AN: This is the final chapter of Ib. Yes, yes it's true. After the long wait, the final chapter is here! Though, I'd planned on an Epilogue, I might not have one. Who knows? Anyway, it is time to conclude Saving My Savior. All I want to say is that you guys are awesome, and I'm glad you guys enjoyed my story. I had so much fun writing this (even though it doesn't seem like it, I really did), and I'm just so thankful for all the lovely reviews I received! This is also gonna be a fairly long chapter. I have to cram a lot in this one, but that just makes it better, yes? Yes! So, let's finish this!

Disclaimer: I do not Own Ib. If I DID, well…let's just say that Ib would be older, and there would be some romance scenes! :3

Saving My Savior

Chapter 13: Saving My Savior

Garry's feet stopped in front of the one painting that could take him home. He stared at the Fabricated World with anger, but, if he was really being honest with himself, he wouldn't deny that he felt a bit of joy. Finally, he could leave this world and be the man he used to be. Garry was only a few steps away from being free, he could almost taste it. All he had to do was step over the painting; that's all he had to do. His body was forcing him to do as such.

But that's not who I am…I refuse to leave Ib behind after all she's done for me. She made me remember who I really am…and…to leave her here…does she really deserve the same fate that I suffered? But…if I leave, then I'd finally be rid of this hellhole. Wait, what am I saying? I have to go back! I have to save Ib…right?

Garry looked away from the painting, and once again attempted to force his legs away from the painting, but his body wouldn't respond to his brain. Ib… he thought of the brave little girl who'd grown into a stronger woman, determined to save not only himself, but Trina as well. Why couldn't he be that strong? Why did he have to be so soft-hearted? He turned his head in the direction from where his feet had taken him and then silently apologized to Ib, unable to ultimately control his body. Ib…forgive me… His left leg lifted, ready to step over the threshold into the real world, when Garry felt another chill go over and down his body.

"I…love you…"

The hands that had tightly woven themselves around Ib's neck had slackened, and pulled away. The perpetrator sat atop Ib's nearly still body, save for her shallow breathing. The marks around her neck were already beginning to bruise as blood began to rush painfully back to the rest of her body, and her throat burned as she took large gulps of air, as if she'd never breathe again, which was almost the case.

Slowly Ib opened her eyes to face her assailant in the eyes. Trina's blood red eyes mirrored her own, a look of terror set within their ruby depths. She began to lift her shaky hands up to her face, looking down at them as if they were some foreign alien attached to her body. What had she done? How could she have let this go so far, to let her win? She took those shaky hands and smacked them up against her face, covering her eyes as she began to let out heart wrenching sobs.

"Sister…sister…I'm so sorry…please…please, forgive me! PLEASE!" The more desperate her pleas, the louder she sobbed.

Ib slowly sat up and wrapped her arms around Trina, trying to comfort her as best she could, without using her voice. She kissed the top of Trina's forehead and ran her fingers through her chocolate locks, like she used to whenever the young girl was scared.

At first, Trina closed her eyes, relishing the warmth of her sister's embrace once more. Unfortunately, she knew that it would be short lived. Mary would return any second now and the little girl was more than certain that she would take control for good.

Slowly, reluctantly, she pushed Ib away and scuttled a few feet away from Ib, her eyes averted from her older sister's face and…neck. She didn't need to see to know that large, nasty purple bruises were already beginning to form. She didn't need to look into Ib's eyes to know how much she was hurt for merely being pushed away. Trina knew that Ib would always forgive her, which made saying good-bye far more difficult.

"Ib…you need to leave, now! Sis, there's still time! The pink door is unlocked and you can leave! Please, please just leave me here. I know it would hurt you but you have to go. I don't have much more time. I don't want to see you d-" Her words trailed off, her voice no longer having the strength to support her speech as fat tears rolled down her pink cheeks.

"N..t…w…t..o..t..y..u…." came Ib's raspy response.

