'll drop by with some of my people to settle things with your parents, tomorrow night."

"And no one will know, no one will ever find out after all this is through?"

"I give you my word as Lady Potter of the House of Potter. As long as you carry that child, you will be under my protection."


Once everything was settled, Melody left with a brighter future. Petunia hurried to start dinner and Dudley lead his cousin out into the street. They walked down the street in silence, a comfortable one instead of the barely tolerant one when they were children. Dudley was the first to break the silence. "Thank you, Ivy. I'm sorry I had to call you back."

Ivy shrugged. "You had no choice; it was either me or your father."

"I rather it be you any day." Ivy stopped mid step. He was being truthful. He would rather it was her he went to instead of his father. If there was anything she knew about Dudley, he idolized his father. To be picked over his father, it was amazing. Ivy was so amazed, she responded in her usual way, snarky and sarcastic.

"Of course you do, otherwise, you would never be able to go out with Piers and your gang." Dudley turned away for a moment before he faced Ivy. There was shame and regret in his eyes but they weren't for Ivy.

"…I don't hang with them anymore." Surprised as she was, Ivy knew. As much as Dudley has matured over the years, if he had remained friends with Piers, drug addict that he is, Ivy would know. She would know through Petunia, through the house elf she set to watch over her once wayward cousin. If he was still in contact with the horrible person, Ivy would never allow him to see his child.

"That's good, because if you did, I would be afraid for the baby."

"I'll pay you back someday."

"Don't bother." Ivy didn't need the money. She had more than enough with the rewards she received from the Ministry for her victory against Voldemort and her own family vaults. She had enough to live several lifetimes without the need to work comfortably from the money in the Black vaults. Converting galleons to pounds, Ivy was probably the richest woman in the entire European Nation. As for the world, Ivy thought she might be in the top ten percentages, maybe. Dudley appeared to want to argue with her but Ivy was having none of that.

"If you must, then do me a favor. Take care of your baby. No matter what the gender is, no matter what they say or do, you will be the child's father, first and foremost." The unspoken mention of her own warped childhood was implied. Dudley laid one hand on her shoulder to ground both Ivy and him.

"I'll put them before myself, before my mother, before my father." Ivy felt the slight tingle of Magic in the air. The promise of a parent, a father who will protect their child over their own parents, it was accepted by Magic and the promise will guide him in his life.

"Good." Ivy moved away from Dudley as they reached the end of the block. She walked towards the wooded area, when Dudley yelled her name. She looked back, green eyes caught onto his blue ones. He was nervous, scared, but determined.

"When it happens, can you do me a favor?" Curious of his favor, Ivy made a vague gesture of her head to keep going. When no outright objection was heard, Dudley blurted out his request.

"Be their godmother." A warm tingling filled Ivy's body. Magic filled her, warmed her soul, and for a moment, she felt alive again. She had a goal now.

"I would have settled for Aunt, but being Godmother won't be a problem."


A/N: I know I should be updating my other fics, but this really really REALLY rolled around my head lately. I blame My Way Home is Through Youby LucySaxonWrites. I love it, it made me curious about Glee and then I start watching it and let me just say, if I was attending McKinley, all you would hear about would be the tiny Asian chick with the dirty mouth who's slushy-ing anyone who slushy someone else.

Side note, this story starts off in the 70s, I think? I tried to find info on the timeline of British History but the search got annoying. So what little I did find out, will be more than fictional. Oh and mentions of abortion, condoms, and anything else that should not belong in the 70s, well, I'm sorry and using creative license until this fic reaches present day.

Edit: I made a small change from Euros to pounds. Thanks to frannienzbabe for pointing it out to me!

Disclaimer: I do not own either Glee or Harry Potter. If I did, Kurt would either be with Puck or Sebastian and he would be going to either New York no matter what. Harry would have left Ginny and got together with Hermione. But I don't, so doesn't matter my dreams and wishes.