Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus.

For the first time in his life, Percy had rendered Annabeth speechless. Under different circumstances, he'd be rather proud of himself (and lock this moment away to tease Annabeth with later). However, that wasn't the case.

The pair had made their way back to Camp Half-Blood during Spring Break of their senior year. Thanks to the magical borders around camp, the weather was warm and sunny compared to the rainy season the city had been enduring. The two of them were hanging out in Cabin Three (against the rules, but no one needed to know that), and it was like another day at camp. The only thing that was out of place was Annabeth's bewildered expression.


"I love you."

She sat up from where she was lying next to him. He watched as she blinked a few times, like she was still trying to register the words that had just come out of his mouth.

"You-I... What?"

Percy let out an uneasy laugh.

"Annabeth, I already said it twice. You're going to make me repeat it again?"

She ignored his question, instead bringing her fingers up to her temples and closing her eyes, like she had a headache.

"You just said that you love me."

This wasn't the response Percy had been expecting. A roll of her eyes and an "I love you too, Seaweed Brain," sure. Or maybe a heart-racing kiss. Even spontaneous tears of joy seemed more fitting. But not this.

"Yeah, I did." His own confused expression washed over his face.

Annabeth opened her eyes again, but she wasn't looking at him. Actually, it seemed like she was trying to look anywhere except towards him.

"Percy, I-We're not even eighteen yet."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "So?"

"So?" She finally turned to face him. "Percy, you don't love me. We don't even know what love is!"

Getting up from the bunk, Annabeth began pacing in the cabin.

"That's your excuse?" He got up too, stopping right in front of her so she couldn't pace anymore. He didn't think he'd be so mad, but he could feel the anger simmering inside of him. "You think, because we're too young, we don't know what love is? That's why you don't believe that I love you?" he asked hotly.

He hadn't realized he'd been shouting until he heard his voice echoing off the walls. Annabeth's usually bright gray eyes were as cold as steel.

"It's not an excuse. I'm just being rational. Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself? If you haven't noticed, Percy, we are young. And maybe you think you know what love is, but what if you're wrong?"

They were toe to toe now. Annabeth was glaring up at him, her chin raised indignantly. Percy was half expecting lightening to spark at their intense staring contest.

"Would you stop with your logic and rationality bullshit? I'm not trying to be rational, and gods know that love is anything but rational! I didn't tell you that I love you on a whim! I know you call me a Seaweed Brain all the time, but I'm not an idiot! I told you because I meant it! And I thought-" Percy let out a breath he was holding in. "I thought you felt the same way too. Or have I been misreading everything?"

Under the anger coursing through him, Percy could feel his heart wrenching. The moment he spoke the words, they left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had never doubted his relationship with Annabeth before, but the way she couldn't accept what he had told her broke his heart.

Annabeth felt an unexpected pang upon hearing his words. It felt like someone had punched her in the stomach hard.

"How could you even think that?"

"Because I'm trying to tell you that I love you and you're telling me that I'm wrong! But the truth is, I do love you and you can't accept it!"

She swallowed the lump in her throat, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "It-it's not that simple."

"Yes, it is! All those times we saved each other's lives and been there for each other. Every time we got lost and found each other again, doesn't that speak for itself? Why is it so hard to believe? What are you so afraid of?"

The tears Annabeth had been fighting to hold back finally spilled over her cheeks. She tore her death glare from Percy, turning in a futile attempt to keep him from seeing her crying. But he'd already seen everything.

"I should go," she said, her voice trembling.

She turned so she could make her way to the exit, but before she could take two steps, Percy had caught her wrist. He hadn't even realized he had stopped her, until he felt the her warm skin under his hand. There was a part of him that was still angry and disappointed, but a bigger part was telling him that he couldn't let Annabeth go. Not like this.

"Annabeth," his angry tone from before was gone, softer now, "don't leave."

"Percy, let go," she said, still facing away from him.