Trina looked up in surprise as Ib clutched her throat, made some rattling coughs to clear it, and tried again.

"Not without you…" she managed to gasp out. "Never again!"

"B-but…I'll kill you! Don't make me kill my own sister!"

"Never again!" Her voice came out stronger, now.


The tears came faster and harder as Trina began to feel Mary's control take hold once more. She grasped her head into her hands, silently screaming for dominance as she grieved over her situation, over her sister, over Mary. She could not let her win…she would NEVER let Mary win again. She looked to her right, where the toy box lay. She knew what she had to do. Using the last of her control, she forced herself over to the crudely drawn box and leaned forward.

Ib, realizing what Trina was about to do, struggled to stand up. The process was slow and clumsy, at best, but she remained determined to save her sister!

"Trina," her voice stronger than a whisper, now.

"This is the only way, Ib…"

"Don't do it…"

She made her way to the little girl as fast as she could, trying to coax her away at the same time.

"Ib…I love you…" Trina whispered as she stepped up onto the box and leaned further in, her arms spread out like a bird about to take off.

"TRINA, NO!" Ib cried, pouncing the last few inches of distance between the two and latching onto her sister. Screams echoed and faded out of the large room as both girls fell further into the darkness. There was a soft thump as they reached the bottom, followed by a soft yelp from Trina before the world was once again dark.

The first thing Ib heard when she awoke, were wind chimes. The sound of crystal hitting crystal was soothing, and made her feel almost at peace. There was a still, light weight laying atop her body. Ib looked down at the form that was her little sister. Slightly disoriented from the fall, Ib groggily tried to shake Trina awake as she checked her surroundings. They had fallen into the toy box, it would seem. The last time she had fallen through this, she had lost her rose and had placed herself and Garry into a difficult situation, leaving him behind in the end and killing Mary.

"It doesn't have to end that way, you know…" came a voice from behind.

Ib knew that voice; she didn't need to turn her head to know it was Mary.

"What do you want?" she asked bitterly. "You've already won, haven't you? You've taken everything away from me: Garry, my escape from this place, and most importantly, Trina!" Her voice began to rise as she continued to speak. "You've gone to such great lengths just to see me suffer! What more could you possibly want from me? What could you possibly give me that could make ANY of this o.k.?" By now, Ib was shouting. She took deep breaths, finally glaring at the ethereal shadow that was left of Mary.

"Hmm, seems the fall managed to force me out of your little sister for a little while…" she said dismissively, as if to ignore Ib's entire speech. However, she continued. "What could I give you? Why, your sister of course. I can leave her body easily if something is given to me."

Ib raised her eyebrows in disgust, completely done with the demon before her as she gently set her unconscious sister down and stood to face the creature.

"Oh yeah? What would that be," she bit, her voice harsh from use.

Mary giggled and looked straight into Ib's eyes, blue piercing red.

"You. I want you. I will spare your sister's life in exchange for yours. Your soul and mine will share the same body. Then, we will be together forever! Even if I have to stay in this retched world, I'll have you!"

Ib looked like she was considering it.

"But, how can that be fair to Trina?"

"She will have no memory of you once she awakens and has left this place. Isn't that for the best? You will be saving her life, just as she fought to save yours. However, if you refuse, I will send you away, just as I've sent Gavin away!" Mary was giggling at this point. The choice was harsh, for the ending would wind up bittersweet either way.

Ib knew her choice the moment she looked down at Trina. It was no contest, no other choice. She closed her eyes and leaned down to kiss her sister's forehead one last time.

"I love you, too, Trina," she whispered softly, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She stood up once more and turned to Mary once more, her tender expression turning fierce once more.

"You have a deal, but only if I can do one more thing!"

"Oh dear, you humans really are sappier than I originally thought. Fine, do as you wish, but no sooner than after you've finished do I get your body, Ib. You are now bound to this oath. You shall not break it!"