"No, because if I let you go, I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. So you're going to stay and if we have to fight for the rest of the day to figure this out, I don't care, but you aren't leaving."

Still holding her wrist, he walked around so he was facing her again. Her eyes were trained on the floor of the cabin, but Percy could still see the tears running down her face. He brought his fingers to her chin and raised it gently, so her eyes would meet his. They weren't cold anymore, but Percy was surprised to find that they looked scared. Vulnerable.

"What are you so afraid of?" he repeated, gently this time.

"I told you, it's not that simple."

"Try me."

Annabeth took in a shaky breath, more tears slipping. Percy wasn't about to let her go anywhere. Maybe it was time to let out what had been weighing her down.

"I guess you could say I didn't have the happiest childhood growing up. I know everything worked out in the end, but before, it felt like I was always losing people. First my dad, and then I was running away with Thalia and Luke. But I eventually lost them too. And I loved all of them, but when I lost them it just hurt so much. After that, I was scared of getting hurt again."

Percy nodded for her to continue, wiping her tears away.

"What's worse is that my fatal flaw is hubris. My pride keeps me from making myself vulnerable to other people. I couldn't let anyone hurt me again. If I didn't love anyone, then they wouldn't be able to hurt me. It made sense." She rambled, the words rushing out of her mouth. "Then you came along and screwed all of that up."

She let out a small laugh despite her tears.

"I'm pretty good at that, right?" he asked, his own small smile on his lips.

"No kidding. You've basically turned my life upside down since we met." Annabeth cast her eyes to the floor again. "And it's so hard, because deep down, I know you love me, and I think I love you too." Percy felt his heart flip at her words. "But I'm so scared that you're going to leave like everyone else did. And then I'll get hurt, worse than anyone else has hurt me before. You have no idea what kind of power you have over me."

She heard Percy let out a snort and lifted her head to look at him.

"Are you sure about that, Wise Girl? Gods, for a girl who takes pride in being smart, you can be pretty stupid." Annabeth was about to make a retort, but Percy spoke up again. "You're fatal flaw may be deadly pride, but mine is personal loyalty. Do you realize how many times I've almost died for you? The only way I'm leaving is if I die, and I've made it this far, right?" A grin spread across his face. "And even after that, I'll still be by your side down in Hades. Face it, Annabeth. You're stuck with me forever."

Annabeth's tears had subsided considerably, and now she stared at Percy hopefully. "So, you aren't going to leave?"

"Never. I promise." He brought his hand up to her cheek, brushing away the last few tears. His voice turned serious. "Annabeth, you and I both know that I've been wrong hundreds of times before, and I know that I'm going to be wrong again in the future. But this time, I know I'm right. I'm absolutely positive about this; about us."

She gave him a skeptical look. "How can you be so sure?"

Percy pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

"Because I love you, Wise Girl. Any more stupid questions?" He smiled into her hair, mirroring the same thing she had told him in the back of a truck on their very first quest.

They came apart just enough so he could lean down and kiss her. Warmth spread throughout her body, and she leaned into him closer, snaking her arms around his neck.

When they pulled away Percy saw that, finally, Annabeth was smiling too; a beautiful genuine smile.

All the doubts she had from before had vanished.

"I love you too."

AN: Finally the end to this story! Thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, favorited, or followed! I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm glad so many of you liked it!

As for the chapter itself, I had a few ideas for the "Percy is right" chapter, but this idea stuck out the most to me. It seems just like Annabeth to worry over something as obvious as this, right? I know I made them fight again in this chapter, and I made it more serious again, but they're relationship can't be funny and lighthearted all the time. Besides, it's still a happy ending. *Shrug*

Also, some readers have asked if I could continue this story further, and I was planning on cleaning up some of the drafts and other ideas I had for this story and adding them as deleted scenes or something, but actually, I'd like to use my other ideas as inspiration for new stories or one-shots, so be on the look out for them!

I hope you enjoyed this story! Reviews are welcome and appreciated!

xoxo Cherie