Ib closed her eyes in affirmation. "I know."

"…ke…up…wake up….Hey! Are you okay? Wake up, Trina!"

The young girl in question moaned softly before opening her blood red eyes, only to stare up at a pair of cloudy grey ones.

"mmm….Gavin? What happened?" she asked groggily as he held a hand out to her and pulled her up. The two stood right beside a painting called The Fabricated World, one of Guertena's pieces. Neither could remember what they had been doing.

"I've been looking all over for you, you know? You can't just run off from the group like that, just because I happen to be here, as well. We'll both get in trouble!" Gavin sighed, running his hands through his messy hair.

Trina looked down and gave off a forlorn atmosphere. She then looked up at the young college student with the widest ruby eyes she could muster.

"D-don't…don't look at me like that…" He sighed and held out his hand to her once more. "Ugh, come on, you little snot," he said affectionately.

Trina giggled and clasped her hand around his proffered one tightly, walking down the gallery and away from the painting. "Let's go, Tri—Trina?" Gavin stopped when he realized the girl attached to his hand had stopped moving. She stood transfixed, staring at an 18"x24" with surprise and wonder.

The painting showed a young woman asleep in a bed of red and blue roses, clutching a yellow rose close to her heart. A small smile graced her lips as tear tracks laced her cheeks.

Gavin looked down at the plaque that read "Together Forever".

"She's really pretty…" Trina whispered.

"Yeah, she is," he replied, staring closely at the young woman, as if he'd seen her somewhere before.

"I don't know why, but she makes me sad," Trina said. She then felt something wet hit her hand and she looked up in surprise.

"Gavin, why are you crying?" she asked in alarm.

Gavin, for his part, had no idea what she was talking about until he reached up with his free hand to touch his face. Sure enough, his hand came back wet with tears.

"I…I guess it made me sadder than I thought…" he wavered, giving a tiny laugh.

"Can we take a picture of it?" she asked excitedly.

Gavin looked over at the sign that said, "No Cameras Allowed in the Gallery." He walked towards it to cover the sign as he took out his phone to take the picture. He turned to Trina and said, "Smile."

She stood next to the painting and gave a big smile, but it faded after two minutes of strain, only to have nothing happen.


"That's weird. The battery's dead." He gave his phone a perplexed look.

"I thought you charged it before you left…" Trina said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Me too. Oh well, guess that means no photo today." He walked back to Trina and held his hand out once more to the third grader.

"Come on. You need to get back to your class and I need to get back to my professor."

"Okay," she relented. Trina then looked back up at Gavin as they walked back to her class' group. Her teacher began to gush as she saw the two walk back.

"Aww, that's so adorable. You are such a sweet brother, walking your little sister back."

Gavin flinched slightly at the sentence. He didn't know why, since it was true. He recovered quickly and laughed it off.

"Yeah well, you know how she likes to wander off. She's lucky my class happened to be here, as well."

Trina huffed indignantly and muttered something close to "Snitch."

Gavin stuck his tongue out at his sister as the sibling banter faded out, no one ever noticing the ethereal person watching them, smiling over them.

"Please, be happy, my savior."

The End.

AN: Okay, so this is rushed, I know, but I am completely happy with this ending. Those of you who saw this coming, congratulations! Those who were expecting a…happier ending…I apologize, but no, I'm not changing it. I also probably will not make an Epilogue, as previously mentioned in the top annotations. It's been a whacky three years. I finally graduated college and I just couldn't bring myself to finish this. Then, last night, I couldn't sleep and seeing that my laptop was finally fixed, I had the means to finish this the way I wanted. In the end, I always saw this as the ending for this story.

I want to once again thank everyone who read this story. I know that you had to put up with my shotty updates, but I'm glad that you gave it a read. I don't know what I'm gonna do now that this is done, but I'm up for ideas, since I have…so…SO much time on my hands, now. Let me know!